Đề kiểm tra học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 Thí điểm (Có đáp án)

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Class : 12/1
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
1. A. fluctuate	B. sanitation	C. established	D. steadily
2. A. hear	 	B. bear	C. wear	D. there
Mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
3. A. expand	B. migrate	C. effect	D. double	 
4. A. initiative	B. necessary	C. discriminate	D. authority
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
5. He died _______ heart failure on Thursday night. His children are still suffering _______ shock.
	A. of - for	B. of –from	C. from- from	D. at- from
6. A cell phone may take risk going __________ due to unexpected incidents.
 	A. of	B. on	C. off	D. for
7. His father used to be a ____ professor at the university. Many students worshipped him..
 	A. distinct 	 B. distinctive 	C. distinguish	D. distinguished 
8. A ____ once said “It is a sweet and honourable thing to die for your country.” 
A. patriotism 	B. patriotic	C. patriot	D. patrol
9. IPhone 7 is the latest ____ in the field of smartphone design of Apple. 	
A. creator 	B. create	C. creativity 	D. creation 
10. He is ____-influenced by his father and grandfather. His behaviors and decisions are exactly the same. 
A. mightily 	B. strongly 	C. terribly	D. weakly 
11. You may find you've got so many things to think about that it’s difficult to______.
A. see off	 B. put off	C. turn it off	D. switch off
12. The first wave of urban _____ took place in more developed countries, especially in Europe and North America.
A. migration	B. immigration	C. emigration	D.	evacuation
13. _______ and poverty force people to engage in anti-social activities.
A. Employees	B. Employment	C. Unemployment	D. Jobs
14. Her ______ to medicine was so great that she had little time for anything else.
A. importance	B. dedication	C. emphasis	D. reputation 
15. The government said that they didn’t have enough funds to deal with _______ medical care.
A. low-cost	B. high-cost	C. cost-high	D.cost-effective
16. We _______ touch with each other since we _______ school three years ago.
A. lost / have left 	B. have lost / leave 	C. have lost / left 	D. were losing / had left
17. It is imperative that this letter _______ immediately.
A. is sent	B. sends	C. was sent	D. be sent
18. They _________________ time and money doing such a thing.
A. were advised not to waste	C. were advising not to waste
B. advised not to be wasted	D. were advised not wasting 
19. He got good marks at his exams because all the lessons _____ carefully by him.
A. are revised	B. had revised	C. had been revised	D. were revised
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 
20. Adding a garage will enhance the value of the house.
A. stabilize 	B. alter 	C. increase 	D. diminish
21. The government's plans to cut taxes really stimulated the economy.
A. discouraged 	B. started 	C. weakened 	D. improved
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 
22. During the Great Depression, many people suddenly found themselves jobless after a night.
A. unemployed 	B. redundant 	C. unoccupied 	D. supplementary 
23. Are you looking for a temporary or a permanent job?
A. fierce 	B. stable C. fleeting 	 	D. loose
Mark the letter A. B. C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 
24. Connor is said to be very ambitious and aggressive.
A. People regard Connor as an ambitious and aggressive person. 
B. People talk Connor as an ambitious and aggressive person. 
C. People believe in Conor as an ambitious and aggressive person.
D. People feel Conor as an ambitious and aggressive person. 
25. I think we should change the topic of our presentation.
A. It's high time that we change the topic of our presentation. 
B. I'd rather our presentation change the topic. 
C. It's high time that we changed the topic of our presentation.
D. I suggest we to change the topic of our presentation. 
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 
26. The most people need healthy eating and enough exercise every day.
 A	 B	C	D
27. She was walking to the library to borrow some books when she was seeing a robbery.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. 
Nowadays, everybody knows Apples and almost everybody knows that the company was founded by Steve Jobs, an American inventor and entrepreneur. He is (28) ____ recognized as a pioneer in the field of microcomputer revolution. He helped design the first Macintosh computer, (29) ____ a small computer graphics company into Pixar, the company behind Toy Story and The Monster Inc. 
His countercultural lifestyle and philosophy was a product of the time and place of his (30) ________. Jobs was adopted and raised in San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s. In 1972, Jobs attended Reed College from which he dropped out in next to no time. Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 in order to sell Apple I personal computer. At that moment, he might hardly imagine that only a year later the company tasted impressive victory with Apple II, one of the first highly successful (31) ____ personal computers. Unfortunately, in 1985, following a long power struggle, Jobs was forced out of Apple. After leaving Apple, Jobs took a few of its members with him to found NeXT, a computer development company which was then bought by Apple. The purchase (32) ____ Jobs to become the company's CEO once again. 
28. A. widely	B. hardly	C. legally 	D. nationally 
29. A. translated	B. transferred 	C. transformed 	D. transited 
30 . A. increase 	B. upbringing 	C. rising	D. grow 
31 . A. massly-produced	B. mass-produced 	C. massive-produced	 	D. mass-producing 
32. A. made 	B. Did	 	C. allowed 	 	D. let 
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions 
There are many mistakes that people make when writing their resume (CV) or completing a job application. Here are some of the most common and most serious.
The biggest problem is perhaps listing the duties for which you were responsible in a past position: all this tells your potential employers is what you were supposed to do. They do not necessarily know the specific skills you used in executing them, nor do they know what results you achieved - both of which are essential. In short, they won’t know if you were the best, the worst or just average in your position.
The more concrete information you can include, the better. As far as possible, provide measurements of what you accomplished. If any innovations you introduced saved the organization money, how much did they save? If you found a way of increasing productivity, by what percentage did you increase it?
Writing what you are trying to achieve in life - your objective - is a waste of space. It tells the employer what you are interested in. Do you really think that employers care what you want? No, 
they are interested in what they want! Instead, use that space for a career summary. A good one is brief - three to four sentences long. A good one will make the person reviewing your application want to read further.
Many resumes list ‘hard’ job-specific skills, almost to the exclusion of transferable, or ‘soft’, skills. However, your ability to negotiate effectively, for example, can be just as important as your technical skills.
All information you give should be relevant, so carefully consider the job for which you are applying. If you are applying for a job that is somewhat different than your current job, it is up to you to draw a connection for the resume reviewer, so that they will understand how your skills will fit in their organization. The person who reviews your paperwork will not be a mind reader.
If you are modest about the skills you can offer, or the results you have achieved, a resume reader may take what you write literally, and be left with a low opinion of your ability: you need to say exactly how good you are. On the other hand, of course, never stretch the truth or lie.
(Source: www.ielts-mentor.com)
Question 33. What topic does the passage mainly discuss?
	A. The necessary skills for job application. 
	B. The common way to make impression in a job interview. 
	C. The way how to write the resume for job application.
	D. The mistakes people make when applying for a job.
Question 34. The word “executing” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
	A. completing	B. enumerating	C. implementing 	D. determining
Question 35. The word “concrete” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by ____________.
	A. specific	B. important	C. substantial 	D. indeterminate
Question 36. What does the word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
	A. organization money	B. information
	C. productivity 	D. percentage 
Question 37. According to the passage, what information should candidates include in their resume?
	A. the past achievements	B. specific skills for previous jobs
	C. future objective 	D. previous positions
Question 38. Why did the author mention that applicants should write a good brief career summary?
	A. Because it can provide their specific skills in their positions. 
	B. Because the employers do not care for what you want to achieve. 
	C. To make the employers interested in what they want.
	D. To make the interviewers more curious about you.
Question 39. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
	A. Applicants should not apply for a distinct job from what they are doing.
	B. The ability to negotiate effectively is as significant as technical skills.
	C. The information interviewees present should be ralated to the job they are applying.
	D. Candidates must study the job they are applying carefully before writing the CV.
Question 40. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________________.
	A. you should write accurately about your ability for the vacant position.
	B. a resume reader is good enough to understand what you imply about your ability in 
the CV. 
	C. you should be modest about what you can do.
	D. you are allowed to exaggerate the truth of your competence if possible. 
---The end---
*Mark the answers here in the box

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