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Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. bake B. hang C. capture D. challenge
2. A. emission B. awareness C. possibility D. success
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
3. A. threaten B. accept C. anxious D. patient
4. A. media B. computer C. employee D. collection
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
5. He _______ at the age of 60 and now he’s living on his pension.
A. resigned B. retired C. retrained D. retreated
6. Jack _______ on his grandparents’ farm and he enjoyed his childhood there.
A. brought up B. grew up C. settled down D. came into
7. Tom and Mary have just got _______ and they are getting ready for their wedding.
A. married B. divorced C. split D. engaged
8.When you are _______ your twenties, you are in perfect health to do whatever you want.
A. of B. on C. in D. under
9.My family has lived in this village for many _______.
A. categories B. descendants C. generations D. ancestors
10. How long is it since John _______ collecting memorabilia?
A. starts B. started C. has started D. had started
11. Peter _______ in Paris for 4 years, then he _______ to London and _______ there ever since.
A. has lived – has moved – has been B. lived – has moved – was
C. lived – moved – has been D. had lived – moved – was
12.We _______ the housework all morning. That’s why we are exhausted.
A. have cleaned B. have been cleaning C. were cleaning D. cleaned
13. This camera helps you _______ a perfect image of the landscape you’re enjoying.
A. arrest B. captivate C. capture D. catch
14. Open and friendly talks will help you stay on good _______ with your colleagues and boss.
A. relationships B. terms C. boats D. networks
15. She’s frustrated that she has to do all the household chores _______ his sister doesn’t.
A. when B. that C. while D. which
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
16. Unless you keep your parents informed, they are likely to be more and more distrustful.
A. doubtful B. trustworthy C. strict D. reliable
17. An exchange course during secondary years will surely transform your child into a mature
A. affect B. change C. develop D. train
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
18. I was surprised at the profound changes my hometown had undergone over the two decades.
A. negligible B. considerable C. noticeable D. unavoidable
19.Most teachers easily get irritated by such troublesome behaviours.
A. confused B. embarrassed C. excited D. pleased
Make the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
20. Jack (have) _______ a car crash last weekend and (be) ________ in hospital since then.
21. After a while, John got used to (take) _______ care of himself living in the dormitory.
22. I (just, know) ______ that Jane is in the hospital. I (visit) _______ her this afternoon.
Choose the correct adjectives.
23. She finds reading books bored / boring. She’s interested / interesting in playing sports.
24. Shua looks so tired / tiring. He has just finished the running competition.
25. She forgot her lines in the play and looked so embarrassed / embarrassing.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Preparing for an exchange course abroad involves a lot of things, one of which should be getting gifts
for your hosts. As you are going to be under the same (26)_______ for a while, it would be advisable to
(27)_______ good impression on arrival. Your gifts needn’t be (28)_______ expensive or cumbersome,
but it is crucial that it be something meaningful. There is a long list of items to choose from: your
hometown (29)_______, your handmade gifts, your school tee-shirt. Whatever the gift is, the
(30)_______ you present it to your hosts counts even more.
26. A. house B. ceiling C. home D. roof
27. A. make B. give C. do D. get
28. A. both B. all C. either D. neither
29. A. speciality B. specialist C. specialisation D. special
30. A. method B. way C. skill D. process
Read the text and choose the correct answers.
Human activities increasingly emit greenhouse gases, which build up in the atmosphere and warm the
climate and lead to many changes around the world: in the atmosphere, on land and in the oceans.
Many of these changes have positively and negatively affect people, society and the environment,
including plants and animals. Major greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere for dozens (and even
hundreds) of years, so their warming effects on the climate last for a long time, affecting both present
and future generations. Climate change encompasses not only global warming, i.e. the rising average
temperature, but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas and
various other impacts. Warmer temperatures mean that there are more and more insects that spread
diseases and that heat waves are getting more lethal to humans. Droughts and floods resulting from
climate change also pose great threats to agriculture. A recent study shows that for every rise of one
degree Celsius crop yields will go down 3 to 7 percent, severely affecting food insecurity.
31. Through their activities, man is creating _______ greenhouse gases.
A. the same amount of B. a greater amount of
C. a smaller amount of D. the greatest amount of
32. The writer agrees with all the following EXCEPT _______.
A. The increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere cause warmer weather.
B. Greenhouse gases influence not only plants but also animals.
C. Greenhouse gases are of no use to the earth.
D. Greenhouse gases do not disappear quickly.
33. The word “encompass” means _______.
A. hinder B. improve C. worsen D. include
34. Disease-spreading insects are mentioned as an example consequence of _______.
A. extreme weather events B. higher temperatures
C. wildlife habitat change D. climate change
35. According to the texts, heat waves are becoming _______ to humans.
A. unbearable B. more familiar C. less severe D. dissatisfying
Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions.
36.When did John start studying Spanish?
=> How long ___________________________________________________________________?
37. They have never ridden a horse before.
=> This is _____________________________________________________________________?
38.My sister and I have no difficulty in decorating the house at Xmas.
=> My sister and I are _____________________________________________________________.
39. The principal visited our class during our test.
=> While _______________________________________________________________________.
40. The last time I visited Jenny was 2 years ago.
=> I haven’t _____________________________________________________________________.
Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. teenager B. privacy C. irritation D. hatred
2. A. adolescent B. independence C. distrust D. education
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
3. A. figure B. drama C. ballet D. guitar
4. A. kayaking B. mountaineer C. instrument D. dialog
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
5. Helen _______ dolls for years and hers is a huge collection now.
A. has collected B. has been collecting C. collected D. were collecting
6. Peter _______ as a bank manager for 30 years and retired at the age of 65.
A. worked B. had been working C. had worked D. has worked
7. This is the fourth time we _______ Paris.
A. visited B. have been visiting C. has visited D. had visited
8. I highly recommend this restaurant. The food is out of this _______.
A. earth B. world C. planet D. universe
9. Sitting in the front _______, I couldn’t enjoy the movie at all.
A. row B. desk C. line D. queue
10. You must see this new film. It _______ your favourite actor.
A. stars B. acts C. directs D. displays
11.We planned a ________ birthday party for him, but he wasn’t _______ at all.
A. surprised – surprising B. surprising – surprised
C. surprising – surprising D. surprised – surprised
12.With a mobile phone, an exchange student can easily stay in _______ with his family and friends in
his home country.
A. communication B. touch C. correspondence D. contact
13. I don’t think young children _______ be allowed to use mobile phones at mealtime.
A. ought B. must C. better D. should
14.Much to our surprise, we _______ a huge sum of money from our uncle when he died.
A. left B. deposited C. mortgaged D. inherited
15.My cousin got married and quickly _______ down in Paris.
A. emigrated B. closed C. settled D. lived
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
16. I really admire Hellen Keller for all her efforts and determination.
A. doubt B. tolerate C. respect D. trust
17. Teenagers see the world differently and develop their own views.
A. arguments B. pictures C. sights D. opinions
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
18. Home (2009) has been made available in different languages so that it will be of educational
benefits to a larger audience.
A. unrestricted B. impractical C. unusable D. inaccessible
19. Natural disasters, such as storms, are the direct consequences of climate change.
A. causes B. impacts C. root D. development
Make the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
20. I (come) ____________________________________ home late. I promise!
21.My parents (get) ______________ married in 1999 and they (have) ______________ 2 years after.
22. They (know) _______________ each other since they (be) ___________________ young children.
Choose a/an/the to fill in the blanks.
23.My dad is ______________ Math teacher. In fact, he is _____________ only teacher in our family.
24. She is known as one of ____________________________ most beautiful girls in this town.
25. You can earn about 100$ ________________hour by doing this job, but it also puts high demands
on the data quality.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
The most important (26)_______ of a person’s life is the first few years when he/she is a child. It is in
these years (27)_______ the brain grows the fastest. The brain makes more than one million new
connections every second. In actual fact, it is widely held that 80 percent of the brain is formed by the
time a child (28)_______ three. A child needs food, play and love to grow mentally and physically.
Half of each meal a baby eats is used to (29)_______ his/her brain. All the energy from the meal is
devoted to making the brain connections. A child learns a lot during his/her playtime and develops a
sense of security in his/her parent’s love. (30)_______, as parents, one should never underestimate the
power of nutritious food, playtime and food.
26. A. part B. phase C. era D. season
27. A. that B. when C. which D. where
28. A. develops B. becomes C. turns D. has
29. A. build B. built C. building D. have built
30. A. However B. Moreover C. Lastly D. Therefore
Read the text and choose the correct answers.
Sporting memorabilia has always been the craze among fans of all kinds of sports. Collecting sporting
memorabilia is a fun and exciting way to show your love and passion for sports. The most common
reason for collecting memorabilia is its sentimental value. Memorabilia bring back collectors’ special
memories of their favourite teams, players, or sports moments. Some other people take great lengths in
pursuing the rare items. They say that the thrill of the search is as rewarding as owning one and that is
an adventure of excitement. Some others collect sports memorabilia as a form of investment. Many
items get increasingly valuable over time. These are the ones associated with legendary players or
historic moments. Ultimately, collecting sports memorabilia is a matter of personal choice depending
on individual preferences and motivations. Whatever kind of collectors, it’s undeniable that collecting
sporting memorabilia is a way to show our appreciation of the sports we love.
31.What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The benefits of collecting memorabilia
B. The ways to collect memorabilia
C. The causes of collecting memorabilia
D. The guide to collect memorabilia
32. The word “craze” is closest in meaning to _______.
A. madness B. happiness C. trend D. aim
33.Which of the following is NOT true of collecting memorabilia?
A. Most people collect memorabilia for emotional reasons.
B. It is the best way to show you love a sport.
C. Memorabilia can be a form of investment.
D. Some people try hard to own rare memorabilia.
34. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A. memorabilia’s value stays unchanged throughout the years
B. owning one item of memorabilia is the most important
C. what memorabilia to collect reflects collectors’ likes and dislikes
D. memorabilia are collected only for fun and childhood memories
35.What is the tone of the passage?
A. Neutral B. Approving C. Disapproving D. Sarcastic
Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions.
36. I have never been to such an impressive toy museum before.
=> This is _____________________________________________________________________.
37. I haven’t been to the cinema for two months.
=> The last _____________________________________________________________________.
38. I hang out with Elena a lot, but now we don’t often meet each other.
=> I used _______________________________________________________________________.
39. I find getting up early difficult.
=> I’m _________________________________________________________________________.
40. If I were you, I would try different kinds of food.
=> I think ______________________________________________________________________.
Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. capable B. accessible C. adolescent D. financial
2. A. stressed B. released C. accessed D. raised
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
3. A. guilty B. upset C. worried D. social
4. A. impact B. release C. control D. distrust
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
5. John _______ with the kids. That’s why he looks exhausted.
A. played B. has played C. has been playing D. had played
6. John left the lecture early because he _______ a headache.
A. had B. used to have C. was having D. had had
7. Helen is _______ with working on night shifts. She can easily stay up all night.
A. used B. familiar C. accustomed D. aware
8.While we _______ dinner, Jack came. We asked him to join us.
A. had had B. were having C. had D. have been having
9.Most parents _______ technology for their children’s distraction from schoolwork.
A. scold B. disapprove C. blame D. oppose
10. Her _______ tone means she suspected us of stealing her money.
A. miserable B. arrogant C. accusing D. confident
11. Social teenagers can easily _______ on with their teachers and classmates.
A. fit B. make C. live D. get
12.Most teenagers prefer being on their own to being in the _______ of their parents.
A. attendance B. appearance C. company D. surveillance
13. It’s an _______ competition. The children are so _______.
A. excited – excited B. exciting – exciting C. excited – exciting D. exciting – excited
14. Jack _______ taken to the zoo every month when he was a kid.
A. was used to B. used to C. used to being D. used to be
15. Is this ______ book that you’re looking for?
A. a B. the C. an D. x
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
16. The findings of latest research confirm the harm that greenhouse gases do to the environment.
A. reveal B. ignore C. question D. prove
17. I expected him to help me, so his refusal was a real let-down.
A. disappointment B. excitement C. opposition D. encouragement
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
18.My mom never believes in psychological consultation and she regards the advice as good in theory.
A. in lessons B. in calculations C. in practice D. in control
19. Vietnamese ethnic groups have distinct customs, and we can easily tell the apart.
A. different B. similar C. complicated D. boring
Make the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
20. He (live) ____________ in New York, but he (move) _______________ to Los Angeles last year
because of his new job.
21. Can you guess the winner? – I’m not sure, but I think the Red team (become) _____________ the
winner. Their teamwork is really good.
22. She’s not used to (have) __________________ meals without watching something on YouTube.
Choose the correct answers.
23. They sounded so angry / angrily when knowing that their son hadn’t told her them truth.
24. She is a / the last person who left the room.
25. Do you find knitting interested / interesting?
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Leisure activities (26)_______ an important part in a teenager’s development. They arouse his or her
interests, urging him or her to explore a new world of knowledge. (27)_______ leisure activities,
teenagers join in a community of people with the same likes. The network (28)_______ to close
friendships which help teenagers through thick and thin. (29)_______, leisure activities make an
excellent haven (30)_______ teenagers get away from the stress for a while or let off their steam or
anger in a positive way.
26. A. do B. play C. have D. serve
27. A. By B. In C. On D. Through
28. A. forms B. refers C. causes D. leads
29. A. However B. Thus C. Besides D. Otherwise
30. A. which B. that C. whose D. where
Read the passage below and choose the correct answers.
It is a common misconception that greenhouse gases only have detrimental effects on the Earth and our
world would be a much better place without them. In fact, they play an indispensable role in our
ecology. The Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, CFCs
and water vapour, all of which can be found near the Earth surface. They absorb radiation, heating up
the atmosphere. For example, carbon dioxide and water vapour take in infrared radiations coming to
the earth. At the same time, they partly reflect these infrared radiations back to the earth’s surface. The
process of radiation absorption maintains the temperature of the Earth in a way that makes the green
planet habitable for mankind. Without these greenhouse gases and their service, the Earth’s
temperature would fall drastically and become uninhabitable.
31.What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform ways to conserve the earth
B. To deal with a mistaken belief regarding greenhouse gases
C. To emphasise the damaging effects of greenhouse gases
D. To define and categorise greenhouse effects
32. Radiation absorption makes the earth _______ enough for habitation.
A. cold B. hot C. stuffy D. warm
33. Near the surface of the Earth are _______ types of greenhouse gases.
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
34. The word “drastically” is closest in meaning to _______.
A. gradually B. moderately C. slightly D. considerably
35.What is the tone of the passage?
A. Sarcastic B. Critical C. Complimentary D. Neutral
Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions.
36. John started his game of tennis 4 hours ago and he’s still playing.
=> John has _____________________________________________________________________.
37. It is the first time I have ever looked up to a scientist so much.
=> I have never __________________________________________________________________.
38. I walked to school when I was a child, but now I go to school by bike.
=> I used _______________________________________________________________________.
39. I haven’t gone to the cinema for about 2 months.
=> The last ______________________________________________________________________.
40. I haven’t seen such a monumental statue before.
=> This is the first time ____________________________________________________________.

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