Đề cương ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Unit : Introduction

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Unit : Introduction
Exercise 1. Fill in the blank in the following sentences with one word from the box.
punctual sunbathe sensitive monument according to
reliable theme park revision wildlife mountain
1. Keith Bontrager is one of the founding fathers of _________________.
2. I can’t go out. I’ve got to do some _________________ for my exams.
3. He’s always very _________________ for appointments.
4. The increasing use of pesticides threatens the _________________ of the area.
5. I heard this from a very _________________ source.
6. In the square in front of the hotel stands a _________________ to all the people killed in the war.
7. The amount of tax people pay varies _________________ where they live.
8. I like to _________________ in the morning when the sun is not so hot.
9. This is the first time a high street fast food chain has linked up with a __________
10. Jill is very _________________ to changes in water temperature.
Exercise 2. Choose the word that has the CLOSEST meaning to the underlined word in each of
the following sentences.
1. We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working.
A. considerate B. unreliable C. dependable D. proud
2. John is very shy but his brother is outgoing.
A. embarrassed B. unfriendly C. incoming D. sociable
3. I've been working all night and I'm worn out.
A. exhausted B. depressed C. terrified D. frightened
4. Why are you so jealous of his success?
A. excited about B. delighted with C. happy about D. envious of
5. She's retiring because of ill health, which is a great shame.
A. pity B. attraction C. patience D. confuse
Exercise 3. Choose the word that has the OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined word in each of
the following sentences.
1. In modern times, advances in technology have made the world smaller.
A. advanced B. present C. new D. ancient
2. She gets impatient with people who don’t agree with her.
A. cross B. patient C. annoyed D. angry
3. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, using that kind of language!
A. disappointed B. confused C. proud D. shocked
4. We are proud of our kids, who are dedicated and industrious.
A. studious B. hard-working C. diligent D. lazy
5. Companies that are insensitive to global changes will lose sales.
A. worried B. satisfied C. attracted D. sensitive
Exercise 5: Pronunciation
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. A. castle B. statue C. mountain D. forget
2. A. mention B. picture C. patience D. attraction
3. A. ruins B. cards C. rides D. works
4. A. surprised B. exercised C. confused D. promised
5. A. impatient B. brave C. embarrassed D. shame
B. Which of the word in each group is stressed on the different syllable from the others?
1. A. basketball B. excursion C. accountant D. revision
2. A. society B. aquarium C. souvenir D. cathedral
3. A. holiday B. invention C. comedy D. restaurant
4. A. district B. visitor C. touristy D. museum
5. A. upset B. loyal C. worried D. honest
Exercise 6: Complete each of the following sentences using “Will” / “Won’t” or “be going to” with
the verb given in parentheses.
Example: I will take (take) you to the airport in my car, if you’d like.
1. We _______________ (fly) to Seoul next week. We’ve already got the tickets.
2. Don’t worry. Jack _______________ (not let) you down. He’s very reliable.
3. My sister-in-law _______________ (have) a baby.
4. I _______________ (tidy) my things away this afternoon - and that's a promise!
5. Ann: It is so hot in here! - Jake: I _______________ (turn) the air-conditioning on.
6. My friend Richard _______________ (throw) a party for his birthday next week.
7. They _______________ (paint) their house. They’ve already bought the paint.
8. A: I’m about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
B: I _______________ (get) you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.
9. I told him to take out the trash but he _______________ (not do) it.
10. We are so excited about our trip to the United States next month. We _______________ (visit) the
Yellowstone National Park, Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon and so on.
Exercise 8: Put in ‘a, an’ or ‘the’ where necessary. Leave the space empty if it doesn’t need ‘a, an’
or ‘the’.
1. Alice plays______________violin in______________school orchestra.
2. Most of us believe that______________good diet helps to maintain______________health.
3. “Can you pass me______________salt, please?” “Here you are.”
4. I have____________ idea. Why don’t we spend our holiday in____________Philippines this year?
5. She bought some fish and meat______________fish was good, but______________ meat was not.
6. “Where’s your Dad, Jimmy?” - “He’s planting______________tree in______________ garden.”
7. “Would you like to have______________ dinner with us tonight, Tracy?” - “I’m sorry. I’ve
got______________ homework to finish.”
8. Mark and Wendy are enjoying their honeymoon on__________island in__________ Caribbean
9. ______________Mont Blanc, a famous mountain in______________Alps, lies
on______________border of______________ France and______________Italy.
10. “Have you ever been to______________Qatar in______________Middle East?” -“No. But I
visited______________Abu Dhabi,______________capital of______________United Arab
Emirates, two years ago.”
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences using the words or phrases in the box. There are more words
than needed.
dedication urgent Profound sarcastic inherited
appreciated adolescence miserable arrogant distrustful
1. The mother’s behaviour has a _________________ impact on the developing child.
2. During _________________ , boys are sometimes very shy and lacking in self-confidence.
3. His talents are not fully _________________ in that company.
4. He can’t help making _________________ comments.
5. The report called for _________________ action to reduce lead in petrol.
6. He has always been _________________ of authority.
7. They were _________________ but, by and large, they were decent, honest people.
8. To reach a high level of skill requires talent, _________________ , and a lot of hard work.
9. He _________________ a fortune from his grandmother.
10. These people live in _________________ conditions.
Exercise 2: Choose the word which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of
the following questions.
1. Tolstoy’s experiences of war had a profound effect on his work.
A. narrow B. deep C. negative D. large
2. He was forced to stop working because of poor health.
A. retire early B. continue working C. keep on working D. stop to work
3. You will need dedication and determination to complete the course.
A. devotion B. enthusiasm C. sympathy D. understanding
4. He is encouraging someone to attend a family union.
A. forcing B. making C. persuading D. allowing
5. She came into a fortune when her uncle died.
A. inherited B. accepted C. took D. gave
Exercise 3: Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each of
the following questions.
1. The audience waited patiently for the show to begin.
A. constantly B. impatiently C. continuously D. dependently
2. They were arrogant but, by and large, they were decent, honest people.
A. conceited B. miserable C. urgent D. modest
3. He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as a wealthy man.
A. poor B. rich C. abundant D. inadequate
4. His health has improved considerably since he started on this new diet.
A. worsened B. supported C. increased D. proposed
5. A sports car like that costs a bomb, so we definitely can't afford it!
A. is expensive B. is average C. is fair D. is cheap
Exercise 4: Pronunciation
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. A. intelligent B. again C. generous D. urgent
2. A. nature B. feature C. residential D. picture
3. A. headache B. children C. kitchen D. lunch
4. A. appreciation B. pronunciation C. socialize D. socialism
5. A. worked B. moved C. washed D. liked
B. Choose the word in each group stressed on the different syllable from the others?
1. A. emigrate B. immigrate C. successful D. business
2. A. bitter B. suspect C. pursuit D. appear
3. A. pleasant B. honest C. custom D. exist
4. A. urgent B. wealthy C. scatter D. profound
5. A. retire B. patient C. accuse D. addicted
Exercise 1: Complete each of the following sentences using the correct tenses of the verbs in
parentheses: the past simple or the past continuous.
Example: He suddenly ...felt... (feel) sleepy while he ...was doing... (do) his homework.
1. We _______________ (sleep) soundly when a loud explosion _______________ (wake) us up.
2. I______________ (not answer) your call because I ______________ (attend) an important
3. She _______________ (fall off) while she _______________ (go) downstairs.
4. This morning she _________________ (get up) early and she _______________ (make) breakfast
for everybody.
5. The speaker _______________ (look) angry while he _______________ (leave) the conference.
6. She accidentally _______________ (break) the vase as she _______________ (clean) the
7. As I walked into the room, I _______________ (hear) a noise. Someone _______________ (use)
my computer.
8. The bus in which they _______________ (travel) had an accident, but luckily no one
_______________ (get) injured.
9. Last night while I _______________ (type) my report, my brother _______________ (sleep).
10. He _______________ (drive) very fast when the police _______________ (stop) him.
Exercise 4: Complete each of the following sentences using the correct tenses of the verbs in
parentheses: past simple, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous.
Example: He didn’t want to move. He ...had lived/ had been living(live) there all his life.
1. She _____________ (exercise) for thirty minutes when the phone _____________ (ring).
2. Steve _____________ (lose) his job because he _____________ (be) late to work many times.
3. He _____________ (love) her until he _____________ (find) out that she
(cheat)___________________on him for a year.
4. Jack and Jill _____________ (know) each other for three years before they _____________
(decide) to get married.
5. David _____________ (wait) for Kate for an hour before she finally _____________ (show up).
6. Ted was a wonderful guitarist. He _____________ (play) ever since he _____________ (be) a
7. The children _____________ (get) sick because they _____________ (eat) some undercooked
8. He only _____________ (go) to the doctor after he _____________ (be) ill for several months.
9. Peter _____________ (work) at the office for 15 years until they suddenly _____________ (fire)
him one day for no reason.
10. Wendy _____________ (be) mad at Richard because he told her she _____________ (gain)
Exercise 6: Choose the answer A, B, C or D that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. He ______ in an office but he left and got a job as a shipper.
A. used to working B. used to work
C. got used to work D. get used to working
2. How’s London? Are you ______ the cold weather yet?
A. used to B. get used to
C. use to D. got used to
3. Since Anna had the baby, she ______ much sleep.
A. is not used to get
B. has got used to not having
C. used to get
D. didn’t get used to have
4. You’ve stopped cycling? But why? You ______ a lot of cycling every day.
A. were used to do B. got used to do
C. used to doing D. used to do
5. She works from home, so she ______ people around her all day.
A. is used to not having B. isn’t used to have
C. doesn’t use to having D. used to not having
6. “How’s the new job? ______ it yet?” - “Yes. Thanks.”
A. Did you use to B. Did you used to
C. Are you use to D. Are you used to
Exercise 7: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct particle that follows the
verb. You can use some of the particles in the box more than once.
across down out up (3)
over through off out (2)
1. Firefighters have been called to put _______________ the fire in the neighbourhood.
2. They decided to put the wedding _______________ until his parents had returned from Canada.
3. When we looked through the old albums we came _______________ a photo of my aunt.
4. She brought _______________ two children on her own and it wasn't easy.
5. It took the teacher a few minutes to get the class to settle _______________
6. I had to look _______________ the word 'colloquial' to check how to spell it.
7. Would you like to eat _______________ or stay at home this evening?
8. I don't know how she goes _______________ that ordeal every day.
9. The fantastic dinner more than made _______________ for the bad room service.
10. Mai has got _______________ her illness and is on her way to a good recovery.
Exercise 8: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form or tense of one of the
phrasal verbs in the box. You can use each phrasal verb only once.
go back on make up for fit in with run out of catch up with
put up with live up to look up to get away with sign up for
1. He is such an arrogant colleague. I don't want to _______________ his behaviour any longer.
2. He tried really hard and ran as fast as he could but simply couldn't _______________ the best
3. Emma can’t find a job, so she had _______________ Unemployment Training.
4. You can rely on Richard. He won’t _______________ his word.
5. I have always _______________ my uncle and admired him.
6. Many companies are _______________ money these days.
7. I don't think you can do something that is wrong and _______________ it.
8. Her husband brought her some wonderful flowers to _______________ missing her birthday.
9. Tony doesn’t seem to _______________ the other children in his neighbourhood.
10. Their new film I saw didn't _______________ my expectations, but maybe I was influenced by too
many other people.
Exercise 1: Fill in the blank in the following sentences with one phrase from the box.
Part A:
bake cakes collect figures make clothes collection of stamps watching videos online
collect cards reading books text my friends use social media hang out with friends
1. __________________ is one of my favorite hobbies, and I always have a new book to read.
2. I often __________________ to stay in touch and catch up on each other's lives.
3. I __________________ to connect with friends and family who live far away.
4. I enjoy __________________ on various topics, from cooking to travel and music.
5. As a child, I used to __________________ of different sports, but now I prefer stamps.
6. My grandfather has an impressive __________________ from all over the world.
7. I like to __________________ at the park, and we usually play games and have a picnic.
8. I love to __________________ on weekends, and I always experiment with new flavors.
9. My brother likes to __________________ of his favorite superheroes and anime characters.
10. My sister has a passion for fashion, and she likes to __________________ for herself and others.
Part B:
basketball go bowling drama ice hockey ballroom dancing
cards lift weights Shopping Chess go rollerblading
go cycling Skateboarding doing ballet go for a run a musical instrument
Photography Martial arts Gymnastics go camping play board games
1. I have been _________________________ since I was a little girl, and I still love it to this day.
2. My parents love _________________________ and they do it every Saturday night at the
community center.
3. I love to play _________________________ with my friends after school to unwind and get some
4. On rainy days, my family likes to stay in and _________________________ together.
5. Every Friday night, my coworkers and I _________________________ to celebrate the end of the
6. I love to _________________________ in the mountains during the summer and enjoy the fresh
air and beautiful scenery.
7. My grandparents always _________________________ after dinner, and they have been doing it
for years.
8. _________________________ is a game that I love to play when I want to challenge my mind and
relax at the same time.
9. My brother and I like to _________________________ on weekends, and we explore different
trails in the area.
10. I have been doing _________________________ since high school, and I have performed in
several plays and musicals.
11. _________________________ is a sport that requires a lot of discipline and practice, but it is also
a lot of fun to do.
12. I grew up in a town where _________________________ was the most popular sport, and I used
to play on a team.
13. _________________________ is not only a way to learn self-defense, but it is also a great workout
that I enjoy doing.
14. Playing _________________________, like the piano or guitar, is a skill that takes time and
dedication to master.
15. _________________________ is a hobby that I enjoy doing in my free time, and I love capturing
beautiful moments and landscapes.
16. On sunny days, I like to _________________________ in the park and enjoy the fresh air and
17. Running is a great way to stay in shape and clear your mind, and I try to
_________________________ every day.
18. _________________________ is a fun activity to do with friends, and we always find great deals
and new things to try on.
19. _________________________ is a popular activity among teenagers, and I like to go to the skate
park and watch them do tricks.
20. I like to _________________________ at the gym to stay in shape and improve my strength and
Exercise 2. Choose the word which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of
the following questions.
1. The Eiffel Tower is a well-known landmark in Paris.
A. unkind B. famous C. unknown D. athletic
2. The new gym equipment is state-of-the-art and has all the latest features for a complete workout.
A. cutting-edge B. competitive C. skilled D. wind-powered
3. I was really looking forward to that sandwich, but now it's just half-eaten and not as satisfying.
A. untouched B. uneaten C. enjoyable D. partially eaten
4. The dress looked full-sized on the hanger, but when I tried it on, it was much too small.
A. life-sized B. miniature C. small-scale D. solar-heated
5. I was excited to try the new restaurant, but the poor quality of the food was a real let-down.
A. excitement B. pride C. disappointment D. happiness
Exercise 3. Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each of
the following questions.
1. The main road was closed due to a severe accident, causing a major traffic jam during rush hour.
A. side street B. arterial road C. thoroughfare D. major highway
2. The company hired a marketing team to help publicize its new product through social media
platforms and targeted advertising campaigns.
A. make public B. make known C. issue D. conceal
3. Her intolerant behavior towards people of different races and religions was unacceptable.
A. narrow-minde B. small-minded C. tolerant D. unsympathetic
4. It was his guilty conscience that made him offer to help.
A. culpable B. innocent C. blameworthy D. reprehensible
5. The view of the stars from the top of the mountain was out of this world.
A. great B. wonderful C. ordinary D. extraordinary
Exercise 3: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in
parentheses. Use the present perfect or the past simple.
Example: We are on holiday. We have had (have) a good time so far.
1. My uncle works as a film producer. He ______________ (make) more than twenty films.
2. I wasn’t hungry at yesterday lunchtime, so I ______________ (not eat) anything.
3. Charlotte Bronte was a writer in the 18th century. She ______________ (write) four novels.
4. The train ______________ (arrive). Let’s get on!
5. I ____________ (read) this book five times. I was sixteen the first time I ______________ (read)
6. I ____________ ( not see) Rita for over 10 years and then I ___________ (bump) into her last
7. That customer ___________ (be) here many times, but he ______________ (never buy) anything.
8. Tom ______________ (be) so active and sportive at university, but after the accident he
______________ (never be) the same.
9. Edward is my best friend. I ______________ (meet) him at school, and we (be)_____________
friends for over twenty years.
10. Since records ______________ (begin) in 1880, the global temperature (rise)________________
0.85 degrees Celsius.
1. patience (n) ≠ impatience
patient (n) ➔ patient (adj) ≠ impatient ➔ patiently (adv)
(kiên nhẫn (n) ≠ thiếu kiên nhẫn
bệnh nhân (n) ➔ bệnh nhân (adj) ≠ thiếu kiên nhẫn ➔ (1 cách) kiên nhẫn (adv))
2. loyalty (n) ≠ disloyalty (n)
loyalist (n) ➔ loyal (adj) ≠ disloyal (adj)➔ loyally (adv) ≠ disloyally (adv)
(lòng trung thành (n) ≠ sự không trung thành (n)
người trung thành (n) ➔ trung thành (adj) ≠ không trung thành (adj)➔ (1 cách) trung thành (adv)
≠ (1 cách) không trung thành (adv))
3. argument (n)
argumentative (adj): thích tranh luận, tranh cãi
arguable (adj): đáng ngờ, đáng tranh cãi ➔ argue (v)
(lý lẽ (n)
tranh luận (adj): thích tranh luận, tranh cãi
arguable (adj): đáng ngạc nhiên, đáng tranh cãi ➔ tranh luận (v))
4. destruction (n) ➔ destructive (adj) ➔ destroy (v)
(sự phá hủy (n) ➔ phá hủy (adj) ➔ phá hủy (v))
5. enthusiasm (n) ➔ enthusiast (n) ➔ enthusiastic (adj) ➔ enthusiastically (adv)
(nhiệt tình (n) ➔ nhiệt tình (n) ➔ nhiệt tình (adj) ➔ (1 cách) nhiệt tình (adv))
1. He was accused of being __________________________ to the government. (loyal)
2. There was a queue of people waiting __________________ for the bus to arrive. (patient)
3. We had an __________________________ with the waiter about the bill. (argumentative)
4. He __________________ that they needed more time to finish the project. (argument)
5. The factory's pollution was affecting the environment ___________________ . (destroy)
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. The last time he broke his ankle was 4 years ago.
=> He hasn’t______________________________________________________________________
2. He hasn't drunk any beer since the accident happened.
=> He last ________________________________________________________________________
3. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food.
=> I haven't_______________________________________________________________________
4. He has been working for this factory for three years.
=> He started______________________________________________________________________
5. I've never met such a famous singer before.
=> It's the first_____________________________________________________________________
6. There were more cars on the roads some years ago.
=> There used _____________________________________________________________________
7. I always get up early in the morning.
=> I am __________________________________________________________________________
8. We lived there when we were a child.
=>We used_______________________________________________________________________
9. I walked to work when I was younger.
=> I used_________________________________________________________________________
10. He had long hair but nowadays this hair is very short.
=> He used _______________________________________________________________________
11. I drink milk every day.
=> I am__________________________________________________________________________
12. I had dinner. I watched TV.
=> After I________________________________________________________________________
13. We bought a newspaper. We had a coffee.
=> After we______________________________________________________________________
14. Messi scored two goals. We arrived at the match.
15. The children did the housework. Their mother got home.
=>When ________________________________________________________________________

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