Bài tập Chuyên đề Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Phần 3

docx2 trang | Chia sẻ: Thái Huyền | Ngày: 16/05/2024 | Lượt xem: 96 | Lượt tải: 0download
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 Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. He was the hero of the villagers because he was ______ first to have a Bachelor Degree. 
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
02. According to the terms of ______ contract, we had to supply the tenants with necessary utility.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
03. He took ______ umbrella and went out without saying a word.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
04. She wanted to apply for ______ post in a foreign enterprise in the area.
A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (zero article)
05. This is ______ first time he has ever eaten this kind of food.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
06. The little boy told his mother that he hated ______ doctors. 
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
07. Christmas Eve is ______ best time for us to go out for a special, romantic evening.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
08. I have to try hard day by day so as to win a place at ______ university later.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
09. ______ large number of animals went extinct because of natural disasters. 
	A. A	B. An	C. The	D. 0 (no article)
10. Could you lend me some more? I’ve spent ______ money you gave me yesterday. 
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
11. Air pollution is getting more and more serious in ______ big cities such as Hanoi and Beijing.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
12. It’s said that ______ Japanese have a very high life expectancy.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
13. Look! There are some clouds in ______ sky. I think it’s going to rain. 
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
14. After I leave college, I want to travel around ______ world.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
15. I'd like you to give me ______ honest answer about this matter.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
16. Before making ______ decision, do an assessment of how you want to use your phone.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
17. She is ______ honor to her family, friends, team-mates and the nation.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
18. Most of my friends admire Milan as she can play ______ piano so beautifully. 
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
19. What did you have for ______ breakfast this morning?
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
20. As I was walking home last night, I saw ______ accident.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
21. What ______ unit! I can’t get anything in my head. 
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
22. Did you read ______ book I lent you last week.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
23. The little boy told his mother that he hated ______ doctors. 
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
24. In ______ Philippines, 23.7% of the population lived below the national poverty line in 2021.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
25. Whenever I have chance to travel I like to go by ______ train to enjoy the surroundings.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
26. We should do something immediately to conserve ______ nature
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (no article)
Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. There are direct flights from Hanoi to Hue ______ Mondays.
A. on	B. in	C. at 	D. for
02. It is an intelligent boy who is very good ______ calculating and writing.
A. in	B. for	C. on	D. at
03. The students are all excited ______ going on a picnic to the countryside tomorrow.
A. in	B. about	C. on	D. to
04. My niece was afraid ______ walking alone in the dark.
A. off	B. of	C. at	D. between
05. In our country, elderly people are always looked ______ by their young.
A. from	B. along	C. to	D. after
06. My sister is very aware ______ the importance of being good at English. 
A. about	B. of	C. at	D. with
07. Will you take care of my little dog when I am ______ business?
A. over	B. away	C. on	D. at
08. The plans have been discussed ______ television for a year now.
A. on	B. off	C. in	D. for
09. Students are interested ______ the stories told by Jane. 
	A. in 	B. above 	C. upon 	D. of
10. Daniel is very much ambitious and he never gives ______ his hope.
	A. for 	B. with	C. at 	D. up
11. Columbus discovered America ______ the 15th century.
A. on 	B. at 	C. in	D. to
12. Only a few of the guests are really keen ______ the drinks served at the party.
	A. in	B. on	C. at	D. with
13. She likes reading books ______ the library when he has free time.
	A. in 	B. at	C. on	D. from
14. Mrs. Green is keen ______ cooking Italian food. 
A. on	B. of 	C. at 	B. with 	
15. Hurry up, or you’ll be late ______ school.
	A. for	B. in	C. at	D. on
16. The city shouldn’t be crowded ______ with beggars and thieves.
	A. off	B. from	C. by	D. with
17. Would you like to go shopping ______ Sunday morning?
A. of	B. about	C. at	D. on
18. We might need more food, depending ______ how many people turn up.
 	A. for	B. on	C. at	D. with
19. What he did was very different ______ what he said.
	A. with	B. from	C. since	D. for 
20. She is absent ______ class again, and this is the third time.
 	A. at	B. from	C. to	D. away
21. Jane doesn't spend much money ______ clothes.
 	A. over	B. about	C. at	D. on
22. She always takes good care ______ her children.
 	A. for	B. in	C. of	D. with
23. He has been looking ______ a new job for months, but he hasn’t found one.
A. at 	B. in 	C. for	D. into
24. ______ the future, life will be much different from it is now.
A. At 	B. On 	C. In 	D. With 
25. ______ his way home from school, he met with an accident.
A. Up 	B. On 	C. Of 	D. From 
26. Today, we can find many online courses ______ the Internet.
A. at 	B. on 	C. in 	D. for 

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