Bài tập bổ trợ Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 5: Our customs and traditions (Có đáp án)

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nice /naɪs/

trong /strɒŋ/
Consonant /n/
(Phụ âm /n/)
/n/ is a voiced consonant sound.
To make this sound, put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your top teeth.
Use the voice and make the air through the nose.
It's pronounced /n/...../n/.

Consonant / ŋ /
(Phụ âm / ŋ /)
/ŋ/ is the voiced consonant sound.
To make this sound, touch the back of the roof of your mouth with the back of your tongue.
Use your voice and make the air through your nose.
It's pronounced /ŋ/ ......./ŋ/.
1.1. Những từ cĩ chữ "n" được phát âm là /n/
làn đường
xanh lá cây
chủ đất, địa chủ

1.2. Những từ cĩ chữ "nn" cũng được phát âm là /n/
mơn quần vợt
con thỏ
(câu chuyện) buồn cười
súng đại bác

NOTE: Từ cĩ chứa chữ “kn” phát âm là /n/ khi nĩ đứng đầu từ, khi đĩ “k” là âm câm nên sẽ khơng được phát âm.
nút thắt
con dao

2. "n" được phát âm là /ŋ/ chỉ khi nĩ đứng trước các từ cĩ chứa các âm /k/ và /g/
bác, chú
đơn độc, một mình
gĩc, xĩ

Ngoại lệ:
"n" ở các từ sau vẫn phát âm là /n/ vì g ghép với nguyên âm phía sau để tạo nên một âm khác và được phát âm là /dʒ/
lạ lùng
thử thách
người lạ
nguy hiểm

Task 1. Pick out the word which has /n/ or /ŋ/, then divide them into correct columns.

Know	 tenth	 anthem	 ceremony	sink anxiously
anger singer tennis
winner 	Meaningful	 Uncle 	think
Task 2: Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. invitation 	B. celebration 	C. tradition 	D. information 
2. A. custom 	B. invite 	C. greeting 	D. manner 
3. A. polluted	B. pagoda	C. separate	D. reflection
4. A. important	B. glorious	C. bargain	D. passenger
5. A. patient	B. ancient	C. advance	D. cancer
6. A. resident	B. cutlery	C. ancestor	D. permission
7. A. generation	B. presentation 	C. necessity	D. obligation
8. A. respect	B. mention	C. expert	D. worship
9. A. pagoda	B. complement	C. society	D. tradition
10. A. custom	B. explain	C. chopstick	D. manner
acrobatics (n)
xiếc, các động tác nhào lộn
admire (v)
khâm phục, ngưỡng mộ
bad spirit
/bỉd ˈspɪrɪt/
điều xấu xa, tà ma
bamboo pole
/bỉmˈbuː pəʊl/
cây nêu
carp (n)
con cá chép
coastal (adj)
thuộc miền ven biển, duyên hải
ceremony (n)
nghi thức, nghi lễ
chase away
/ʧeɪs əˈweɪ/
xua đuổi
contestant (n)
thí sinh, người thi đấu
decorative (adj)
cĩ tính trang trí, để trang trí
family bonding
/ˌfỉməli ˈbɒndɪŋ/
sự gắn kết tình cảm gia đình
family reunion
/ˌfỉməli ˌriːˈjuːniən/
cuộc sum họp gia đình
festival goer
/ˈfestɪvl ˌɡəʊə/
người đi xem lễ hội
lantern (n)
đèn lồng
longevity (n)
sự sống lâu, tuổi thọ
martial arts (n)
/ˌmɑːʃl ˈɑːts/
võ thuật
monk (n)
nhà sư
offering (n)
đồ thờ cúng
ornamental tree
/ˌɔːnəˈmentl triː/
cây cảnh
Task 1. Look at the picture and put the words in the box under the correct picture.
wedding ceremony 
 whale worship
ornamental tree
food offerings
family reunion
martial arts
festival goers
blooming flowers
communal house
decorative items
bamboo pole


1. . food offerings.......
2. . ornament tree........
3. . family reunion........

4. wedding ceremony.....
5. martial arts.............
6. communal house.........

8. . blooming flowers.....
9. . festival goers..............

10. . whale worshop..............
11. . bamboo pole............
12. decorative items...........

Task 2. Fill in blanks with the words given.
table manner
sense of belonging
spot on

Your table manners are awful, don't you know how to use a knife and fork?
The major items of cutlery in Western dining style are the knife, fork, and spoon.
The extended family generally consists of at least three generations - grandparents, parents, and children living together.
The host will offer you drinks or foods if he invites you to his home.
It's the tradition in Japan to take your shoes off when you go into someone's house.
The weather forecast was spot on - it rained all day!
Are you sure that other people have had a sense of belonging in your group?
My extended family has a custom of having reunions every summer.
You shouldn't point the prong of the fork upwards during the meal.
Please be here at seven o'clock sharp.
Task 3. Match the words with their definition.
main course
a person in your family who lived a longtime ago
the way in which two people or things are not like each other
the practice of showing respect for God ora god, by saying prayers, singing with others, etc.
the behavior that is considered correct while you are having a meal at a table with other people
the most substantial course of a meal
a remark that expresses praise or admiration of somebody
the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal
table manner
a marriage ceremony, and the meal or party that usually follows it
a child of a particular person or couple
a belief, custom or way of doing something that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people

4- J
5- F
6 -B
7- I
9 -H

Task 4. Complete he sentences with the words in the box
1. The wai is the traditional	 of people in Thailand. 
	A. goodbye 	B. hello	C. greeting	D. greetings 
2. When two Maori people meet, they	 each other's noses.
	A. touch	B. feel	C. take	D. kiss 
3. Do you know the way to welcome people in Tibet? 
	A. custom	B. customer	C. customary 	D. tradition 
4. The xoe dance is a spiritual 	of Thai ethnic people. 
	A. customs	B. tradition	C. habit	D. dance 
5. In Viet Nam you shouldn't use only the first name to	 people older than you. 
	A. speak	B. talk	C. say 	D. address
6. We are going to prepare sticky rice served with grilled chicken for the celebration.
	A. five colours	B. five-colours	C. five-colour 	D. five-coloured 
7. A tradition is something special that is 	 through the generations. 
	A. passed 	B. passed to 	C. passed down 	D. passed out 
8. According to the	 in England, we have to use a knife and fork at dinner 
	A. table ways 	B. table manners 	C. behaviours 	D. differences 
9. We have to	our shoes when we go inside a pagoda.
	A. take off 	B. give off 	C. turn off 	D. put on 
10. In Australia, you shouldn't	on a person's accent. 
	A. comment	B. criticize 	C. hate 	D. dislike 
Task 5. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. The children in our family are always _ respectful ______ to their elders. 
2. Custom ___ differs __________ from tradition in some aspects such as scale and time. 
3. Don’t use your personal chopsticks to get food from the ___ serving __________ dish. 
4. Many families have three _ generations ____________, which create unique cultural features. 
5.The tribe has different _ ceremonial masks for each ceremony

6. What is the _ similarity ___between a custom and a tradition? 
7.In Viet Nam, we usually wait for the __ oldest __person to sit down before you sit down. 
8. Is he	permitted	 to break the customs of her family?
9. Today, we are going to discuss the	necessity	 of traditions.
10. At the end of the service, a lot of __ worship __________ streamed down to the altar

ZERO Article
Sometimes it is possible to have a noun phrase with NO article—the so-called "ZERO article".
I need a bowl of rice. ← indefinite article
I like the rice in this restaurant. ← definite article
I eat (-) rice every day. ← ZERO article
The ZERO article usually occurs in the following cases:
ZERO Article with Plural and Uncountable Nouns
General meaning
cars, people
life, water
Abstract nouns
education, happiness, music
ZERO Article with Singular Countable Nouns
People: Mary, Bill, Josef
Places: Jupiter, Russia, Bangkok, Heathrow Airport, Cambridge University, Waterloo Station
Streets: Oxford Street, Wall Street, Picadilly Circus
Languages: English, Russian
Academic subjects: History, Law, Physics
Days, months: Monday, November
Games and Sports
football, chess
breakfast, lunch, dinner
Noun + Number
platform 3, room 7, page 44
Routine Places
in bed, at home, to school, to work
Movement or Transport
on foot, by car, by bus, by air
Newspaper Headlines, Notices, User Guides
Plane Crashes On House, Keep Area Clean, Insert battery
Should and Shouldn’t.
Dạng khẳng định:	S + should + V-inf
Dạng phủ định:	S + shouldn’t/ should not + V-inf
Dạng nghi vấn:	Should+ S + V-inf?
 Should thường được dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên.
	Ví dụ:
	You look tired. You should go to bed.
	Bạn trơng cĩ vẻ mệt mỏi. Bạn nên đi ngủ.
	The rich should do something to help the homeless people.
	Người giàu nên làm điều gì đĩ để giúp đỡ người vơ gia cư.
	Should we invite her to the party?
	Chúng ta cĩ nên mời cơ ấy đi dự tiệc khơng?
	Ta cũng thường dùng should để đưa ra ý kiến.
	Ví dụ:
	Ithink she should do exercise more.
	Tơi nghĩ cơ ây nên tập thể dục nhiều hơn.
	I don’t think he should work too hard.
	Tơi khơng nghĩ anh ấy nên làm việc quá nặng.
	Do you think they should apply for this job?
	Bạn cĩ nghĩ họ nên ứng tuyển cơng việc này khơng?
Shouldn’t thường được dùng để khuyên ai đĩ khơng nên làm gì.
	You shouldn’t talk freely in class.
	Bạn khơng nên nĩi tự do trong lớp.
	They shouldn’t be lazy.
	Họ khơng nên lười biếng
 Task 1. Fill in the blank with a/an/the or zero article (x).
1. Your soup is so good. THE_______ meat is pretty tender.
2. Are you interested in ___X____ Science or ___X____ Music?
3. They got married but ___THE____ marriage wasn’t very successful.
4. Do you know any of __THE_____ people who live across _THE______ road?
5. After ____X___ work, the boss usually invites his staff to _THE______ pub.
6. When mom was ill, ___A____ lot of her friends came to __THE_____ hospital to visit her.
7. Many people hate ____X___ violence, but they like to watch it in __X_____ movies.
8. Have you ever visited ___X____ Madame Tussauds in London?
9. _____X__ life would be difficult without _THE______ useful machines and gadgets we have today.
10. I’m on ____X___ night duty this week.
11. I know someone who wrote ___A____ book about ____X___ American presidents.
12. __THE_____ World War II ended in 1945.
13. __THE_____ fumes of cars and factories are _THE______ primary reasons for ____X___ air pollution.
14. He was __AN_____ unsuccessful musician when he came to this town.
15. Don't stay in that hotel. ___THE____ beds there are very uncomfortable.
16. The car sped away at __A_____ hundred km ___AN____ hour.
17. John doesn't usually go to ___X____ church on ___X____ Sundays.
18. He was sent to ____X___ prison for __X_____ murder.
19. At ___THE____ beginning of his speech, he spoke about __X_____ tourism in general.
20. We usually go by ___X____ train, but today we're taking ___A____ bus.
Task 2. Complete the sentences with a/an, the or 0 (no article).
1. I'm glad that you had _____a_______ wonderful time here.
2. It takes me ______an______ hour to get to Melbourne, ____the________ city with 4 seasons in ___a_________ day.
3. What about taking ____a________ tour to Phillip Island?
4. My mother went to ____________ school to meet ___the_________ principal this morning.
5. Last summer, we travelled to many places. We visited ___0_________ Taj Mahal in ____________ India, climbed ______the______ Mount Everest in ____the________ Himalayas, and took a cruise to _______0_____ Bahamas.
6. I love __________0__ Spain. 	I find __________0__ Spanish very friendly, but I can’t say much in _____0_______ Spanish.
7. My friend Brian is _____0_______ Scot. On ____a________ special occasions, he wears _________0___ kilt and plays the bagpipe.
8. ___The_________ Mississippi	 River flows into _the__________ Gulf of Mexico in _____the_______ state of Louisiana.
9. After ____0________ World	 War II, ____the________ United Nations was formed.
10. People eat chocolate all over _the__________ world. It is probably ____the________ most popular candy.
Task 3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
1. I would live to live by _______ sea
A. the 	B. a 	C. an 	D. x
2. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at _______ sea.
A. a 	B. an 	C. the 	D. x
3. There are billions of stars in _______ space.
A. a 	B. an 	C. x 	D. the
4. He tried to park his car but _______ space wasn't big enough.
A. the 	B. a 	C. an 	D. x
5. We often watch _______ television
A. the 	B. a 	C. an 	D. x
6. Can you turn off _______ television, please? 
A. the 	B. a	C. an 	D. x
7. We had _______ dinner in a restaurant.
A. a 	B. an 	C. x 	D. the
8. We had _______ meal in a restaurant.
A. a 	B. an	C. the	D. x
9. Thank you. That was _______ very nice lunch.
A. a	B. an	C. the	D. x
10. Where can _______ people buy everything they need?
A. the	B. a	C. an	D. x
11. Her parents are now working in _______ Europe.
A. the	B. a	C. an	D. x
12. He majors in _______ English.
A. a	B. an	C. the	D. x
13. Mark Twain, _______ American writer, wrote “Life on the Mississippi River”.
A. an	B. a	C. the	D. x
14. Paris is splendid by _______ night.
A. a	B. an	C. the	D. x
15. We might be able to catch _______ last train if we hurried.
A. a	B. an	C. the	D. x
16. _______ used razor blade is useless thing.
A. The – the 	B. A-a	C. An – an	D. x – x
17. We live at _______ third house from the church.
A. the	B. a	C. an	D. x
18. My aunt has _______ interesting novel.
A. the	B. a	C. an	D. x
19. It was _______ best film I had ever read.
A. the	B. an	C. a	D. x
20. A video lab is _______ useful means for language learning.
A. the 	B. an	C. a	D. x
Task 4. There are five grammar mistakes in this passage. Find and correct them.
How much time do you spend
Depending on the restaurant you decide upon for that evening, you may be require to use chopsticks. If for some reasons you aren’t too adept with chopsticks, try to learn before pass through immigration. It’s really not that hard. One false assumption among many Japanese that’s slowly being dispelled by time are the “uniqueness” of Japan. Japan is a island nation; Japan is the only country that has four seasons; foreigners can’t understand Japan; only Japanese can use chopsticks properly.
I cannot count the number of times I’ve been told how to use Japanese chopsticks but I couldn’t use perfectly. If you’re dining in a Japanese, don’t be surprised if you receive a look of amazement at your ability to eat like a Japanese.

require -> required
pass -> passing
are -> is
a -> an
in -> with
 Task 6. Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
How much time do you spend
1.	Some people think young people should to follow the tradition of the society.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
2.	According for tradition, the first person to enter the house on New Year’s Eve brings 
 A	 B	 C 
either good luck or bad luck	
3.	The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important ceremony in 
 A	 B	 C
Vietnamese culture.	
4. The Japanese are familiar with the western custom to eat a turkey dinner for Christmas.
	A	 B	 C	 C
5.	In Vietnam the engagement is sometimes considered much important than the wedding.
 A	 B	 C	 D	
6.	Dressing well is important in South Korea; it is considered a sign of respectful.
	A	 B	 C	 D
7.In India, you shouldn’t never use your left hand to eat because it’s considered is respectful. 	A B	 C	 D 
8. He asked me anxiously what he has to do when visiting a Vietnamese home.
	A	 B	 C	 D
9.	Another typical musical instrument of the Raglai is the flat gong called Ma La.
	 A 	 B	 C	 D
10. I want to visit the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology to learn for 54 ethnic minority groups. 	 A B	 C D	
1. C (follow)
6. D (respect)
2. A (According to)
7. A (should)
3. C (ceremonies)
8. B (had to)
4. C (of eating)
9. D (the Ma La)
5.C (more)
10. D (about)

Task 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 09)
1.	Traditional Vietnamese (1) .. customs........................... and habits have been formed time to time for thousands of years.

	2.	Vietnamese culture is the original cultural values of the country stronglythat define the (2) ....... identity...................... and the long-lastingness of culturein Vietnam.
	3.	Vietnamese people have habits of worshiping (3) ..... ancestors........................ andchewing betel.
	4.	There are lots of (4) ...... festivals....................... in Vietnam especially in Spring.
	5.	Customs and habits of Vietnamese people (5) ....... vary...................... from region to region.
Task 2:Listen and decide if the statements are True( T) or False( F)
Vietnamese people remain their unique cultural identity in spite of the domination of Chinese and other powers.
Vietnamese culture is the combination of native culture and Australian culture.
Funeral ceremony and long-life ceremony are associated with community of villages and communes.
Tet Nguyen Dan is a popular festival in Vietnam.
Summer is the season of festival in Vietnam.
	Traditional Vietnamese customs and habits have been formed time to time forthousands of years. This creates a long-lasting culture. Despite the domination of Chinese and other powers, Vietnamese people still remains their unique cultural identity.
	In the course of development, customs and habits are indispensable spiritual field in Vietnamese culture. It is the original cultural values of the country strongly that define the identity and the long-lastingness of culture in Vietnam. In the entire history of Vietnam, Vietnamese culture is the combination of native culture, cultural exchange with China, Asian region and western countries. However, with a firm native culture, Vietnamese people keep their culture away from being assimilated, and ‘Vietnamizing” those cultural features instead. Vietnamese culture is characterized by a series of unique customs and habits such as worshiping ancestors, chewing betel, and other customs in traditional ceremonies like funeral ceremony, long-life ceremony, etc. These customs and habits are associated with community of villages and communes. Vietnam is a country of festivals, especially in spring. There are several famous festivals featuring Vietnamese culture like Tet Nguyen Dan, Tet Nguyen Tieu, Tet HanThuc, Tet Doan Ngo, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc. Yet, customs and habits of Vietnamese people vary from region to region, and ethnic group to ethnic group.
Task 1. Match the questions and answers. Then practice.
1. Hi, Dan. How was your trip to Italy?
2. I heard you had a new friend. Is she Italian?
3. You went to her home? How exciting! 
4. How was the dinner?
5. Why? Was there any problem?
6. Really? Why not search them on Google beforehand?
7. And now? Do you know everything about them?
8. I can help you to practice it. Let's go to an Italian restaurant

1- g 
4- h
5- e
a. Yes. Her name's Sofia. I went to her home last Saturday.
b. No, not everything. However, I'll try my best next time.
c.You're kidding! But thank you anyway.
d.Well, I was invited for dinner.
e. Yeah. I was a bit confused about Italian table manners.
f. I did but Italian table manners are so complicated.
g. Oh, it was great.
h. The food was good, but I felt somewhat embarrassed.
Task 2. Rearrange the sentences to make a complete conversation.
____Thanks for teaching me. How about the customs before a meal? I'm a little nervous...
____No. We sit on a mat with foods on a tray in the middle. Everyone has a bowl and a pair of chopsticks.
____Let's see if I can follow you!
____No, in my parents house. We'll have a big meal with my family members.
____Yes, you can have a spoon, but no fork and knife. I'll teach you to use chopsticks.
____In your parents' house? But I don't know your table manners.
_1___Hey Jennifer! I would like to invite you to our dinner.
____Chopsticks? I don't know how to use them. Is there any fork, knife or spoon?

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