Chuyên đề tự học môn Tiếng Anh (theo tham chiếu Châu Âu 6 bậc) Sounds 2016 - Chuyên đề I, Bài 1: Phonetic Symbols - Đỗ Bình
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CHUYấN ĐỀ I – PHONETICS - CHUYấN ĐỀ VỀ NGỮ ÂM BÀI 1. PHONETIC SYMBOLS - BẢNG PHIấN ÂM QUỐC TẾ 1. The symbols vowel sounds (Cỏc kớ hiệu phiờn õm của cỏc nguyờn õm): 1.1. The symbols of pure vowel sounds (Cỏc kớ hiệu phiờn õm của cỏc nguyờn õm đơn): Symbols of the sounds (Kớ hiệu) In letters (Chữ cỏi thể hiện) Examples in words (Vớ dụ cụ thể trờn cỏc từ) / І / or / i / a village /’vilidʒ/ package /’pổkidʒ/ assemblage /ә’semblidʒ/ e pretty /’priti/ represent deliver /di’livә(r)/ i sit /sit/ little /’litl/ simple /’simpl/ y happy /’hổpi/ easy /’i:zi/ usually /’ju:ʊli/ / i: / ea lead /li:d/ seaside /’si:said/ meaningful /’mi:niŋfʊl/ ee meet /mi:t/ sheep /ʃi:p/ steel /sti:l/ / e / a many /’meni/ any/eni/ manifold /’menifәʊld/ e send /send/ recommend comprehend /kәmpri’hend/ ea head /hed/ spread /spred/ headache /‘hedeik/ / ổ / a land /lổnd/ brandy /’brổndi/ sandy /’sổndi/ / ɔ / o pot /pɔt / spot /spɔt / slot /slɔt / a wash /wɔʃ / what /wɔt / watch /wɔtʃ/ / ɔ: / a talk /tɔ:k/ walk /wɔ:k/ water /’wɔ:tә(r)/ aw saw /sɔ:/ lawn /lɔ:n/ pawn /pɔ:n/ oa broad /brɔ:d/ broaden/’brɔ:dn/ abroad /ә’brɔ:d/ oo door /dɔ:(r)/ floor /flɔ:(r)/ floorage /’flɔ:ridʒ/ or fork /fɔ:k/ sport /spɔ:t/ transport /’trổnspɔ:t/ ou fought /fɔ:t/ thought /θɔ:t/ bought /bɔ:t/ / L / o some /sLm/ come /kLm/ done /dLn/ u shut /ʃLt/ muddy /’mLdi/ budget /’bLdʒit/ oo blood /blLd/ flood /flLd/ bloodless /blLdlis/ ou tough /tLf/ enough /i’nLf/ rough /rLf/ / ɑ: / a task /ta:sk/ fast /fa:stk/ broadcast /br ɔ:d’ka:st/ ar card /ka:d/ retard /ri’ta:d/ farther /’fa:dәr/ ear heart /ha:t/ hearten /’ha:tәn/ hearth /ha:θ/ / ʊ / or / u / u pull /pʊl/ push /pʊʃ/ pullet /’pʊlet/ oo good /gʊd/ cook /kʊk/ look /lʊk/ ou could /kʊld/ would /wʊld/ should /ʃʊld/ / u: / u frugal /’fru:gәl/ conclude /kɔn’klu:d/ illusion /i’lu:ʃn/ oe shoe /ʃu: / shoebill /’ʃu:bil/ shoemaker /’ʃu:meikәr/ oo moon /mu:n/ spoon /spu:n/ smooth /smu:θ/ ui fruit /fru:t/ cruise /kru:s/ recruit /ri’kru:t/ / ә / a await /ә’weit/ about /ә’baut/ machine /mә’ʃi:n/ o tonight /tә’nait/ potato /pә’teitәu/ tomorrow /tә’mɔrәʊ/ er reader /’ri:dәr/ writer /’raitәr/ cruiser /’kru:sәr/ or actor /’ổktәr/ doctor /’dɔktәr/ translator /’trổnsleitәr/ / з: / er prefer /pri’fз: r/ merchant /’mз:tʃәnt/ merciful /’mз:sifʊl/ ir shirt /ʃз:t/ skirt /skз:t/ first /fз:st/ ur hurt /hз:t/ further /’ʃз:dә/ furnish /’ʃз:niʃ/ or word /wз:d/ work /wз:k/ worm /wз:m/ ear heard /hз:d/ earth /з:θ/ earthen /’з:θәn/ 1. 2. The diphthongs and triphthongs (Cỏc kớ hiệu phiờn õm của cỏc nguyờn đụi, ba): Symbols of the sounds (Kớ hiệu) In letters (Chữ cỏi thể hiện) Examples in words (Vớ dụ cụ thể trờn cỏc từ) / ei / a case /keis/ baby /beibi/ lazy /leizi/ ai maid /meid/ maiden /’meidn/ maidenly /’meidnli/ ay say /sei/ clay /klei/ play /plei/ ei eight /eit/ eighthly /’eiθli/ eiranic /ei’rổnik/ / ai / i kite /kait/ night /nait/ mine /main/ y sky /skai/ fly /flai/ satisfy /’sổtisfai/ / ɔi / oi soil /sɔil/ coin /kɔin/ spoil /spɔil/ oy employ /im’plɔi/ enjoy /ii’dʒɔi/ employment /im’plɔimnt/ / aʊ / ou mouse /maʊs/ mouth /maʊθ/ surround /sз:’raʊnd/ ow now /naʊ/ power /’paʊ әr/ cowboy /’kaʊ bɔi/ / әʊ / o cold /kәʊld/ scold /skәʊld/ fold /fәʊld/ ow slow /slәʊ/ flow /flәʊ/ show /ʃәʊ/ ew sew /sәʊ/ sewing /sәʊiŋ/ sewn /sәʊn/ / iә / ear hear /hiә(r)/ fear /fiә(r)/ near /niә(r)/ ere here /hiә(r)/ merely /’miәli/ atmosphere /’ổtmɔsfiә(r)/ / eә / ere there /deә(r)/ therapy /’θeәrәpi/ thereabout /’deәrәbaʊt/ are fare /feә(r)/ share /ʃeә(r)/ stare /steә(r)/ air hair /heә(r)/ fair /feә(r)/ stairs /steә(r)s/ / ʊә / our tour /tʊә(r)/ tourer /tʊәrә/ tourism /’tʊәrizm/ / aiә / ire tire /taiә/ fire /faiә/ firemen /’faiәmen/ yre tyre /taiә/ tyreles /’taiәlis/ tyre-pump /’taiә pLmp / yer buyer /baiә/ flyer /flaiә/ buyer /baiә/ / әʊә / ower slower /slәʊә/ slower /slәʊә/ slower /slәʊә/ / aʊә / ower shower /ʃaʊә/ power /paʊә/ flower /flaʊә/ our flour /flaʊә/ sour /saʊә/ flour /flaʊә/ / eiә / ayer prayer /preiә/ player /pleiә/ sprayer /spreiә/ eyer greyer /greiә/ greyer /greiә/ greyer /greiә/ / ɔiә / oyer enjoyer /in’dʒɔiә/ enjoyer /in’dʒɔiә/ employer /im’plɔiә/ oyal loyal /’lɔiәl/ loyalty /’lɔiәlti/ loyal /’lɔiәl/ 2. The symbols of the consonant sounds (Cỏc kớ hiệu phiờn õm của cỏc phụ õm): 2.1. The symbols of voiceless consonants (Kớ hiệu phiờn õm của cỏc phụ õm vụ thanh): Symbols of the sounds (Kớ hiệu) In letters (Chữ cỏi thể hiện) Examples in words (Vớ dụ cụ thể trờn cỏc từ) / p / p pen /pen/ paint /peint/ people /’pi:pәl/ / f / f five /faiv/ formal /’fɔ:mәl/ family /’fổmili/ ph physics /’fiziks/ physician /fi’ziʃn/ physical /fi’zikәl/ gh laugh /la:f/ enough /i’nLf/ rough /rLf/ / q / th throw /θrәʊ/ thunder /’θLndә(r)/ sixth /siksθ/ / t / t teach /ti:tʃ/ temple /’tempәl/ tittle /’taitәl/ ed looked /lʊkt/ laughed /la:ft/ stopped /stɔpt/ / s / s site /sait/ sandy /’sổndi/ sample /’sổmpәl/ c centre /’sentә/ century /’sentʃʊri/ cell /sel/ / ʃ / sh sheep /ʃi:p/ sheet /ʃi:t/ English /’iŋliʃ/ ch machine chaise /ʃeiz/ champagne /ʃổm’pein/ s sugar /’ʃʊgә/ sugary /’ʃʊgәri/ sure /’ʃʊә(r)/ / t∫ / ch choice /tʃɔis/ church /tʃз:tʃ/ chimney /’tʃimni/ t fixture /'fikst∫ә/ future / 'fju:t∫ә/ question / 'kwest∫n/ / k / k kitchen /’kit∫n/ kiss /kis/ king /kiŋ/ c concert /kɔn’sз:t/ cancel /’kổnsәl/ comedy /’kLmedi/ ch chemist /’kemist/ chemistry /’kemistri/ chemical /’kemikәl/ q quite /kwait/ question / 'kwest∫n/ conquest /’kɔŋkwest/ / h / h hike /haik/ hunger /’hLŋgә(r)/ homeless /’hәʊmlis/ wh whoop /hu:p/ whose /hu:z/ wholesale /’hɔʊlseil/ 2.2. The symbols of voiced consonants (Kớ hiệu phiờn õm của cỏc phụ õm hữu thanh): Symbols of the sounds (Kớ hiệu) In letters (Chữ cỏi thể hiện) Examples in words (Vớ dụ cụ thể trờn cỏc từ) / b / b boy /bɔi/ bamboo /bổm’bu:/ band /bổnd/ / v / v visit /vizit/ van /vổn/ victory /vlktәri/ f of /әv/ of /әv/ of /әv/ / d / th them /dәm/ with /wid/ though /dәʊ/ / d / d done /dLn/ doctor /’dɔktә(r)/ dancer /dổnsә(r)/ ed lived /livd/ earned /з:nd/ cancelled /’kổnsәld/ / z / z zebra /zi:brә/ zip /zip/ zealot /’zelәt/ s visit /’vizit/ visual /’vizjʊәl/ teachers /ti:tʃәz/ / ʒ / s vision /’viʒn/ usual /’jʊʒʊәl/ usually /’jʊʒʊәli/ / dʒ / g germ /dʒз:m/ gene /dʒi:n/ age /eidʒ/ j jam /dʒổm/ jam /dʒổz/ joyful /dʒɔifʊl/ / g / g gift /gift/ gain /gein/ girl /gз:l/ / l / l little /’litәl/ lamp /lổmp/ light /lait/ / m / m monk /mɔŋk/ mammal /’mổmәl/ Monday /’mLndei/ / n / n name /neim/ number /nLmbә/ noise /nɔis/ / ŋ / n think /θiŋk/ thank /θổŋk/ sink /siŋk/ ng sing /siŋ/ thing /θiŋ/ ceiling /’si:liŋ/ / r / r rural /’rʊәrәl/ ring /riŋ/ reader /’ri:dә/ / w / w with /wid/ wine /wain/ wing /wiŋ/ wh when /wen/ whistle /’wisәl/ whisper /’wispә/ / j / y young /jLŋ/ yearly /’jiәli/ youth /ju:θ/ u music /’mju:sik/ unit /’ju:nit/ university /ju:ni’v з:siti/ / ф / mute cases h honest /’ɔ:nist/ hour /aʊә/ heir /aiә/ k knight /nait/ knit /nit/ known /nɔʊn/ b comb /kɔʊm/ climb /klaim/ debt /det/ p pneumonia /njʊ’mɔ:niә/ psychology /sai’kɔ:lɔdʒi/ psychiatrist /sai’kiәtrist/ 2.3. The clusters of consonants (Kớ hiệu phiờn õm của cỏc chựm phụ õm): Symbols of the sounds (Kớ hiệu) In letters (Chữ cỏi thể hiện) Examples in words (Vớ dụ cụ thể trờn cỏc từ) / s+ / / sp / speak /spi:k/ spoil /spɔil/ speaker /’spri:kә/ / st / start /sta:t/ stand /stổnd/ stay /stei/ / sk / school /skʊl/ skill /skil/ scan /skổn/ / sf / sphere /sfiә/ spheral /sfiәrәl/ biosphere /baiә’sfiә/ / sm / small /smɔl/ smash /smổʃ/ smell /smel/ / sn / snow /snәʊ/ sneeze /sni:z/ sneaky /’sni:ki/ / sw / sweet /swi:t/ swim /swim/ swan /swɔn/ / sj / super /sjʊpә/ superadd /’sjʊpәrổd/ superably /’sjʊpәreibli/ / p+ / / pl / plump /plLmp/ apply /ә’plai/ please /pli:s/ / pr / proud /praʊd/ propose /’prɔpәʊs/ produce /prә’djʊs/ / pj / pure /pjʊә/ purely /’pjʊәli/ purify /’pjʊrәfai/ / t+ / / tr / train /trein/ treat /tri:t/ treatment /tri:tmәnt/ / tw / twice /twais/ twerp /twз:p/ twicer /’twaisә/ / tj / tube /tjʊb/ tubal /’tjʊ:bәl/ tuber /’tjʊ:bә/ / k+ / / kl / class /kla:s/ clean /kli:ns/ clame /kleim/ / kr / cream /kri:m/ cry /krai/ creative /kri:’eitiv/ / kw / quite /kwait/ quit /kwit/ quest /kwest/ / kj / cure /kjʊә/ cute /kjʊt/ cutely /kjʊtli/ / b+ / / bl / blow /blәʊ/ blame /bleim/ bleach /bli:tʃ/ / br / bring /briŋ/ bride /braid/ bridge /bridʒ/ / bj / beauty /’bjʊti/ beautify /’bjʊtifai/ beautiful /’bjʊtifʊl/ / g+ / / gl / glass /gla:s/ glim /glim/ glance /gla:ns/ / gr / grow /grәʊ/ great /greit/ groom /gru:m/ / d+ / / dr / dream /dri:m/ dread /dred / dreadful /’dredfʊl/ / dw / dwell /dwel/ dweller /dwelә/ dwelt /dwel/ / dj / duty /djʊti/ dutiful /djʊtifʊl/ dutifully /djʊtifʊli/ / f+ / / fl / flow /flәʊ/ fly /flai/ flame /fleim/ / fr / fry /frai/ fright /frait/ fridge /fridʒ/ / fj / furious /’fjʊriәs/ few /fjʊ/ furiously /’fjʊriәsli/ / q+ / / qr / throw /θrәʊ/ through /θru:/ threat /θret/ / qw / thwart /qwổt/ thwack /qwổk/ thwack /qwổk/ Cỏc kết hợp khỏc / vj / view /vjʊ/ interview /’intәvjʊ/ preview /pri’vjʊ/ / mj / mute /mjʊt/ mutual /mjʊtʊәl/ music /mjʊzik/ / ∫r / shrimp /∫rimp/ shriek /∫ri:k/ shrill /∫ril/ / nj / nude /njʊd/ nudist /’njʊdist/ nudism /’njʊdizm/ / spr / spread /spred/ sprawl /sprɔ:l/ spray /sprei/ / spl / splash /splổʃ/ splat /splổt/ splashy /splổʃi/ / skr / scream /scri:m/ scree /scri: / screen /scri:n/ / str / stream /stri:m/ strawy /strɔ:i/ streak /stri:k/ / skj / scuba /’skjʊbә/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ / stj / student /’stjʊdnt/ stupid /’stjʊpid/ studio /’stjʊdiәʊ/ / spj / spume /spjʊ:m/ spue /spjʊ:/ spumous /spjʊ:mәs/ / skw / square /skweә/ squarer /’skweәrә/ squander /’skwɔdә/ BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Exercise 1: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. A. candy B. sandy C. many D. handy A. earning B. learning C. searching D. clearing A. pays B. stays C. says D. plays A. given B. risen C. ridden D. whiten A. cough B. tough C. rough D. enough A. accident B. jazz C. stamp D. watch A. this B. thick C. maths D. thin A. gas B. gain C. germ D. good A. bought B. naught C. plough D. thought A. forks B. tables C. beds D. windows A. handed B. booked C. translated D. visited A. car B. coach C. century D. cooperate A. within B. without C. clothing D. strengthen A. has B. bag C. dad D. made A. kites B. catches C. oranges D. buzzes A. student B. stupid C. study D. studio A. wealth B. cloth C. with D. marathon A. brilliant B. trip C. tripe D. tip A. surgeon B. agent C. engine D. regard A. feather B. leather C. feature D. measure Exercise 2: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. A. geology B. psychology C. classify D. photography A. idiom B. ideal C. item D. identical A. children B. child C. mild D. wild A. both B. myth C. with D. sixth A. helped B. booked C. hoped D. waited A. name B. natural C. native D. nation A. blood B. food C. moon D. pool A. comb B. plumb C. climb D. disturb A. thick B. though C. thank D. think A. flour B. hour C. pour D. sour A. dictation B. repetition C. station D. question A. dew B. knew C. sew D. few A. asked B. helped C. kissed D. played A. smells B. cuts C. opens D. plays A. decided B. hatred C. sacred D. warned A. head B. break C. bread D. breath A. blood B. tool C. moon D. spool A. height B. fine C. tidy D. cliff A. through B. them C. threaten D. thunder A. fought B. country C. bought D. ought Exercise 3: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. A. moon B. pool C. door D. cool A. any B. apple C. hat D. cat A. book B. blood C. look D. foot A. pan B. woman C. sad D. man A. table B. lady C. labor D. captain A. host B. most C. cost D. post A. dear B. beard C. beer D. heard A. work B. coat C. go D. know A. name B. flame C. man D. fame A. how B. town C. power D. slow A. harm B. wash C. call D. talk A. brought B. ought C. thought D. though A. call B. curtain C. cell D. contain A. measure B. decision C. pleasure D. permission A. drought B. fought C. brought D. bought A. builds B. destroys C. occurs D. prevents A. deal B. teach C. break D. clean A. supported B. approached C. noticed D. finished A. unity B. suite C. studious D. volume A. climber B. subtle C. debtor D. probable Exercise 4: Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group. A. loved B. appeared C. agreed D. coughed A. thereupon B. thrill C. threesome D. throne A. chin B. chaos C. child D. charge A. wasted B. practiced C. laughed D. jumped A. coast B. most C. lost D. whole A. energy B. gain C. gesture D. village A. population B. nation C. question D. station A. meat B. sweat C. leaf D. seat A. antibiotic B. pant C. ant D. want A. height B. myth C. type D. climb A. bush B. rush C. pull D. lunar A. bought B. sought C. drought D. fought A. killed B. cured C. crashed D. waived A. thunder B. prefer C. grocer D. louder A. tells B. talks C. stays D. steals A. stomach B. watch C. change D. church A. attacks B. repeats C. roofs D. trays A. drought B. fought C. brought D. bought A. builds B. destroys C. occurs D. prevents A. name B. nation C. native D. natural
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