Bài tập Chuyên đề Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Phần 4

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 Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. In the laboratory, many chemicals react ______ in acid solutions than in ordinary cases.
A. more quick          	B. more quickly          C. quicker         	D. as quickly
02. The more frequently people cut down trees, ______ the Earth will become. 
A. most hot 	B. hotter 	C. the hottest 	D. the hotter
03. My young brother grew ______ than the others and soon he was as tall as my mother.
A. more quickly 	B. so quickly 	C. as quickly 	D. too quickly 
04. The more he slept, ______ tired he became.
	A. the most	B. more	C. much more	 	D. the more
05. In this meeting, the attendants are talking ______ than the previous ones.
A. as frank 	B. more frankly 	C. more frank 	D. so frankly
06. ______ you practice speaking English, the more fluent your English becomes. 
A. The more 	B. The better than 	C. More than 	D. The more than
07. Many people argue that life in the country is ______ than that in the city.
A. peaceful 	B. more peaceful 	C. more peacefully 	D. peacefully
08. Deana, my dearest friend, is the ______ of the three sisters in her family.
A. most short	B. shorter	C. shortest	D. more short
09. She can pronounce English words ______ than she could last term.
A. so correctly 	B. more correct 	C. more correctly    	D. much correct
10. Cinderella danced ______ than any other girls at the ball.
A. more graceful      	B. so graceful            	C. such gracefully     	D. more gracefully
11. The more talkative she was, ______ uncomfortable we felt.
A. the more	B. the more than	C. the better than	D. more than
12. Phuong spoke English ______ than Minh, but she didn’t participate in the speaking contest.
A. more fluent 	B. fluently 	C. fluent            	D. more fluently
13. The baby’s illness is ______ than we thought at first.
A. bad	B. worst	C. worse	D. badly
14. He feels ______ than usual when he heard the report because his study results are better. 
A. relaxed	B. more relaxed	C. relaxing	D. more relaxing
15. The higher the content of carbon dioxide in the air is, ______ heat it retains.
A. more 	B. the most 	C. most 	D. the more
16. To tell the truth, Lan is not ______ than her sister.
A. so pretty 	B. more pretty 	C. prettier           	D. as pretty
17. It’s ______ to go by bus than by car.
A. cheaper	B. cheapest	C. more cheap	D. more cheaper
18. That house is ______ one on the street.
A. oldest	B. the oldest	C. old	D. older
19. Jupiter is ______ planet in the solar system.
A. the biggest            	B. the bigger             	C. bigger                    	D. biggest
20. He drove ______ than his brother and he rarely met with any fatal accidents.
A. more careful	B. so carefully	C. as careful	D. more carefully
21. She is ______ singer I’ve ever met.
A. worse                     	B. bad                            C. the worst               	D. badly
22. The darker it is getting, ______ we will find the way back. 
 	A. harder 	 	B. the hard	C. more hard 	D. the harder
23. Mary is ______ than Peter because he is always the first to come and the last to leave the class.
A. more responsible 	B. the responsible	C. much responsible 	D. as responsible
24. It is ______ in the city than it is in the country.
A. noisily                   	B. more noisier          	C. noisier                   	D. noisy
25. The more she tried to practise writing, ______ her essays became. 
 	A. the gooder	B. the better	C. the more good	D. better
26. The English test was ______ than I thought it would be.
A. the easier              	B. more easy             	C. easiest                   	D. easier
Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. I will speak to the boss when the meeting ______. 
	A. will end 	B. ends 	C. is ending 	D. would end
02. When the police came, some of the gangsters ______. 
	A. are fighting 	B. fought 	C. be fighting	D. were fighting
03. As soon as I ______ my degree as a teacher, I will apply for a teaching post. 
	A. had got 	B. have got 	C. getting 	D. will get
04. When we ______ him tomorrow, we will remind him of the party. 
	A. will see	B. see	C. am seeing	D. saw	 
05. When he comes here tomorrow, I ______ her about the news. 
	A. tell	B. will tell 	C. would tell 	D. would have told 
06. ______, Joe stays in bed and reads magazines. 
	A. When raining 	B. As be raining	C. When it will rain 	D. Whenever it rains
07. I ______ him via emails when he leaves for London next month. 
	A. contact 	B. has contacted 	C. will contact 	 D. contacted 
08. My mother was washing the dishes when she ______ the gate bell. 
	A. had heard 	B. hears 	C. will hear 	D. heard 
09. When he ______ here next week, I will give him the report. 
	A. returned 	B. returns	C. will return 	D. returning
10. We saw many beautiful birds while we ______ in the lake in the outskirt of the city. 
	A. were fishing 	B. fished 	C. will fish	D. are fishing
11. ______ Peter gets here, we will congratulate him. 
	A. As soon as 	B. After 	C. No sooner 	D. Since
12. He will stop his present work as soon as he ______ a better one. 
	A. will get 	B. got 	C. get 	D. can get 
13. When the paint ______ it'll change from a light to a deep red. 
	A. dry 	B. dries 	C. dried 	D. will dry 
14. When the little girl ______ older she would love to be an artist. 
	A. grew 	B. grow 	C. grows	D. had grown 
15. Lan ______ an English poem when we entered the room of the meeting. 
	A. recited	B. was	reciting	C. has recited	D. recites
16. Don’t go anywhere until I ______ back. 
 	A. come	B. came	C. will come	D. am coming
17. What are you going to do ______ graduating from university?
	A. before 	B. after 	C. so 	D. because
18. The birds ______ to their nesting homes when the spring comes.
	A. will return	B. return	C. are return	D. returned
19. Bill’s mother won’t let him go out with his friends until he ______ his homework.
	A. did	B. had done 	C. is done	D. has done 
20. As soon as Linda ______ her degree, she will work in her father's company.
A. finish	B. has finished 	C. finished	D. was finished 
21. When we came to see her last night, she ______ dinner.
A. was having 	B. had 	C. having 	D. is having
22. When we ______ at the party last night, everyone was talking noisily.
A. had arrived 	B. will arrive	C. arrived	D. were arriving
23. While he ______ last night, the light went out.
A. was bathing 	B. bathed 	C. is bathing 	D. bathes
24. As soon as he ______ ready, we will start our journey.
A. will get 	B. get 	C. had get 	D. gets
25. They ______ here as soon as they have completed their work.
A. will come 	B. come 	C. have come 	D. came
26. When the passenger ______, will you please give him this package?
	A. will arrive	B. arrives	C. would arrives	D. arriving

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