Đề kiểm tra giữa kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Thí điểm) - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

docx5 trang | Chia sẻ: Thái Huyền | Ngày: 15/05/2024 | Lượt xem: 127 | Lượt tải: 0download
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I.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 point ) 
11. A. writes              	B. makes                   	C. takes                	D. drives
12. A. rubber              	B. calculator              	C. number            	D. subject
13. A. open	B. doing	C. going	D. cold
14. A. notebooks	B. rulers	C. erasers	D. pencils
15. A. hand	B. fat	C. orange	D. black
II.Underline the right word in brackets to complete each sentence.(1pt)
16. The students at my school can_______quietly in the library in the afternoon.
A.do 	B.have 	C.has	D.study	
17. They are_______ game now.
	A.playing	B.doing	C.having	D.studying
18. I _______ morning exercise every day with my mother.
A.play 	B.do 	C.have	D.go
19. Look! The boys _______Marbles in the play ground
	A. play	B. are playing	C. to play	D. plays
20.Ha_______ Math, Literature, English and Science on Tuesday
	A. studies	B. has	C. plays	D. A or B
III,With the correct form of the words given to complete the sentence: (0,5 pt) 
21. Where’s Tuan? He (do).judo in Room 2A.
22. They (not go)..to school on Sundays. 
IV.Choose the underlined part (A, B, C, D) that contains an error.(0.5 pt) 
23 . Mi is go to the park with her father .
	A B	 C	D
24 . Linda and Tom usually goes to the zoo every month.
	 A	 B	C	 D
I.Fill in the blank in the following passage with a suitable word from the box(1pt)
their begins off all
In England, when the school children come to school, they first go to the cloakroom .They take (25) their coats and raincoats, their caps and hats, and then they go to (26)  classroom. Some of the students go to the laboratories and workshops where they learn physics, chemistry and art. When a student is on duty , he comes to school very early. He has to open (27) the windows, water the flowers and clean the blackboard so everything is ready for the first lesson. At seven thirty, the teacher comes into the room and the lesson (28) 
II.Read the passage and write T/ F(1,5pt)
	This writing is about my best friend, Mai. We got to the same school and we’ve been together for three years. Mai is very pretty. She has short black hair and big brown eyes. She is clever and hard-working but she is also very funny. She makes jokes and we all laugh. She loves reading and writing short poems. I like being with her. We often do our homework together and she helps me a lot. I also like her because she knows a lot about astronomy and we can chat about it for hours. At the moment we’re making a Space mini book. We’re doing a lot of searching on the Internet. This Saturday, we’re going to the National Museum to take some photos for our project. Then we’re watching a new film on the Disney channel together. It’s going to be fun!
29.Phuc and Mai are studying in the same school
30.Mai has long black hair and big eyes
31.She likes writing short stories
32.Phuc and Mai are making a mini book on Geography now
33.They search for information in library books
34.They are going to the museum to take photos for their project
I.Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above. (1,5pt)
35,My class has 30 students.¦There are .....................................................................
36, We have a sink, a fridge, a cooker and a cupboard in our kitchen.
¦ There .......................................................................................................................................................
37, My house is in the country. ¦ I live .....................................................................................................
38, My school has twenty classrooms.→ There..
39, My house is in front of the tall trees→The tall trees are
II. Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence: (1,5pt)
40,Ann/ my pen friend.
41,She/ live /Sydney/ Australia...
42, She/ have/fair hair /blue eyes/very lovely. 
43,She/ like music/ swimming/and/the cinema...
44,She/have/yonger brother/name/Bruce ...
-The End-
I.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 point ) 
11. A. cupboard        	B. boarding              	C. biscuit              	D. climbing
12. A. classroom        	B. father                  	C. canteen             	D. pass
13. A. plays                	B. talks                     C. remembers       	D. interviews
14. A. cave	B. famous	C. late	D. valley
15. A. books	B. pens	C. cats	D. baths
II.Underline the right word in brackets to complete each sentence.(1pt)
16. Hung oftenhis bike to visit his hometown. 
A. drives 	B. flies 	C. rides 	D. goes
17. It’s cold. The studentswarm clothes. 
A. wear 	B. wears 	C. wearing 	D. are wearing
18. He often  with friend every day.
A.plays 	B.rides 	C.makes	D.A&B are true
19. She is usually lateschool because she gets up late
	A.on	B.to	C.in	D.for
20. I football now. I’m tired
	A.am not playing	B.don’t play	C.not playing	D.am not play
III,With the correct form of the words given to complete the sentence: (0,5 pt) 
21. Where are they? They (do). volleyball in Room 2A.
22. I (go).. to the library now. 	
IV.Choose the underlined part (A, B, C, D) that contains an error.(0.5 pt) 
23 . Nam go to the zoo with his father every year .
	 A B	 C	D
24 . John don’t study with Elisa in the classroom .
	 A	 B	 C	 D
I.Fill in the blank in the following passage with a suitable word from the box(1pt)
their begins off all
In England, when the school children come to school, they first go to the cloakroom .They take (25) their coats and raincoats, their caps and hats, and then they go to (26)  classroom. Some of the students go to the laboratories and workshops where they learn physics, chemistry and art. When a student is on duty , he comes to school very early. He has to open (27) the windows, water the flowers and clean the blackboard so everything is ready for the first lesson. At seven thirty, the teacher comes into the room and the lesson (28) 
II.Read the passage and write T/ F(1,5pt)
	This writing is about my best friend, Mai. We got to the same school and we’ve been together for three years. Mai is very pretty. She has short black hair and big brown eyes. She is clever and hard-working but she is also very funny. She makes jokes and we all laugh. She loves reading and writing short poems. I like being with her. We often do our homework together and she helps me a lot. I also like her because she knows a lot about astronomy and we can chat about it for hours. At the moment we’re making a Space mini book. We’re doing a lot of searching on the Internet. This Saturday, we’re going to the National Museum to take some photos for our project. Then we’re watching a new film on the Disney channel together. It’s going to be fun!
29.Phuc and Mai are studying in the same school
30.Mai has long black hair and big eyes
31.She likes writing short stories
32.Phuc and Mai are making a mini book on Geography now
33.They search for information in library books
34.They are going to the museum to take photos for their project
I.Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above. (1,5pt)
35,My class has 35 students.¦There are ....................................................................................................
36, We have a tivi, a table, a fridge and a cupboard in our kitchen.
¦ There .......................................................................................................................................................
37, My house is in the city. ¦ I live .....................................................................................................
38, My school has fourty classrooms.→ There..
39, My house is in front of the tall trees→The tall trees are
II. Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence: (1,5pt)
40,Ann/ my pen friend.
41,She/ live /Sydney/ Australia...
42, She/ have/fair hair /blue eyes/very lovely. 
43,She/ like music/ swimming/and/the cinema...
44,She/have/yonger brother/name/Bruce ....
-The End-
II.Listen and 
I.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 point ) 
11.D. drives	12.B. calculator	13.B. doing	14. A. notebooks	15. C. orange	
II.Underline the right word in brackets to complete each sentence.(1pt)
16.D.study	17.A.playing	18.B.do 	19.B. are playing	20.D. A or B
III,With the correct form of the words given to complete the sentence: (0,5 pt) 
21. is doing	22. don’t go 
IV.Choose the underlined part (A, B, C, D) that contains an error.(0.5 pt) 
23 . Mi is go to the park with her father .-->going
	A B	 C	D
24 . Linda and Tom usually goes to the zoo every month.--> go
	 A	 B	C	 D
I.Fill in the blank in the following passage with a suitable word from the box(1pt)
(25) off	(26) their	(27) all	(28) begins
II.Read the passage and write T/ F(1,5pt)
29.T	30.F (She has short black hair and big brown eyes.)	31.T	
32.F (She likes writing short poems.)	33.F (They are making a minibook on astronomy/space.)
34.F (They search for information from the Internet.)	35.T
I.Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above. (1,5pt)
35,My class has 30 students.¦There are 30 students in my class .
36, We have a sink, a fridge, a cooker and a cupboard in our kitchen.
¦ There is a sink, a fridge, a cooker and a cupboard in our kitchen
37, My house is in the country. ¦ I live in the country
38, My school has twenty classrooms.→ There are twenty classrooms in my school .
39, My house is in front of the tall trees→The tall trees are behind my house . 
II. Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence: (1,5pt)
40,Ann is my pen friend
41,She lives in Sydney, Australia
42, She has fair hair ,blue eyes and she is very lovely 
43,She likes music, swimming and the cinema
44,She has a yonger brother, and his name is Bruce 
-The End-
I.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 point ) 
11.D. climbing	12.C. canteen	13.B. talks                     	14. D. valley
15. A. books	
II.Underline the right word in brackets to complete each sentence.(1pt)
16.C. rides 	
17.D. are wearing Theo câu "It's cold" thì câu này là câu thì hiện tại tiếp diễn => câu D là chính xác
18. A.plays 	19. B.to	20. A.am not playing
III,With the correct form of the words given to complete the sentence: (0,5 pt) 
21. Where are they? They are doing volleyball in Room 2A.
22. I am going to the library now. 	
IV.Choose the underlined part (A, B, C, D) that contains an error.(0.5 pt) 
23 . Nam go to the zoo with his father every year .->goes
	 A B	 C	D
24 . John don’t study with Elisa in the classroom .->doesn’t
	 A	 B	 C	 D
I.Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above. (1,5pt)
35,My class has 35 students.¦There are 35 students in my class .
36, We have a tivi, a table, a fridge and a cupboard in our kitchen.
¦ There is a tivi, a table, a fridge and a cupboard in our kitchen...
37, My house is in the city. ¦ I live in the city.
38, My school has fourty classrooms.→ There are fourty classrooms in my school 
39, My house is in front of the tall trees→The tall trees are behind my house .
-The End-

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  • docxde_kiem_tra_giua_ki_i_mon_tieng_anh_lop_6_thi_diem_nam_hoc_2.docx