Đề kiểm tra 45 phút giữa học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Thí điểm)

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Class : 7A	Subject : English
Comments :
Phonetics : Odd one out 
1. A . calorie	B. musical 	C. cinema	D. community
2. A. again	B. allergy	C. organization	D. gardening 
3. A. burn	B. singer	C. away	D. color
Choose the best option
4. The film is not ____________ long as the film I watched last week.
A. but	 	B. same	C. either	 	D. as
5. My sister’s taste in art is quite different ____________ mine.
A. either 	B. too 	C. from 	D. as
6.	You can help young children by 	 them to do homework before or after school.
	A. doing	B. offering	C. teaching	D. helping
7.	Let’s collect and 	 warm clothes to homeless children in our city.
	A. give away	B. give back	C. take off	D. put on
8.	To help people in remote areas, we can 	 transportation, such as giving rides to the elderly.
	A. give	B. bring	C. provide	D. donate
9.	Let’s help the street children because they have bad 	.
	A. live	B. living conditions
	C. ways of life	D. earnings
10.	They have decided to ride to work 	 it is good for their health and the environment.
	A. so	B. but	C. although	D. because
11.	Our school has a program to 	 children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh City.
	A. ask	B. offer	C. tutor	D. volunteer
12.	Americans 	 the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country.
	A. have had	B. has had	C. had	D. to have
Use the correct word or phrase for each description , begin with the given letter: 
Word / Phrase
13. A thing you like doing and you spend a lot of time on it.
14. Give things to help people in need
15. People living in an area
Complete the sentences with the words given : 
 and because but or
16.Don’t read in bed ...it is harmful for your eyes.
17. The Japanese eat a lot of rice ,..they eat lots of fish ,too
18. I want to eat ice-cream ,...I have a sore throat
19. You should eat less fast food ,...you can put on weight .
Supply the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets : 
20. My brother( collect) stamp when he was a child .
21. I enjoy fishing because it (be )..interesting.
22. ..you ( finish)your homework yet ?
23. Don’t worry . we (go ) ..swimming with you tomorrow .
Match the health problems with its tip : 
Health problem
24. I’m so tired
a. Spend less time playing computer games.
25. I have spots
b. Wash your hands regularly
26. My eyes are dry
c. Keep your body warm and eat a lot of garlic
27. I feel weak and sick
 d. Go to bed and rest
28. It’s easy to get flu . What should I do?
e. Eat more and get more exercises too
29. I want to stay in shape. What will I do?
f. Eat less junk food , and exercise more
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B or C):
	Each country has many people who voluntarily take care of others. Many students in the USA often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or nursing homes. They read books to the people in these places. Sometimes the students just visit them , play games with them or listen to their problems .
	For boys who no longer have fathers, there is a voluntary organization called Big Brothers. Students take these boys to baseball games and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers .
	Some other students take part in helping disabled children . They give care and comfort to them to help them to overcome their difficulties. During summer vacations , they volunteer to work in remote or mountainous areas to provide education for children
	Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the word are those who help to bring happiness to others. 
30.What do volunteers do for the people in hospitals , orphanages and nursing homes?
A. do their shopping
read books , play games or listen to their problems 
clean up their houses
31. Big Brothers is 
	A. the name of a club
	B. a home for children
	C. an organization for boys who no longer have fathers.
32. Volunteer believe that 
	A. they are unhappy
	B. the happiest people are those who are young and healthy 
	C. bringing hapiness to others makes them the happiest people 
33. Which sentence is not True 
	A. Volunteers don’t provide classes for children
	B. Volunteers help disabled children to overcome their difficulities.
	C. Volunteers help the elderly in nursing homes. 
Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same ,using the beginning .
34. Her hobby is raising money for the poor
→ She enjoys..
35. Because he was tired , he went to bed early
→ He .., so 
Write full sentences using the suggested words and phrases given : 
36. They / visited / Ha Long Bay / many times. 
37. My brother / not like / ice-skating / because he thinks / it/ dangerous.
Rearrange the words to form the sentences about healthy living.
38. apple/keeps/An/day/doctor/ a/ the/ away ...
39. sleep/ are/ the/ cures/ A/ good/ and/ best/ laugh/ a/ long
40.eat/ not/ live/ Eat/ to / live/ to/,/.

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  • docde_kiem_tra_45_phut_giua_hoc_ki_i_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_thi_di.doc