Đề kiểm tra giữa kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Năm học 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Ngô Lê Tân

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(Đề thi có 03 trang)
Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
Mã đề 132
Thời gian: 45 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

Họ và tên học sinh: .........................................................................................
Số báo danh: .................................................................................. Lớp ........
Học sinh làm bài trên phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm
Listen and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). You will hear the recording twice.
 (1.25 points)
Question 1: American workers have changed from manufacturing jobs to service jobs.
Question 2: Manufacturing jobs are jobs in which workers make something.

Question 3: Personal services are one of the five service jobs.

Question 4: 70% of workers produced goods one hundred years ago.

Question 5: 80% of workers will work in the service sector by the year 2020.

Listen to the second part of the talk and choose the best option to complete the statements or answer the questions. You will hear the recording twice. (1.25 points)
Question 6: How many main dangers to wildlife are mentioned in the task?
A. one	B. two	C. three	D. four
Question 7: People cut down forest trees to _________make more room for land for agriculture and building housing.
A. make more room for land.
B. make more for agriculture.
C. building housing.
D. All are correct.
Question 8: To increase crop production, people may also use pesticides and ___________
A. fertilizers.	B. compose.	C. chemical	D. pollutant.
Question 9: When tigers are hunted and killed, which of their parts are collected and used? 
A. bones	B. fur	C. teeth	D. legs
Question 10: What are the elephant tusks used to in the task ?
A. to make valuable items
B. to make traditional medicine.
C. to make false teeth.
D. to make food
Câu 6: "Would you like to have dinner with me tonight, Mary?" Peter said.
	A. Peter invited Mary to have dinner with him that night.
	B. Peter told Mary to have dinner with me tonight.
	C. Peter said would Mary like to have dinner with him that night.
	D. Peter invited Mary having dinner with him that night.
Câu 7: Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
I believe Mr. Brown is the most suitable candidate for the job as he has all the necessary qualifications.
	A. acceptable	B. inappropriate	C. proper	D. tailor-made
Câu 8: Paul: “I believe space travel will become more affordable for many people in the future.”
Daisy: “.”
	A. It doesn’t matter at all.	B. There’s no doubt about that.
	C. It is very kind of you to say so.	D. I am sorry to hear that.
Câu 9: Have these flowers.to her office, please.
	A. to take	B. taking	C. take	D. taken
Câu 10: Indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 
She has two degrees but she has only found a part-time, temporary job.
	A. permanent	B. long-run	C. stable	D. short-term
Câu 11: .this exam is, .Linda likes.
	A. The more difficult/the more	B. The difficult/the more
	C. The more difficult/the many	D. The more difficult/the many
Câu 12: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
	A. migrate	B. rhino	C. panda	D. giant
Câu 13: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
	A. graduate	B. encourage	C. organize	D. interview
Câu 14:  your education is, ..your opportunities are.
	A. More / more better	B. The more / greater
	C. The better / the greater	D. The most / the better
Câu 15: I  cooking dinner by the time you come home tomorrow.
	A. will have finished	B. are finished
	C. will be finishing	D. have finished
Câu 16: My sister .her laptop serviced last weekend.
	A. did	B. got	C. made	D. took
Câu 17: There are usually a lot of job seekers applying for one position. Only a few of them are .for an interview.
	A. listed	B. screened	C. shortlisted	D. tested
Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi ô trống từ 21 đến 25
Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future because they have been (18) . to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants are found nowhere else in the world, (19) . they are threatened by alien invasive species such as feral goats, pigs, rodents and non- (20) .plants.
The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to prevent the extinction of the 182 rare Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the wild. Since 1990, (21) . a result of their ‘Plant Extinction Prevention Program’, sixteen species have been brought into cultivation and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put up in order to (22) . plants in the wild.
In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims at collecting genetic material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim to manage wild populations and where possible to reintroduce species into reserves.
Câu 18: 
 A. disappeared	B. developed	C. reduced	D. increased
Câu 19: 
	A. or	B. for	C. but	D. so
Câu 20: 
	A. national	B. nation	C. nationally	D. native
Câu 21: 
	A. so	B. as	C. due	D. but
Câu 22: 
	A. protect	B. remain	C. vary	D. derive
Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 26 đến 30
Susan was very nervous about her interview. For at least three weeks before it she was worried about it. She really wanted the job but she knew that a lot of people wanted to do that too. She had been told that there were a great many applicants for it, so she prepared herself. She made notes of what she might be asked and of what she wanted to ask. When the day came, she arrived half an hour early. There were six other people waiting to be interviewed. They looked much more confident than her. She began to feel even more nervous. One by one, the others were called. Each of them came out looking satisfied. Susan was the last one to be called into the interview room. She had decided by then that she had no chance of getting the job, so she felt relaxed as she walked in; she felt that she had nothing to lose. The three interviewers were all very serious and they didn't seem to be interested in her. She forgot all the answers she had prepared and said the first things that came into her head. Afterwards she was sure she wouldn't get the job, but two days later she got a letter telling her she had been chosen because she had been the only one who acted naturally.
Câu 23: Susan was told that there were many.for the job.
	A. applicants	B. applicant	C. application	D. apply
Câu 24: There were only.interviewees.
	A. 8	B. 9	C. 6	D. 7
Câu 25: Susan felt even more nervous than before because the other people ..
	A. knew that she had no chance of getting the job
	B. looked more relaxed than her
	C. acted better than her
	D. looked more confident than her
Câu 26: She felt relaxed because ..
	A. she had already prepared herself	B. the other people were called
	C. she had nothing to lose	D. she began to feel nervous
Câu 27: Susan won the job because she was the only one who ..
	A. acted naturally	B. asked the questions naturally
	C. answered the questions naturally	D. told naturall
I. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, without changing their meaning . 
1: The manager wanted the workers to move the machine to a new station. 
The manager had the machine.
2: "Stay here and wait until I come back." said her mother. 
Her mother told .
 3: "Read the instructions before you switch on the machine", he said to me. 
He asked 
4: If you read many books, you will have much knowledge.
The more 
II. Write a paragraph of 140 – 160 words about the advantages and disadvantages of using intelligent robots.
 ----------- HẾT ----------

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  • docde_kiem_tra_giua_ky_ii_mon_tieng_anh_lop_12_nam_hoc_2022_202.doc
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