Đề kiểm tra cuối kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Ngô Lê Tân

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Môn: Tiếng Anh 10
Năm học: 2022 - 2023
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)
Mã đề thi: 132
Họ, tên thí sinh:..............................................................................................................................
Số báo danh:Lớp:
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction from 1 to 2:
Question 1: The project encourages students to take practice actions to make their surrounding environment better.
	A. encourages	B. practice	C. their	D. better
Question 2: My younger brother works for a company who makes laptops and tablets.
	A. younger	B. who	C. company	D. for
Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions from 3 to 7
The saola is one of the rarest large animals on earth. It was discovered by Ministry of Forestry of Viet Nam and WWF in the Vu Quang Nature Reserve in 1992. Adult saolas weigh 80-100 kg and both females and males have long, gently curving horns, and a significant pattern of white markings on the head.
This beautiful animal is found only in Laos and Viet Nam, along the shared border of the two countries. It lives in deep, wild forests which are not damaged by human activities. Because the saola is unique and very rare, it is impossible to know its exact population. Based on information from local villagers and images by photographers, researchers estimate that there are fewer than 750 saolas, and the number is declining due to illegal hunting and habitat loss.
To save the saola, some natural scientists think that we must rescue surviving individuals and provide a protected habitat for them. The last saola must be found caught and taken to the animal breeding centres, where they can produce young animals. Strict punishment should be applied to illegal hunting of the saola so that the rare, beautiful animal can survive.
Question 3: What is the main idea of the text?
	A. The saola can't survive in the wild and nothing can be done to save them.
	B. The saola is an endangered animal that needs to be protected to survive.
	C. The saola habitat is destroyed by local villagers and photographers.
	D. The last saola must be found caught
Question 4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a feature of scola?
	A. Curving horns	B. White markings	C. A big head	D. Long horns
Question 5: The word 'significant' mostly means______.
	A. easily noticed	B. quickly known	C. fairly good	D. very big
Question 6: According to the text, the population of the saola is __________.
	A. rising	B. stable	C. falling	D. fluctuate
Question 7: What can be inferred from the text?
	A. This endangered animal can be saved in the nature reserve.
	B. Everyone wants to take photos of this beautiful animal.
	C. It will be very difficult to save this endangered animal.
	D. The saola was found in many countries in the world.
Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one 8 to 10: 
Question 8: “Did you have a good time last weekend? He asked.
	A. He asked me whether was I having a good time last weekend.
	B. He asked me whether I had had a good time the previous weekend.
	C. He asked me whether did I have a good time last weekend.
	D. He asked me whether if I have had a good time last weekend.
Question 9: No one in the class is more hard-working than this boy.
	A. This boy is as hard-working as others in the class.
	B. This boy is more hard-working as others in the class.
	C. This boy is the most hard-working in the class.
	D. This boy is not as hard-working as others in the class.
Question 10: If I were you, ________.
	A. I will apply for that job	B. I would apply for that job
	C. I applied for that job	D. I apply for that job
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the passage from 11 to 20
Question 11: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
	A. gorilla	B. Giant	C. biodiversity	D. climate
Question 12: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
	A. digital	B. excellent	C. personal	D. electric
Question 13: An ___________ is the plants and living things in a particular area and the way they relate to their physical environment.
	A. environment	B. ecotourist	C. ecosystem	D. ecotourism
Question 14: Many women can't _______ long hours because they have to take care of their families.
	A. have worked	B. work	C. be worked	D. be working
Question 15: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
My friend said she would take part in a go-green event the following week.
	A. carry out	B. get on with	C. participate in	D. look after
Question 16: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Both genders should be provided with equal rights to education, employment and healthcare.
	A. supplied with	B. deprived of	C. equipped with	D. furnished with
Question 17: She asked me where I___________ from.
	A. to come	B. coming	C. came	D. come
Question 18: My youngest son, ____ may be quiet or shy in a classroom, may become active in a social learning situation made possible by digital devices.
	A. who	B. that	C. whom	D. whose
Question 19: They need _____________ experts to join the peacekeeping activities in the region.
	A. the best	B. well	C. the goodest	D. the better
Question 20: If it is sunny tomorrow, we ______ on an ecotour.
	A. went	B. would go	C. will go	D. go
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the passage from 21 to 25
In the early morning of the first day, the guide will pick you up and transfer to Nam Cat Tien National Park, located on a low mountainous area of Dong Nai Province. Nam Cat Tien is an area which represents a special ecosystem of wet .................(21).............. with biodiversity.
You will take a boat trip along the Dong Nai River to view the .............(22).......... on the river banks. You can stop at the grassland area to search for peacocks, jungle fowl and birds that prefer a more open habitat. After that, you can continue to go to Kim Lan Village, once a French military camp and now the main village to the one ethnic.................(23)............ of the park.
The song of birds will wake you up in the morning of the second day. You go hiking to the crocodile lake with plenty of ....................(24)............... to see many varieties of bird life and, if you are lucky, the chance of spotting larger mammals. The Siamese Crocodile is an endangered .........(25)............ and this is one of the last remaining places in the world that you can still see them in the wild. In the evening, a walking tour along the track following the river through the botanical garden to Heaven Rapids, which provide you with good opportunities to see the birds and possibly the gibbon.
Question 21: A. forests	B. area	C. places	D. varieties
Question 22: A. variety	B. wildlife	C. diverse	D. change
Question 23: A. habitats	B. plants	C. mammals	D. inhabitants
Question 24: A. advantages	B. opportunities	C. occasion	D. notes
Question 25: A. layers	B. species	C. spots	D. surfaces
Nam and Mai are talking about Mai’s project on ways to save endangered animals. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Question 26: Mai will complete her mid-term project by next Monday.	 
Question 27: Nam believes that people should first be made aware of the importance of the problem 
Question 28: Mai thinks that illegal hunting may not destroy wild animals’ natural habitats. 
Question 29: Nam believes that illegal hunting can be prevented by banning wildlife trade.
Question 30: Mai disagrees with buying souvenirs not made from endangered animal parts.
Listen to the conversation between An and a travel agent. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.
Question 31: What is An planning to do?
	A.He would like to go on holiday with his friends.
	B.He is planning to go on business this summer.
	C.He is planning to go on a trip with his family.
	D. He would like to go for a picnic with his friends.
Question 32: What is the promotion this summer?
	A. A discount voucher of 25% for new clients’ second vacation
	B. A discount voucher of 25% for new clients’ first vacation
	C. A discount of 25% for all of the present tours
	D. A discount of 25% for the present tour.
Question 33: Which of the following places does NOT the travel agent recommend to An?
	A. A town	B. A river	C. A volcano	D. A lake
Question 34: How many destinations valid for this promotion does the travel agent offer?
	A. 3	B. 2	C.4	D.5
Question 35: What further information does An ask for?
	A.The hotel or place to stay during the tour
	B. The hotel and transportation
	C.The transportation and the cost of the tour 
	D. The accommodation and cost
Write a paragraph (120 -150 words) about what you should or shouldn't do to become an ecotourist
You can use the suggested ideas below.
- Travel more on foot or by bike
- Buy products made from animal body parts when buying souvenirs
- Use foods and products with lots of packaging
- Leave air-conditioners on when leaving hotel rooms
- Take showers, instead of baths
- Buy local products
- Respect local cultures
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