Bài tập Chuyên đề Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Phần 2

docx2 trang | Chia sẻ: Thái Huyền | Ngày: 16/05/2024 | Lượt xem: 75 | Lượt tải: 0download
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03. PASSIVE:..
 Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. The beautiful shirt which ______ especially for the top model quickly became a trend of fashion.
A. is made	B. has made	C. made	D. was made
02. The university where he studied ______ by private funds as well as by tuition income.
A. was supported	B. supports	C. is supporting	D. has supported
03. This is the first time I have seen this car. Where ______?
A. does it make	B. did it made	C. is it make	D. was it made
04. Today, many serious childhood diseases ______ by early immunization.
A. are preventing	B. can be prevented	C. prevent	D. can prevent
05. The flight attendant reminded the man that smoking ______ there.
A. was not allowed 	B. not allowed        	C. not to allow           	D. does not allow
06. Many U.S automobiles ______ in Detroit, Michigan, which makes the area a home for cars.
A. manufacture	B. manufactured	C. are manufactured	D. to manufacture
07. So much progress ______ that there may be space-frights to Mars
A. made	B. are made	C. has been made	D. will make
08. Those eggs which ______ in Russia of different colors are very artistic.
A. were painted	B. paint	C. were painting	D. painted
09. Gold ______ in California in the nineteenth century and the Gold Rush arose.
A. was discovered	B. has discovered	C. discover	D. they discovered
10. I still cannot believe it. My bicycle ______ some minutes ago.
A. was stolen	B. was stealing	C. stolen	D. stole
11. Many people ______ homeless after the fierce storm last month. 
 	A. were made	B. made 	C. is made 	D. were making 
12. Some funny stories ______ by my friends in class yesterday.
A. told	B. were told	C. tell	D. is told
13. Many traffic accidents ______ by drivers’ carelessness, irresponsibility and bad driving.
A. cause	B. caused	C. are caused	D. are causing
14. He ______ by his parents because he was lazy and had successive bad marks.
A. punished	B. was punished	C. punish	D. has punished
15. According to the safely rules, all the planes ______ by skilled mechanic before their departure.
A. is checked	B. checked	C. check	D. will be checked
16. He is one of the school’s black sheep who ______ by the teacher smoking in the bathroom.
A. catch	B. to catch	C. caught	D. was caught
17. Some of the broken desks in our classrooms ______ by the carpenters soon. 
 	A. will be repaired	B. repair	C. be repaired	D. repaired
18. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. The village ______ completely.
A. destroyed	B. is destroyed	C. was destroyed	D. destroying
19. Dynamite ______ by Alfred Bernard Nobel many years ago.
A. have invented	B. invented	C. was invented	D. invent
20. Will this work ______ before you go to Moscow next month?
A. be completed	B. complete	C. completing	D. is completed
21. The continent of America ______ by Columbus on his expedition in 1492.
A. discovered	B. discovering	C. is discovered	D. was discovered
22. Parrots and crows ______ the most intelligent birds and most beloved pets.
A. consider	B. are considered	C. considered	D. will consider
23. We strongly believe that something ______ at once to solve the problems of frequent power-cuts.
A. is doing	B. will do	C. done	D. must be done
24. This shirt ______ to me by my sister on my last birthday.
A. gave	B. was given	C. has given	D. was give
25. According to the Instructor that picture ______ by Johnny in the 19th century.
A. painted	B. was painted	C. is painted	D. has painted
26. It is said that this place ______ to make room for a new tower.
A. will clear	B. will be cleared	C. clear	D. cleared
04. Q-TAGS:...
Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. You are feeling hungry after a long journey without eating anything, ______?
A. was you	B. aren’t you	C. have you	D. don’t you
02. Her son has just come back to work after a long vacation, ______?
A. hasn’t he	B. is he	C. didn’t he	D. will he
03. You will contact Mr. Mike to ask about the details of the project, ______?
A. are you	B. won’t you	C. have you	D. didn’t you
04. Your mother had to cycle to work all the long way years ago, ______?
	A. wasn’t she 	B. was she	C. didn’t she 	D. did she
05. You were driving home when you saw Lan, ______?
	A. didn't you	B. weren't you	C. wouldn't you	D. hadn't you
06. Her parents have come back to their home country for years, ______?
	A. do they	B. don’t they 	C. have they	D. haven’t they
07. Banh Chung is not a Vietnamese traditional dish, ______?
A. is it	B. isn’t it	C. was it	D. wasn’t it
08. Never say that again, ______?
A. can you	B. shall you	C. will you 	D. didn’t you
09. Your mother has a small business, ______?
A. has she	B. hasn’t she	C. doesn’t she	D. does she
10. His mother cleans the floor in the afternoon every day, ______?
A. hasn’t she	B. will she	C. doesn’t she	D. did she
11. The raw sewage needs to be chemically treated, ______?
	A. doesn’t it 	B. needn’t it 	C. does it 	C. need it 
12. You finished your assignment and handed in yesterday, ______?
A. have you	B. won’t you	C. do you	D. didn’t you
13. Women will no longer have to do hard work nowadays as they used to, ______?
A. will they 	B. aren’t they 	C. don’t they 	D. won’t they
14. The Moon goes round the Earth, ______?
	A. isn’t it	B. did it	C. does it	D. doesn't it
15. Children are no longer interested in watching cartoon films, ______?
A. aren’t they 	B. are they 	C. do they 	D. don't they
16. You can really cook Italian food, ______?
A. haven’t you 	B. didn’t you 	C. won't you 	D. can’t you
17. There isn’t anyone there, ______?
	A. isn’t it 	B. was there 	C. is there 	D. didn’t it
18. This doesn’t matter you much, ______?
	A. does this	B. doesn't this	C. doesn't it	D. does it
19. Nobody phoned while I was out, ______?
	A. wasn’t I	B. was I	C. did they	D. didn’t they
20. Look at the picture! These are your brothers, ______?
	A. aren’t these	B. are these	C. aren't they	D. do they
21. I am right, ______?
A. am I	B. aren’t I	C. am not I	D. ain’t I
22. Let’s explain it to him, ______?
A. shall I	B. shall we	C. will you	D. do you
23. Nothing will be better, ______?
A. will it	B. won’t it	C. will they	D. won’t they
24. You wouldn't like another drink, ______?
	A. wouldn't you 	B. would you	C. are you 	D. don’t you
25. The children weren't surprised at the new changes, ______?
	A. were they 	B. weren't they 	C. did they 	D. didn’t they
26. Everybody will be better soon, ______?
A. will it	B. won’t it	C. will they	D. won’t they

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