Đề kiểm tra cuối kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Năm học 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Ngô Lê Tân

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ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI KÌ 1 – NĂM HỌC: 2022-2023
Mã đề 132
Thời gian: 45 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

Họ và tên học sinh: ..................................................... Lớp .............. SBD: .......
Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
Question 1: A. stops	B. lends	C. looks	D. proofs
Question 2: A. ignored	B. washed	C. laughed	D. developed
LANGUAGE (1.5 points)
Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
Question 3: You don't actually get a lot of________ from a news report on radio or TV.
A. informed	B. information	C. informations	D. informative
 Question 4: After you________, it automatically connects you to all the people in your address book who also are using WhatsApp.
A. access	B. log out	C. sign up	D. start 
Question 5: It is essential that she ________the truth.
A. should be told	B. told	C. should be tell	D. should been told
Question 6: He has just come back from London, _______is the capital of England.
A. that	B. where	C. which	D. in which
Question 7: When you got back, Harry ________
A. will leave London for New York	B. had already left London for New York
C. leaves London for New York	D. has left London for New York
Question 8: Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _______
A. gooder and gooder	B. the more and more good
C. more and more good	D. better and better
WRITING (1.5 points)
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction (0.5 point)
 Question 9: Schooling is compulsory in Australia between an ages of six and seventeen.
A. Schooling	B. compulsory	C. an ages of	D. and
 Question 10: English is spoken as the international language in the Australia.
A. English	B. is spoken	C. international	D. the
Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one (1.0 point)
Question 11: She began to play the piano three years ago.
A. She has played the piano for three years	B. She has played the piano since three years.
C. She stops playing the piano now.	D. She doesn’t play the piano now.
Question 12: You can go swimming. Make sure you obey your mother.
A. You can go swimming unless you obey your mother.
B. You can’t go swimming in case you obey your mother
C. You can go swimming if you obey your mother.
D. You can’t go swimming provided you obey your mother.
 Question 13: He left school. Then he worked for his father's company.
A. He had worked for his father's company before he left school.
B. Before he had worked for his father's company, he left school.
C. After he had worked for his father's company, he left school.
D. After he had left school, he worked for his father's company.
Question 14: There was a 30% rise in the rate of unemployment.
A. There was a rise to 30% in the rate of unemployment.
B. There was a rise up 30% in the rate of unemployment.
C. There was a rise by 30% in the rate of unemployment.
D. There was a rise of 30% in the rate of unemployment.
READING (2.0 points)
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the passage (1.0 point)
It seems today that ideas of what friendship is are also changing. A study in 1993 at the University of Oxford showed that people could only maintain 150 relationships. ___(15) ____ , with the explosion of social media since then, many people now have over 300 people who they think of as friends. Some people think that these friends are not real friends, but ____(16) ___ believe that social media has helped us to expand and keep our friendships because we have more time and opportunities.
Another change from the past is that people don't stay in the place ____(17) ___ they were born. They go to different cities and countries for education and jobs. This means that we have more ____(18) ___ to meet and make friends with people from different cultures and different backgrounds. One thing is definitely true though, it doesn't matter how old we are or how many friends we have on social media, friendship is good for our health. People who spend time with friends have fewer mental health problems and are generally happier and in a better physical state of health than people who spend their free time alone.
 (Adapted from Mindset for IELTS by Cambridge University Press)
Question 15: A. Moreover	B. For example	C. Therefore	D. However
Question 16: A. much	B. every	C. others	D. another
Question 17: A. whose	B. which	C. where	D. whom
Question 18: A. perspectives	B. systems	C. abilities	D. chances
Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions (1.0 point)
Sleep is very important for the brain. While we are asleep, the brain repairs itself. It also stores information that it learned during the day. If we do not get enough sleep, the brain cannot do these things. We become tired and we cannot remember things so well. Our body's 'immune system', which is its self- defence system, becomes weaker, so we are more likely to get ill.
Most people find sleep difficult because they are not relaxed. They do not exercise enough during the day, and in the evening, they are still thinking about their work or studies. In addition, they make phone calls or look at email messages until late at night. They also have too many drinks which contain caffeine, such as coffee, and eat dinner just before they go to bed. All of this is bad for sleeping.
So, what can we do? Of course, it is important to be relaxed. However, there are other things we can do to help us get a good night's sleep. First of all, we should make sure that the bed is comfortable, with a good mattress and pillows. The bedroom should be dark and quiet, so that we are not disturbed by light or noise. We should also have the same routine every evening before we go to bed. For example, we should read a book, have a hot bath, or listen to relaxing music. Finally, we should try to go to bed at the same time every night. In this way, we will start to sleep better and feel more active the next day.
 (Adapted from New Headway Academic Skills by Richard Harrison)
Question 19: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The importance of sleep	B. Traditional stories about sleep
C. The link between sleep and work	D. Different types of sleep
Question 20: The word ‘it’ in paragraph 1 refers to ________.
A. sleep	B. day	C. information	D. brain
Question 21: The word ‘contain’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. put	B. show	C. share	D. have
Question 22: Which of the following is true, according to the passage?
A. Listening to calming music before going to sleep isn’t a good idea.
B. Exercise during the day is very important for a good sleep at night.
C. We should change sleep hours every two weeks to have better sleep.
D. People nowadays are typically busy at night.
LISTENING (2.0 points)
 Listen to the conversation about living in the countryside in Japan. Circle A, B or C to answer each question. You will listen TWICE.(1.0 point)
 Question 23: Where is Sam living now?
A. in Japan	B. in England	C. in Europe
 Question 24: How does he feel about the people in the village?
A. easy	B. friendly	C. difficult
 Question 25: Which among these is true about Sam's attitude towards the weather in the village?
A. He hates it.	B. He thinks it is comfortable.	C. He likes it very much.
 Question 26: What is the most unusual about the village in Sam's opinion?
A. All snakes are green.	
B. There are many snakes.
C. Snakes like to stay in his office.	
Listen to two people talking about International Youth Music Festival and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (1.0 point)
Question 27: Keeping in touch with your family and friends can’t help you to feel part of your native culture.

Question 28: It is necessary that your children talk to their cousins, aunts, and uncles.

Question 29: Taste and smell of your favourite dishes from your home country can bring back good memories from your childhood or the past.

Question 30: You shouldn’t involve your kids and friends in shopping for traditional food, cooking and sharing recipes.

 Write a paragraph of 80 - 100 words about the advantages of green energy.
- Renewable eneregy
- Minimal impact on the environment.
- Low cost of operation.
----------- The End ----------

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