Bài tập chuyên đề Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Phần 4

docx1 trang | Chia sẻ: Thái Huyền | Ngày: 16/05/2024 | Lượt xem: 53 | Lượt tải: 0download
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Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. I would visit you if there ______ quite a lot of people in your house.
A. weren't 	B. haven't been 	C. wouldn't be 	D. won't be
02. If you catch the bus, you ______ late for work.
A. wouldn’t be 	B. won’t be 	C. would be 	D. don’t be 
03. If I ______ chance, I will readily express my feelings.
A. had 	B. will have 	C. have 	D. would have
04. Unless he studies harder, he ______ the coming entrance examination.
A. will fail	B. had fail	C. would fail	D. fail
05. Will you be angry if someone ______ your pocket dictionary?
A. stole 	B. have stolen 	C. would steal 	D. steals
06. If he made a mistake by telling her a lie, he ______ punished.
A. isn't 	B. doesn't be	C. will be 	D. would be
07. John will be taking a great risk if he ______ his money in that business.
A. would invest 	B. invested 	C. had invested 	D. invests
08. She wouldn't have given them all that money if we ______ her to.
A. wouldn’t advise 	B. won't advise 	C. hadn't advised 	D. didn't advise
09. If the wall hadn't been so high, he ______ what was happening inside the garden. 
A. would have seen 	B. saw 	C. will see 	D. seen 
10. If the tree weren't so high, he ______ it to get some fruits.
A. climb 	B. would climb	C. climbed 	D. will climb 
11. If I had known her phone number, I ______ her last night.
A. can phoned 	B. can phoning 	C. could phone	D. would have phoned
12. If he ______ the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him.
A. tells 	B. told 	C. had told 	D. would tell
13. What ______ if I press that button?
A. would happen 	B. will happen 	C. happen	D. happened
14. I am very thin. I think, if I ______ smoking, I might get fat.
A. stop 	B. had stopped 	C. will stop 	D. stopped
15. If I ______ that yesterday, I would have informed them.
A. had discovered 	B. will discover 	C. discovered 	D. would discover 
16. If you attend the course regularly, they ______ you a certificate soon.
A. gave 	B. will give	C. give 	D. would give
17. She will get a good seat if she ______ earlier than the others.
A. comes	B. came	C. have come	D. will come
18. If I ______ in London now, I could visit British Museum.
A. were 	B. had been 	C. have been 	D. would be
19. If you don't wear shabby clothes, you ______ more good-looking.
A. will be 	B. would be 	C. would have been 	D. are
20. If your hair ______ grey now, what would you do?
A. went 	B. goes 	C. had gone 	D. has gone 
21. If I ______ an Angel, I would try to make happy all the children.
A. am 	B. have been 	C. were 	D. had been
22. I will go to the seaside if the weather ______ good.
A. stayed 	B. stays 	C. would stay 	D. will stay
23. If people pay more attention to the environment, the Earth ______ greener.
A. would be	B. will be	C. would have been	D. had been
24. I won't work for them if they ______ me twice my current salary.
A. wouldn’t pay	B. will pay	C. paid	D. don’t pay
25. There ______ less conflict in the world if all people spoke the same language.
A. would be 	B. will be 	C. were 	D. was 
26. Computers ______ able to do almost all things if they become as smart as humans.
	A. would be 	B. be 	C. is	D. will be 

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