Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Thí điểm) - Năm học 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Tam Quan Bắc

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Trường THCS Tam Quan Bắc
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NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024
I. The present simple (Thì hiện tại đơn)
1. Forms (Cấu trúc)

Động từ thường
Động từ “to be”
khẳng định
S + Vs/es
E.g: He watches TV every day.
S + am/ is/ are + N/ adj/ prep
E.g: My mother is a teacher
phủ định
S + do/ does not + V-inf 
E.g: I don ’t like cakes.
S + am/ is/ are not + N/ adj/ prep
E.g: I’m not a student.
nghi vấn
Do/ Does + S + V-inf?
(+) Yes, S + do / does.
(-) No, s + don’t / doesn’t.
E.g: Do you like playing chess?
       - No, I don ’t.
Am/ Is/ Are + S + N/adj/prep?
(+) Yes, S + is / am / are.
(-) No, S + is / am / are + not.
E.g: Are you sure?
       - Yes, I am.
2. Use (Cách dùng)
Diễn tả sự thật, chân lý hiển nhiên
E.g: The sun rises in the East.
Diễn tả sở thích, thĩi quen
E.g: I often get up at six o ’clock.
Diễn tả cảm xúc, cảm giác
E.g: She likes singing.
Diễn tả sự di chuyển cĩ lịch trình
E.g: The plane takes off in 5 minutes.
3. Add s/es to the verbs (Quy tắc thêm đuơi s/es vào sau động từ)
Động từ tận cùng là o, s, x, z, ch, sh, ss 🡪 thêm -es
E.g: wash 🡪 washes
Động từ tận cùng là phụ âm + y, bỏ -y 🡪 thêm -ies
E.g: carry 🡪 carries
Các động từ cịn lại 🡪 thêm s
E.g: learn 🡪 learns
Các động từ đặc biệt
E.g: have 🡪 has
II. Expressing liking & disliking (Diễn đạt sự yêu thích / khơng yêu thích)
-Like/love/enjoy/ dislike/ hate+V-ing
III.Simple sentences (Câu đơn)
❄ Chúng ta cĩ thể gặp các kiểu câu đơn sau:
- Câu đơn gồm một chủ ngữ và một động từ (S + V).
Ex. 🗶 The price rises.
            S                V
🗶 Jessie is crying.
   S           V
- Một số câu đơn cĩ thêm tân ngữ (S + V + O).
🗶 Jessie ate dinner.
       S     V      O
🗶 She buys some books.
     S     V            O
- Một số câu đơn cĩ thêm trạng ngữ (S + V + O + A hoặc S + V + A).
🗶 Jessie ate a very large dinner at Sushi restaurant.
S      V              O                                A
🗶 She lives in a house on the top of the mountain.
     S     V                                   A
❄ Câu đơn cĩ thể cĩ chủ ngữ là 2 danh từ hoặc cĩ 2 động từ nối với nhau bằng “and” nhưng vẫn là 1 câu đơn.
Ex. Linda and Jenny are playing tenni
1. Forms (Cấu trúc)

Động từ thường
Động từ to be
Câu khẳng định
❄ S + Ved/PI
She went shopping yesterday.
❄ S + was/were + danh từ/ tính từ/ giới từ
You were honest with me.
Câu phủ định
❄ S + didn't + V
I didn't come to school last week.
❄ S + was/were + not + danh từ/ tính từ/ giới từ.
She wasn 't at home yesterday.
Câu hỏi nghi vấn
❄ Did + S+ V?
(+) Yes, S + did.
(-) No, S + didn’t.
- Did you do the housework?
- Yes, I did.
❄ Was/ Were+ A + danh từ/ tính từ/ giới từ?
(+) Yes, s + was/were.
(-) No, s + was/were + not.
- Was she in Tom's house yesterday?
- No, she wasn’t.

2. Use (Cách dùng)
❄ Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và chấm dứt ở một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
I went to the zoo yesterday.
❄ Diễn tả một chuỗi hành động xảy ra liên tục trong quá khứ.
She went home, took a shower and cooked for dinner.
❄ Diễn tả một thĩi quen trong quá khứ (đã từng làm, bây giờ khơng làm nữa).
I used to play guitar.
3. Add "ed" to the verbs (Quy tắc thêm đuơi ed vào sau động từ')
❄ Từ kết thúc bằng đuơi e/ee 🡪 thêm d
smile -> smiled
❄ Động từ tận cùng là nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i) + y 🡪 thêm ed
stay -> stayed
❄ Động từ kết thúc bằng phụ âm + y 🡪 đổi y thành ied
try tried
❄ Động từ 1 âm tiết kết thúc bằng phụ âm + nguyên âm + phụ âm (trừ h, w, x, y, z) 🡪 gấp đơi phụ âm cuối + ed
travel -> travelled
❄ Động từ cĩ nhiều hơn 1 âm tiết, âm tiết cuối cùng kết thúc bằng phụ âm + nguyên âm + phụ âm và là âm tiết nhận trọng âm 🡪 gấp đơi phụ âm cuối + ed
prefer preferred
❄ Các trường hợp cịn lại + ed
listen -> listened
4. Spelling rules (Quy tắc phát âm đuơi ed)
Phát âm là
❄ động từ cĩ tận cùng là các âm
/ʧ/, /s/, /k/, /f/, /p/, /θ/, /∫/
E.g: kissed /kɪst/, fixed /fɪkst/, coughed /kɒft/, watched /wɒtʃt, ...
Phát âm là
❄ Từ cĩ tận cùng là các âm /t/ hay /d/
❄ động từ được sử dụng như tính từ, bất kể phụ âm kết thúc được phát âm như thế nào
E.g: decided /dɪˈsaɪdid/, wanted /wɒntid/, added /ỉdid, ...
E.g. naked /ˈneɪkɪd/, aged /ˈeɪdʒɪd/, beloved /bɪˈlʌvɪd/, 
Phát âm là
❄ Các trường hợp cịn lại
E.g: used /juːzx/, played /pleid/, listened /ˈlɪsnd/, ...
5. Time expressions (Dấu hiệu trạng ngữ thời gian)
- Yesterday: hơm qua
- Last + thời gian (last week, last month, last Monday)
- Thời gian + ago (two days ago)
- In + năm quá khứ (in 1999)
- In the past (trong quá khứ)
- When + S + Ved/PI
1.Listen to an interview about Trang’s hobby. Fill in each blank in the mind map with ONE word or number.
Trang’s hobby
1. Her hobby is: building ________
2. She started her hobby: ________ years ago
3. She shares her hobby with: her _________
4. To do her hobby Trang needs:
a) cardboard and glue to build the ________ and furniture
b) _______ to make some dolls
5. Benefits: She becomes more patient and __________
Listen and tick (✓) the habits mentioned.
_______ 1. eating 
_______ 2. travelling 
_______ 3. exercising 
_______ 4. sleeping 
_______ 5. cooking 
_______ 6. cleaning 
 Listen to Tom and Linda talking about their community activities last summer. Circle the correct answers.
1. Linda and her friends taught_______.
A. English and literature 
B. maths and history 
C. English and maths 
2. Linda and her friends _________the elderly.
A. talked to 
B. cooked for 
C. read books to 
3. Tom and his friends picked up ________.
A. books and paper 
B. bottles and books 
C. paper and bottles 
4. Tom and his friends________.
A. grew some trees 
B. tutored maths 
C. cleaned schools 
Listen again and fill in each blank with no more than two words. 
The benefits of volunteer activities
For Linda and her friends
- having a lot of (1) _________
- feeling useful
For Tom and his friends

- having a (2) _________
- working and playing together
- learning some (3) _________
I. Choose the word in which the underlined part is pronounced differently
 1.A. away             B. around           C. classmate
2.A. umbrella         B. focus             C. under
3.A. clever             B. term             C. germ
4.A. pronounce      B. doctor           C. collection
5.A. surprise           B. Thursday        C. hurt
6.A. cough B. enough C. through D. laugh
7.A. dolphin B. uphill C. earphone D. alphabet
8.A. night  B. tough C. flight D. high
9.A. ate B. about  C. amazing D. above
10 A. learn B. early C. earth D. hear
11. A. started B. washed C. wanted D. visited
12.A. played B. stopped C. booked D. passed
13.A. needed  B. decided C. started D. cooked
14.A. enjoyed B. called  C. laughed D. watered
15. A. watched B. looked C. listened D. talked
16.A. orphanageB. patient C. agreeD. about
17.A. verb B. herb C. never D. person
18. A. leaf  B. favourite C. farm D. of
19 A. decided B. worked  C. watched D. clapped
20. A. listened B. littered C. picked D. exchanged
II. Choose the correct answer 
1. Nowadays people _________ hours sitting in front of computers.
A. spend                B. last                        C. set                         D. take
2. My uncle usually _________ a lot of beautiful photos.
A. take                B. takes                C. to take                 D. taking
3. My family enjoys _________ because we can sell vegetables and flowers _________ money.
A. garden – to                                 B. gardening – for         
C. gardening - with                                D. garden - of
4. If your hobby is greeting card making, you can give your _________ as to your friends presents.
A. hobby                B. money                 C. greetings                 D. products
5. My sister’s hobby is sewing, and she can get the sewing patterns from the _________ magazines.
A. fashion                 B. cooking                 C. sports                D. science
6. My brother doesn’t like ice-skating because he thinks it is _________.
A. danger                B. in danger                C. dangerous                D. endangered
7. My sister is very keen on swimming, and she goes swimming three _________ a week.
A. time                B. a time                C. times                D. timings
8. I think collecting old bowls _________ a very boring hobby.
A. am                        B. is                        C. are                         D. be
9. I like _________ books because it widens my knowledge.
A. read                B. reads                C. to reading         D. reading
10. Model making is a _________ way of spending time.
A. wonder                B. wonderful                C. wondering         D. wondered
11. There are many _________ why it is important to have a hobby. 
A. answers                B. reasons                C. details                 D. facts
12. Will you _________ making models in the future?
A. pick up                 B. look for                C. take up                 D. find
13. Do you think that hobby is and boring?
A. easy                B. difficult                C. danger                 D. interesting
14. My brother usually _________ fishing in his free time.
A. go                         B. to go                C. goes                 D. going
15. We _________ roller skating because it's dangerous. 
A. don't like                B. not like                C. don’t likes                 D. doesn’t like
16. I join a photography club, and all members love _________ a lot of beautiful photos.
A. take                B. taking                C. make                D. making
17. You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they _________ vitamin A, which is good for the eyes.
A. run                        B. take                C. provide                D. get
18. The health _________ from the diet expert is that you should eat less junk food and count your calories if you are becoming fat.
A. advices                B. ideas                C. tip                        D. tips
19. The seafood I ate this morning makes me feel _________ all over.
A. itchy                B. weak                C. running                D. well
20. If you want to be fit, stay outdoors more and do more _________ activities.
A. physics                B. physic                C. physical                D. physically
21. Do more exercise _________ eat more fruit and vegetables.
A. and                        B. so                        C. but                        D. or
22. After working on computers for long hours, you should _________ your eyes and relax.
A. wake                B. rest                        C. sleep                D. sleep in
23. Eat less high-fat food to keep you from _________ fat.
A. gaining                B. reducing                C. getting                D. rising
24. We should follow the advice from doctors and health _________ in order to keep fit.
A. managers                B. experts                C. people                D. workers
25. Have a healthy _________ and you can enjoy your life.
A. lifeline                B. lively                C. lives                D. lifestyle
26. They go _________ outside even when it’s cold.
A. swims                B. swimming                C. swimming                D. swam
27. Rob eats a lot of fast food, and he _________ on a lot of weight.
A. spends                B. brings                C. takes                D. puts
28. We need to spend less time _________ computer games.
A. playing                B. to playing                C. play                D. to play
29. To prevent the _________, you should eat a lot of garlic and keep your body warm.
A. cold                B. mumps                C. flu                        D. headache
30. Be careful with _________ you eat and drink.
A. who                B. this                        C. what                D. that
31. Eating a lot of junk food may lead to your _________.
A. pain                B. stomachache        C. obesity                D. fitness
32. My father does morning _________ every day.
A. running                B. well                        C. exercise                D. weak
33. Don’t eat that type of fish: you may have a/an _________.
A. energy                B. allergy                 C. sick                        D. sore
34. Do you want to know how you can _________ healthy?
A. make                B. have                C. stay                D. create
35. When you have a temperature, you should drink more water and rest _________.
A. most                B. less                        C. few                        D. more
36. I forgot to wear a sun hat today, and I got a _________.
A. backache                B. headache                C. stomachache        D. earache
37. Don’t put the computer away! I _________ it.
A. used                 B. am using                 C. was used                 D. was use
38. I will _________ vegetables in our garden.        
A. grow                B. grew                C. grows                D. grown
39. My parents _________ in Florida and never moved anywhere else.
A. was born                B. are born                C. were born                D. is born
40. During her trip last summer, she_________ a car to go around the city.
A. hires                B. was hired                C. hired                D. hiring
41. Peter _________ a mistake in the exam so he didn’t get an A.
A. made                 B. makes                C. is making                D. to make
42. She _________ to go for a run at the moment.
A. is wanting B. wants        C. wanted        D. wants
43. The water _________. Can you turn it off for me, please?
A. is boiling                B. boils                C. boiled                D. to boil
44. I was very tired so I _________ the party early.
A. left                        B. leaved                C. leave                D. leaving
45. We _________ afford to keep our motorcycle so we sold it.
A. can’t                B. can                        C. couldn’t                D. Coulds
46. The bed _________ very uncomfortable. I could not sleep well in it.
A. is                        B. was                        C. wasn’t                 D. are
47. _________ the weather nice when you on holiday last summer?
A. Was/was                B. Is/were                C. Was/were                D. Is/was
48. I always _________ to work by car but now I go on foot.
A. go                        B. went                C. goes                D. going
49. I _________ to work as a volunteer three years ago.
A. started                B. was started        C. starting                D. starts
50. She became a member of the Peace Corps _________.
A. for two years                                B. since two years
C. two years now                                D. two years ago
51. The last time he donated blood _________ ten years ago.
A. am                        B. is                        C. were                D. was
52 He started _________ for this non-profit organization five years ago.
A. to work                B. to working                C. work                D. working
53. Last year, I _________ to visit a children’s village in Yen Bai with my teachers and friends.
A. go                        B. to go                C. goes                D. went
54. Last year, our school _________ hundreds of books to children in a rural village.
A. has donated        B. donated                C. donates                D. to donate
55. My friends and I _________ the streets in our neighbourhood every summer when we were small.
A. cleaned                 B. has cleaned         C. were cleaning         D. cleans
III. Give the correct tense of words 
1. - _______your brother (love) _______ making models?
    - No, he (not do) _______
2. The moon (move) _____around its axis in 24 hours, but it (revolve) ____around the earth in one year.
3. I (get up) _______at 7 a.m. every Sunday because my drawing lesson (start) _______at 8 a.m.
4. - What_______you (do) _______last weekend?
    - I (go) _______to the SOS Children’s Village to tutor the children there.
5. Yesterday we (listen) _______to an interesting lecture about coloured vegetables in our cooking class, and then we (make) _______a salad.
6. The sun always _________ (rise) in the east.
7. In my country, it _________ (not, rain) much in winter.
8. The moon(move) around the earth.
9. Mai _________ (be) very happy because she has 3 good marks today.
10. I like _________ (play) tennis.
11. Last Monday, John (go) _________ to school late because there was a traffic jam near his house.
12. My family (clean) _________ the beach last Sunday.
13. Jack (collect) _________ coins when he was a little boy.
14. _________ you (provide) _________ evening classes for twenty children last summer?
15. Last year, Mark’s school (donate) _________ hundreds of books to children in a rural village.
16. Tom (not have) _________ time to finish his report yesterday.
17. I (see) _________ a real elephant when I went to the zoo last month.
18. We (clean) _________ up the dirty streets in our area last Saturday.
19. They (not start) _________ the community garden project in 2010.
20. My best friend and I talked to and (sing)for the elderly people at a nursing home.
1. Choose the correct answer A, B or C to fill in each blank in the following passage. 
Mark has a lot of hobbies and interests. He usually (1) _______up early, so he can jog before school. After school, Mark olen (2) _______ a horse af the riding club near his home. Sometimes he goes riding on Sunday afternoons. He also (3) _______ music. He goes to choir practice on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. (4) _______ Saturday mornings, he usually waters the plants and trees in the garden with his mum. He seldom watches TV because he likes doing things (5) _______. He has a lot of friends and he (6) _______ football with them twice a week. He’s a happy boy!
1.A. gets	B. stays	C. does
2.A. cycles	B. drives	C. rides
3.A. makes	B. loves	C. does
4.A. On	B. In	C. At
5.A. inside	B. behind	C. outside
6.A. is playing	B. plays	C. play
2. Choose the correct answer A, B or C to fill in each blank in the following passage.
My grandparents live in the countryside, and they have a big garden. They spend a lot of time working on it. When I visit them in summer. I often join them in the garden, and they teach me a lot of things about (1) ________. Vegetables come in different shapes, sizes, and (2) ________ They also grow differently as well. Carrots and potatoes grow (3) ________ the ground. We can’t see them. Some kinds of beans (4) ________ a high net to grow. Cabbages and cauliflower grow above the ground. My grandfather says that coloured vegetables are very good for health (5) ________ they provide a lot of natural vitamins, White cauliflower is (6) ________ in vitamin C. Orange carrots and red tomatoes contain vitamin A. (7) ________ have vitamins A, B, C, and E. My grandfather also says that gardening is a good way of(8) ________. It helps him keep fit and strong.
 1.A. health	 B. vegetables	C. exercise
2.A. colours	B. prices 	C. weight
3.A. above 	B. on            	C. under
4. A. need 	B. provide 	C. have
5. A. and 	B. because 	C. so
6. A. rich           	B. poor 	C. low
7. A. Chicken            B. Fish 	C. Pumpkins
8. A. resting            	B. relaxing 	C. exercising
3. Choose the correct word (A, B or C) to fill in each blank in the following passage.
My school has a number of volunteer activities every summer. The activities include donating books to village children, (1) ______ kids in the neighborhood, teaching English to primary students, reading books or cooking food for the (2) ______Our school staled this programme five years ago. Every student can join one or two activities. In the beginning, we thought about (3) ______we should join in these activities. We then thought about what (4) ______we wanted to do. Those who like reading could choose to collect and donate (5) ______Those who are good at English could (6) ______ primary students. Finally, we signed up for the activities we chose. Our teachers often encourage us to (7) ______committed. They also help us when we need it. We have a lot of fun and learn many things from (8) ______the activities.
1.A. tutor  	B. tutored 	C. tutoring
2. A. rich 	B. needy 	C. young
3. A. what 	B. when 	C. why
4. A. activities 	B. jobs           	C. work
5. A. clothes 	B. books 	C. vegetables
6. A. learn            	B. talk 	 C. tutor
7. A. live            	B. stay 	C. work
8. A. doing            	B. working 	C. playing
4. Read the passage and do the exercises. 
Do you have any hobbies? If you don’t, please start one because having a hobby is very beneficial. Firstly, a hobby gives you something fun to do during your leisure time, especially during pandemics. During the Covid-19 lockdown, my family reads books and watches films together. This makes us feel better when we have to stay at home. Secondly, a hobby makes you a more interesting person. If you have a lot of experience and skills, you can share them with others. I love traveling, and I usually share my experiences with my classmates. This way, I have more friends. Now we have a travel group in our class. Last but not least, a hobby can help you develop new skills. If you spend a lot of time on your hobby, your skills will improve. My sister loves sewing. After sewing for two years, she can now sew beautiful doll clothes. Those are the reasons why you should have hobbies.
 Write T (True), F (False), or NI (No Information) at the end of each sentence. 
5. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, or C. 
In 2019, Spain was the healthiest country in the world. The secret is their Mediterranean diet. This diet focuses on healthy fats and proteins. This includes cold tomato soup, plenty of seafood (especially fish), and veggies. Spanish people say that they have some of the most delicious salads in the world. Due to the Mediterranean diet, the Spanish suffer from fewer diseases than the rest of the world. 
Physical health is important, but mental health is important too. Eight out of ten Spanish people are happy. Why? A major reason is the weather. Spain has beautiful weather all year round. Another reason is that Spain is home to a lively and relaxing culture. The Spanish enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
1. In 2019, Spain was number________ in health.
A.one 	B. two 	C.ten
2. The Mediterranean diet includes________
A. lots of vegetables B.red meat 	C. potato soup
3. Spanish people ________.
A. have more diseases than the rest of the world
B. have fewer diseases than the rest of the world.
C. do not have diseases
4. Beautiful________ makes the Spanish happy.
A. beaches 	B. houses 	C. weather
5. The Spanish enjoy________.
A. good food 	B. simple pleasures 	C. good education 
6. Read the text and do the exercises.
People first used the word ‘volunteer’ in 1795, but in England, there were at least 500 volunteer hospitals long before that. The YMCA in London became the first volunteering organization in 1844. It provided help to needy people and held classes to help people develop skills. The Red Cross became the first international charity organization in 1863. Volunteer work is becoming more and more popular in the world. For example, in the USA, about one-fifth of the population does volunteer work. In Europe, thousands of volunteer programmes are run in different countries. 
Everyone can do volunteer work to help their community. Volunteer activities include donating food and clothes, joining clean-up projects, tutoring children, protecting wild animals, etc. Volunteers work not for money but to help people in need and to connect with others.
a. Match each word or phrase highlighted in the text with its meaning.
b. Tick (√) T (True) or F (False)
1. People first used the word ‘volunteer’ in the 18th century.
2. The YMCA held classes that taught people skills.
3. The Red Cross is an American charity organisation. 
4. Volunteers work to help and connect with others.
5. One example of volunteer work is donating clothes. 
1. Make sentences, using the words and phrases below to help you. You can change the words / phrases or add necessary words.
1. I / like / garden / because / I / love / plants / flowers.
2. My sister / not like / horse riding / because / she / afra

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