Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Đỗ Bình (Phần 2)

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 Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. The medicine took ______ and the patient fell asleep right at once.
	A. effect	B. use	C. sight	D. notice
02. I had to pay ______ to the explanation about the update on the project.
	A. decision 	B. provision	C. dedication 	D. attention 
03. Students from other schools have to pay a small ______ to join the club.
A. fee 	B. fare 	C. wage 	D. salary
04. Take my ______ young man, and don't drive so fast.
A. lesson	B. notice	C. emphasis	D. advice
05. Action movies may have a negative ______ on children.
	A. opinion	B. influence	C. dependence	D. decision
06. IVF has installed more than 60 air ______ devices in campus buildings and 238 in campus elevators. 
	A. pollution	B. absorption	C. adjustment	D. purification
07. He had a ______ failure in passing the driving test. 
	A. large	B. big	C. hard	D. great 
08. He made false ______ against me though he didn’t have enough evidence. 
A. annoyances 	B. complaints 	C. accusations 	D. disappointments 
09. His father invested ______ amount of money into a technology company. 
	A. big	B. wealthy 	C. wide	D. large 
10. My grandparents’ ______ about their life are always really interesting. 
A. adaptations 	B. variations 	C. anecdotes 	D. summaries 
11. Everyone at the Halloween party hid their faces by wearing different ______.
A. sleeves	B. collars	C. skirts	D. masks
12. He came to class earlier than usual because he was ______ that day. 
	A. on duty	B. in hurry	C. for granted	D. in turn 
13. Marx used to look after my pets while I was ______. 
	A. at home	B. in charge	C. on business 	D. of all 
14. If we book the trip ______, we will probably get a discount. 
	A. in turn	B. for sure 	C. by side	D. in advance 
15. They took ______ of the good weather to have a party in the garden.
	A. time	B. advantage	C. favor	D. decision
16. Each of us must take the ______ for our own actions. 
	A. probability	B. ability	C. possibility	D. responsibility 
17. Nowadays, women have gained significant legal ______. 
	A. wrongs	B. rights	C. responsibilities	D. works
18. Many plants and endangered species are now in danger of ______. 
	A. expression	B. expulsion	C. extinction	D. extension
19. I'm sorry I snapped at you like that, but I'm in a bad ______.
A. mind	B. mood	C. mentality	D. manner
20. Four Vietnam Airlines flight ______ were investigated for smuggling drugs from France last week. 
A. attendants 	B. voyagers 	C. assistants 	D. waitresses
21. The course was so difficult that I didn’t make any ______ at all.
	A. increase	B. progress	C. prize	D. award
22. They are trying to persuade the rich to make ______ to the charities. 
	A. donations 	B. investments 	C. finances 	D. sharing
23. If you want antibiotics, you’ll have to ask the doctor for a ______.
A. recipe	B. prescription	C. note	D. receipt
24. In the past, men seemed to neglect their ______ at home. 
	A. abilities	B. powers	C. duties	D. plays
25. In a(n) ______ to attract more customers, they have recently decided to slash the prices.
	A. definition	B. view	C. endeavour	D. imagination
26. Make sure you do your ______ before you go to bed.
A. assignment	B. appointment	C. commitment	D. promise
Số câu đúng:./26. Họ và tên: .
01. In order to understand the lessons well, he ______ great attention to what the teacher said.
A. spared	B. spent	C. shared	D. paid
02. You'd better ______ a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis.
A. promise 	B. do 	C. make 	D. pull
03. It usually ______ him twenty minutes or more to walk to school every morning.
A. goes	B. takes	C. does	D. makes
04. Stephan always wanted to be an actor when he ______ up.
A. came	B. settled	C. grew	D. brought
05. When students ______ truant, they stay away from school without permission.
A. go	B. do	C. make	D. play
06. They took action to ______ the disease from spreading. 
A. maintain 	B. decrease 	C. promote 	D. prevent
07. Make sure you ______ us a visit when you are in town again.
	A. give	B. do	C. pay	D. have
08. It is said that carelessness and impatience ______ many traffic accidents.
	A. cause	 	B. result	 	C. occur	 	D. happen
09. Our assistant is leaving next month - she's ______ a baby.
 	A. waiting 	B. producing 	C. delivering 	D. expecting
10. Seagulls ______ a bad reputation for swooping down on people to steal their food. 
A. pay 	B. take 	C. have 	D. get
11. Fathers can ______ a good example to their children by helping with the household chores.
A. set 	B. hold 	C. raise 	D. follow
12. It’s no good ______ a fuss and arguing over such an unimportant issue,
A. making 	B. holding 	C. doing 	D. getting
13. Experts agree that too hard workouts may ______ more harm than good. 
A. do 	B. make 	C. hold 	D. set 
14. ______ a better care of your little brother, otherwise you’ll be punished.
A. Make	B. Do 	C. Take	D. Have 
15. I ______ a few adjustments to the gears and my bike works much better now. 
A. did 	B. acted 	C. formed 	D. made
16. The mother ______ her son’s temperature to see if he had a fever. 
A. took 	B. did 	C. made 	D. ran
17. A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to ______ endangered species. 
	A. save	B. kills	C. make	D. do 
18. If something urgent has ______ up, please call me immediately and I will help you.
A. picked	B. come	C. kept	D. brought 
19. He has no difficulty in ______ into use the perfect plans his friends have prepared for him. 
	A. lending	 	B. taking 	C. putting	 	D. heading 
20. The players’ protests ______ no difference to the referee’s decision at all.
	A. did	B. made	C. caused	D. created
21. Mocha Monkey’s Coffee ______ very quickly because of its cheap prices and unique drinks.
A. expands	B. enlarges	C. widens	D. enriches
22. The jury ______ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject.
	A. paid	B. gave	C. made	D. said
23. When Linda was little, her mother used to ______ her a bedtime story every night.
A. tell 	B. speak 	C. say 	D. talk
24. Lots of young people were ______ drugs like marijuana in the sixties.
	A. taking	B. doing	C. having	D. getting
25. People convicted of murder in Britain are no longer ______ to death.
A. sent	B. judged	C. sentenced	D. punished
26. I would really appreciate if you could ______ me a small favor.
	A. give	B. bring	C. make	D. do

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