Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Global Success) - Unit 1: My new school

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Exercise 1: Read the talk below.
	Hello everybody! I’m Mary. I’m 11 years old. I’m a student at secondary school. I go to school by bicycle every day. At school, we wear school uniform. We look smart in school uniform. We study a lot of subjects a day so our school bag looks heavy. I have some close friends at school. They are very friendly. They often help me study my lessons.
Exercise 2: Match a word in column A with a word in column B:
1. close
A. uniform
2. wear
B. school
3. study
C. bicycle
4. by
D. friend
5. secondary
E. subjects
Exercise 3: Read the talk again and answer the questions:
1. How old is Mary? 
2. How does she go to school every day? 
3. What does Mary wear at school?
4. Who helps her study her lessons?
Exercise 4: Circle the correct answer A, B or C.
1. She _________ to school every day.
 A. study	B. goes	C. wear
2. We go to school ________ bicycle.
 A. by	B. in	C. at
3. Long studies a lot of _________ at school.
 A. uniforms	B. subjects	C. students
4. Students play some _________ at school.
 A. lessons	B. subjects	C. sports
5. I and Lan go to school together because we are in the _________ class.
 A. same	B. heavy	C. smart
6. My school is ________ the middle of my village.
 A. in	B. at	C. by
8. We study English at school because it is an international __________.
 A. language	B. sport	C. lesson
Exercise 5: Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple tense:
1. He often (go)__________ to school on foot.
2. It (rain)__________ a lot in summer.
3. Lan (get)_________ up at six o’clock in the morning.
4. Nam (like)__________ popsicle.
5. _________ your father (work)__________ on the farm?
6. I (not/ eat) __________ candy because it is not good for my health.
7. Miss. Nga (be)__________ my headteacher.
8. _________ your sister (cook)_________ in your family?
9. The cat (look)_________ very smart.
10. Students (not/ cheat)_______________ in exams.
Exercise 6: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
1. has/ She/the/morning/ lessons/in
2. in summer/ do not/ to/ go/ Students.
3. foot/We/go/school/often/to/on
4. start/Students/ in September/school
5. make/I/friends/ students/ many students/with/ at school
Exercise 7: Match a question with its answer.

1. Do you live in a town?

a. He goes to school by bike.
2. How does he go to school?

b. We have it on Monday and Wednesday.
3. When do we have English?

c. He works in a factory.
4. Is there a river near your house?

d. Yes, I do.
5. What are they doing?

e. No, there isn’t.
6. Where does your father work?

f. They are playing Video games.
Exercise 8: Read the text and answer the questions.
Nam lives at 23 Le Loi street with his father, mother and his brother, Son. He lives in an apartment. It is small but beautiful. In front of his apartment there is a bookstore.There is a museum to the left of the apartment. On this street,there aren’t any movie theaters but there are some drugstores. It’s very noisy here.
1/ Where does Nam live ? _____________________________________________ 
2/ What is there in front of his apartment ? ________________________________
3/ Are there any movie theaters near his apartment? 
Exercise 9: Add s or es to the verbs below:
play 	đ plays
watch	đ
share	đ
do 	đ
open	đ
make	đ
get 	đ
rain	đ
wish	đ
study 	đ
miss	đ
go	đ
buy 	đ
like	đ
dance	đ
Exercise 10: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 
Peter (not/want)_______________ any eggs, but he (want) some soup.
There (be)_____________ some milk in the glass.
The grocery store (open)_____________ at 8a.m and (close)_____________ at 7p.m.
When (do)___________ your family usually have lunch? 
Water (not/boil)____________ at 20 degrees.
My girl friend (love)_____________ walking around late at night during the summer.
Fred (cycle)___________ to work, but his wife (go)___________ by car.
Jeff (buy)__________ his food in small shops, but Jane (do)___________ all her shopping at the supermarket.
He (not/stay)_____________ at home in the evening.
(Do)____________ Peter belong to the Sport club?
 Every country (have)___________ a national flag.
My computer (not/work)_____________ because it (be)____________ old.
 Susan (live)__________ in Leeds, but she (work)____________ in Bradford.
Mary (ride)_________ her bike to school and her father (carry)__________ her books every morning.
 My father (take)_____________ a shower and (have)__________ breakfast every morning before working.
Exercise 11: Countable (C) or uncountable (U)?
Exercise 12: Complete the sentences with “there is +(not)/ there are +(not)”
____________ some apples in the tree.
____________ some students in the class.
I’m thirsty but ____________ any water in the jar.
____________ some clouds in the sky.
It’s very cold. ____________ a lot of snow on the roof of the house.
____________ three birds in the cage.
____________ any sugar in the bottle.
It’s summer now, so ____________ any snow.
____________ some books on the table.
____________ some students waiting for their parents.
Exercise 13: Rearrage the jumbled letters to make ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY.
ELSOMD:	___________________
NERVE:	___________________
SLUALUY:	___________________
OFTEN:	___________________
WAYSAL:	___________________
METSOIMES:	___________________
Put the adverbs in order of frequency?

Exercise 14: Complete the sentences with one of the verbs given.
In the morning, she ____________ her school uniform and __________ to school.
At school, students ____________ friends with other students.
My sister always ____________ the door before coming in my room.
He __________ many close friends at school.
Lan ____________ smart in her uniform.
We ____________ sports and ____________ many subjects at school.
Anna often ____________ her pictures on the Internet.
She usually ____________ books in her free time.
Exercise 15: Look at the pictures and write:

1. often/ read/ books/ at school: ______________________________________________

2. always/wear/ uniforms/ at school

3. often/ talk to each other/ during breaks

4. sometimes/ play football/ in the afternoon

5. always/ sing national anthem/ on Mondays

6. usually/ ride a bike to school/ every day

7. always/ learn the lessons/ in the classroom

8. often/ study with the teacher/ in the morning

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