Đề luyện thi Trung học Phổ thông Quốc gia năm 2023 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề thi số 16 (Có đáp án)

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Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.
Question 1: No one is better cook than his mother, ______? 
A. is she	B. isn’t she	C. are they D. aren’t they
Question 2: The room is being .. at the moment. a. was cleaned	b. cleaned	c. cleaning	d. clean
Question 3: I think there's a picture of the hotel ________ the first page. A. on	B. at 	C. in 	D. to
Question 4: My young brother grew very quickly and soon he was..my mother. A. more big than	B. so big than	C. as big as	D. too big than
Q 5: ________ Alberts are staying in a hotel near the sea. A. An 	B. Some 	C. 0 (no article) D. The
Question 6: We_____ lunch when the telephone______.
A. have just started - rang B. just started - was ringing C. had just started-rang D. am having-rings 
Question 7: I am looking forward to _______ you. a. having seen b. seeing c. to see	d. see
Question 8: I’ll show you around the city when you ___ to visit me.
   A. are coming
B. come
C. will come
D. will be coming
Question 9: Can you please tell me some information _______ to the job ?
	A. relating	B. that relate	C. that are relating	D. that related
Question 10: Although David was ____ after a day’s work in the office, he tried to help his wife the household chores. A. exhaustion	B. exhausted 	C. exhausting 	D. exhaustive
Question 11: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke down	B. broke away	C. broke in	D. broke into
Question 12: There are plenty of industrial _______ established in the area, which also makes the government worried about pollution. a. series 	b. goods 	c. enterprises d. relationships
Question 13: Free _______ area is a designated group of countries that have agreed to eliminate tariffs, quotas, and preferences on most goods among them. a. trade 	b. cultural 	c. stable 	d. adopted
Question 14: ASEAN has _______ a community of Southeast' Asian nations at peace with one another and at peace with the world. a. joined 	b. estimated 	c. established	d. solved
Question 15: He says the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage _______.
a. dedication 	b. growth 	c. unemployment d. investment
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 16: - “How lovely your pets are!” “_______________”
A. Thank you, it's nice of you to say so 	B. Really? They are
C. can you say that again 	D. I love them, too
Question 17: - “You must be Jane's sister. Glad to meet you. “______________”
A. I am, either 	B. So I am. I'm glad	C. What do you do 	D. Me too
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction. 
Question 18. Many students at the institution worshipped her father because he was a distinguishable professor and achieved many prestigious awards. A. prestigious B. achieved C. distinguishable D. worshipped
Question 19. My close friends spend most of their free time helping the homeless people in the community last year. A. spend 	B. of 	C. close 	D. helping
Question 20. Bottlenose dolphins are usually slow swimmers, but it can reach speeds of over 30 mph for short periods . A. usually 	B. of 	C. it 	D. periods
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question from 21 to 26
The principle of use and disuse states that those parts of organisms' bodies that are used grown larger Those parts that are not tend to wither away. It is an observed fact that when you excercise particular muscles they grow. Those that are never used dimish. By examining a man’s body, we can tell which muscles he uses and which he doesn't, we may even be able to guess his profession or his reaction. Enthusiasts of the "body- building"cult make use of the principle of use and disuse to "build" their bodies, almost like a piece of sculpture into whatever unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in this peculiar minority culture. Muscles are not the only parts of the body that respond to use in this kind of way. Walk barefoot and you acquire harder skin on your soles. It is easy to tell a farmer from a bank teller by looking at their hands alone. The farmer’s hands are horny, hardenedby long exposure to rough work. The teller's hands are relatively soft.
The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in their world progressively better during their lifetime as a result of living in that world. Humans, through direct exposure to sunlight, or lack of it, develop a skin color which equips them better to survive in the particular local conditions
Too much sunlight is dangerous. Enthusiastic sunbathers with very fair skins are susceptible to skin cancer. Too little sunlight, on the other hand, leads to vitamin-D deficiency and rickets. The brown pigment melanin which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, makes a screen to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further sunlight. If a suntanned person moves to a less sunny climate, the melanin disappears and the body is able to benefit from what little sun there is. This can be represented as an instance of the principle of use and disuse: skin goes brown when it is "used", and fades to white when it is not.
Question 21: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. How the principles of use and disuse change people's concepts of themselves. B. The changes that occur according to the principle of use and disuse C. The way in which people change themselves to conform to fashion. D. The effects of the sun on the principle of use and disuse.
Question 22: The phrase "wither away" in bold is closest in meaning to A. split B. rot	C. perish	D. shrink
Question 23: The word "Those" in bold refers to A. organisms	B. bodies	C. parts	D. muscles
Question 24: It can be inferred from the passage that the principle of use and dissure enables organisms to __A.change their existence	B.automatically benefit C. survive in any condition	D.	improve their lifetime
Question 25: The author suggests that melanin ______ A. is necessary for the production of vitamin-D	B. is beneficial in sunless climates C. helps protect fair-skinned people	D. is a synthetic product
Question 26: In the second paragraph, the author mentions suntanning as an example of
A. humans improving their local condition	B. humans surviving in adverse conditions
C. humans using the principle of use and disuse	D. humans running the risk of skin cancer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part that differs from the other three in the pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 27: A. close-knit	B. cactus.	C. desert	D. rhinoceros
Question 28: a. diverse 	b. admit 	c. science 	d. enterprise
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following question.
Question 29: A. furnish 	B. reason 	C. promise 	D. tonight	
Question 30: A. habitable	B. infamously	C. geneticist	D. communist
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
The development of writing (31) ________ a huge difference to the world and might see it as the beginning of the media. Pieces of pottery with marks on that are probably numbers have been discovered in China that date from around 4000 BC. Hieroglyphics and other forms of "picture writing" developed in the (32) ________ around Mesopotamia (mordem-day Iraq), where the ancent Sumerian civilization was based, from around 3300 BC onwards. However, the first (33) ________ alphabet was used by the Phoenicians around 1050BC. Their alphabet had 22 letters and it is estimated that it lasted for 1000 years. The first two signs were called "aleph" and "beth", which in Greek became "alpha" and "beta"* which gave us the modem word "alphabet" The modem European alphabet is based on the Greek and (34)___ to other European countries under the Romans. A number of changes took place as time passed. The Romans added the letter G, and the letter J and V were unknown to people in Shakespear's time.
If we (35) ________ the history of punctuation, we also find some interesting facts. The Romans used to write quaesto at the end of a sentence in order to show that it was a Question, they started to write Qo in place of the whole word, and then put the Q above the 0. In the end, that became the question mark "?"
Question 31: A. did	B. had	C. made	D. took
Question 32: A. distance	B. area	C. length	D. earth
Question 33: A. true	B. accurate	C. exact	D. precise
Question 34: A. spread	B. appeared	C. was	D. occurred
Question 35: A. look into	B. bring on	C. make off	D. hold up
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.	
Bacteria are extremely small living things. While we measure our own sizes in inches or centimeters, bacterial size is measured in microns. One micron is a thousandth of a millimeter a pinhead is about a millimeter across. Rod shaped bacteria are usually from two to four microns long, while rounded ones are generally one micron in diameter Thus if you enlarged a founded bacterium a thousand times, it would be just about the size of a pinhead. An adult human magnified by the same amount would be over a mile(1.6 kilometers) tall.
Even with an ordinary microscope, you must look closely to see bacteria. Using a magnification of 100 times, one finds that bacteria are barely visible as tiny rods or dots One cannot make out anything of their structure. Using special stains, one can see that some bacteria have attached to them wavy - looking "hairs" called flagella. Others have only one flagellum. The flagella rotate, pushing the bacteria though the water. Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power while others can glide along over surfaces by some little understood mechanism.
From the bacterial point of view, the world is a very different place from what it is to humans To a bacterium water is as thick as molasses is to us. Bacteria are so small that they are influenced by the movements of the chemical molecules around them. Bacteria under the microscope, even those with no flagella, often bounce about in the water. This is because they collide with the water molecules and are pushed this way and that. Molecules move so rapidly that within a tenth of a second the molecules around a bacterium have all been replaced by new ones even bacteria without flagella are thus constantly exposed to a changing environment.
Question 36: Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
(A) The characteristics of bacteria	(B) How bacteria reproduce
(C) The various functions of bacteria	(A) How bacteria contribute to disease 
Question 37: Bacteria are measured in ______. (A) inches	(B) centimeters	(C) microns	(D) millimeters 
Question 38: Which of the following is the smallest?
(A) A pinhead	(B) A rounded bacterium (C) A microscope	(D) A rod-shaped bacterium 
Question 39: According to the passage, someone who examines bacteria using only a microscope that magnifies 100 times would see
(A) tiny dots	(B) small "hairs" (C) large rods	(D) detailed structures
Question 40: The relationship between a bacterium and its flagella is most nearly analogous to which of the following? (A) A rider jumping on a horse's back 	(B) A ball being hit by a bat
(C) A boat powered by a motor	(D) A door closed by a gust of wind
Question 41: In line 16, the author compares water to molasses, in order to introduce which of the following topics? (A) The bacterial content of different liquids (B) What happens when bacteria are added to molasses
(C) The molecular structures of different chemicals (D) How difficult it is for bacteria to move through water
Choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
Question 42: A nuclear station may take risk going off due to unexpected incidents.
A. demolishing	B. running	C. developing	D. exploding
Question 43: After an unhappy love affair, Emily Dickinson lived like a person apart from society, shut away in her family home in Amherst, Massachusetts. A) a heroine B) a beggar C) a recluse D) an invalid
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 44: Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in their selection and use of sources. A. related to parties	B. religious	C. serious	D. disregard
Question 45: There are three crucial points in his argument.
A. unimportant	B. special	C. diverse	D. complex
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 46. My brother is not old enough. He can’t take the driving test.
A. If my brother were old enough, he could take the driving test.
B. Provided that my brother is old enough, he can’t take the driving test.
C. If only my brother were young enough to take the driving test.
D. If my brother had been old enough, he could have taken the driving test.
Question 47. Emily had just finished saving all the documents. The computer crashed then.
A. Hardly had Emily finished saving all the documents when the computer crashed.
B. The moment Emily started to save all the documents, the computer crashed.
C. Had it not been for the computer crash, Emily could have saved all the documents.
D. No sooner had the computer crashed than Emily finished saving all the documents.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 48. Drivers are required to wear their seat belts while driving. A. Drivers may wear their seat belts while driving. B. Drivers needn’t wear their seat belts while driving. C. Drivers shouldn’t wear their seat belts while driving D. Drivers must wear their seat belts while driving.
Question 49. Lucas and Oliver last got together more than a year ago. A. The first time that Lucas and Oliver got together was more than a year ago. B. Lucas and Oliver didn’t get together last year.
C. Lucas didn’t get together with Oliver for more than a year.
D. Lucas and Oliver haven’t got together for more than a year.
Question 50. “What have you done to your hair?” she said to her son. A. She wanted to know what did her son do to his hair. B. She wanted her son to know what he had done to his hair. C. She asked her son what to do to his hair. D. She asked her son what he had done to his hair.
---------GOOD LUCK TO YOU---------
Collocation & Idiom:
On the first page: ở trang đầu tiên
Save up: tiết kiệm
Make a diference: tạo sự khác biệt.
+ distinguishable (a): có thể phân biệt	+ distinguished (a): đặc biệt, xuất sắc
+ series (n): loạt, chuỗi 	+ goods (n): hàng hóa	
+ enterprises (n): doanh nghiệp, công ty 	+ relationship (n): mối quan hệ
+ trade (n): thương mại	+ cultural (a): thuộc về văn hóa	
+ stable (a): ổn định	+ adopt (v): chọn, thông qua
+ join (v): tham gia	+ estimate (v): ước tính	
+ establish (v): thành lập	+ solve (v) : giải quyết
+ dedication (n): sự cống hiến	+ growth (n): sự tăng trưởng	
+ unemployment (n): sự thất nghiệp	+ investment (n): sự đầu tư
+ Split (v): phân chia	+ Rot (v): mục rữa
+ Perish (v): chết, tàn lụi	+ Shrink (v): co vào, bé đi
+ demolish (v): phá hủy	+ explode (v); nổ
+ Celebratory: ca ngợi	+ religious (a): thuộc tôn giáo
+ disregard (a): coi thường	+ recluse (n): người ẩn dật
+ invalid: không hợp lệ	+ beggar(n): người ăn xin
+ crucial (a): quan trọng	+ unimportant (a): không quan trọng
+ special (a): đặc biệt	+ diverse (a): phong phú
+ complex (a): phức tạp
Word form
Exhaustion: sự kiệt sức
Exhausted: càm thấy kiệt sức
Exhausting: việc gỉ làm ai kiệt sức
Exhaustive: đầy đù, chi tiết
Phân biệt: Exact, True, Precise, Accurate.
	+ True (adj); thực, chân thực, đúng với sự thật (thường dùng với một sự kiện, sự việc)
	+ Accurate (adj): chính xác, xác đáng (theo kiểu đúng với mọi chi tiết)
	+ Exact (adj): đúng đắn, chính xác (đưa ra tẩt cả các chi tiết một cách đúng đắn)
	+ Precise (adj): rõ ràng, chính xác, tỉ mi, nghiêm ngặt (đưa ra các chi tiểt một cách rõ ràng, chính xác và thường dùng trong đo)
CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG: Nếu dịch sang tiếng Viêt mà có từ BỊ/ ĐƯỢC à câu bị động
MẠO TỪ: THE + TÊN NGƯỜI + S: để chỉ gia đình ai đó. Ex: the Browns: gia đình ông Brown
TENSES: JUST là dấu hiệu của thì HTH hoặc QKH (dùng QKH khi có 1 hđ ở quá khứ)
Phrasal verb:
+ Go off = explode : nổ tung, phát nổ 	+ look into: điều tra, xem xét
+ broke down: suy sụp, bị hỏng	+ broke away: rời khỏi	
+ broke in: đột nhập	+ broke into: đột nhập, bắt đầu làm gì
Question 21: Chọn B Phân tích đáp án:
A: How the principles of use and disuse change people's concepts of themselves: Cách những quy luật về dùng và không dùng làm thay đôi khái niệm của con người về chinh họ.
B: The changes that occur according to the principle of use and disuse: những thay đồi tùy theo quy luật dùng và không dùng - nội dung xuyên suốt bài (những thay đối của người tập thể hình/của da người tùy theo điều kiện nắng...)
C: The way in which people change themselves to conform to fashion: Cách nhà người ta thay đổi để chạy theo thời trang - Chỉ là một nội dung nhỏ.
D: The effects of the sun on the principle of use and disuse: những ảnh hường của ánh nắng lên quy luật dùng và không dùng - Hoàn toàn sai.
Đáp án chính xác là B.
Question 22: Chọn D 
Key word: wither away
Clue: ‘those parts of organisms' bodies that are used grow larger. Those parts that are not tend to wither away. những phần đó của cơ thể sinh vật sổng đang được sử dụng sẽ phát triển lớn hơn. Những phàn đó của cơ thể sinh vật sống đang được sử dụng sẽ phát triển lớn hơn. Những phần đó không có ý định ______	
Phân tích đáp án:
 Split (phân chia)	Rot (mục rữa)
 Perish (chết, tàn lụi)	Shrink (co vào, bé đi)
Ta thấy rằng dựa vào clue thì ý của câu 2 phải ngược lại ý của câu 1. Ở câu 1 là “grow larger” thì ở câu hai sẽ phải mang nghĩa là bé đi. Đáp án chính xác là D. 
Question 23: Chọn D 
Keyword: those
Clue: ‘It is an observed fact that when you exercise particular muscles, they grow. Those that are never used dimish. ” '.Theo quan sát thì khi bạn tập luyện những nhóm cơ nhất định, chúng sẽ lớn lên. Những nhóm không bao giờ được sử dụng sẽ rất nhỏ.
Phân tích đáp án:
A. organisms	B. bodies
C. parts	 	D. muscles
Do câu trước đang nói đến nhóm cơ nên câu sau chắc chắn. Do đó đáp án chính xác là D.
Question 24: Chọn c
Key word: principle of use and disuse enables organisms to
Clue: ‘The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in their world .... which equips them better to survive in the particular local conditions”: Nguyên tắc dùng và không dùng giúp cho động vật có thể thích nghi tốt hơn trong việc tồn tại ở thế giới của chúng... trang bị cho chúng để tồn tại trong những điều kiện cụ thể.
Phân tích đáp án:
Survive in any condition (tồn tại ở bất kỳ tình trạng nào)
Automatically benefit (có lợi một cách tự động)
Change their existence (thay đổi sự tồn tại của chúng)
Improve their lifetime (cải thiện tuổi thọ)
Dựa vào clue ta thấy đáp án chính xác là c.
Question 25: Chọn c
Key word: melanin
Clue: “The brown pigment melanin which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, makes a screen to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further sunlight. Melanin có sắc tố nâu được tổng hợp dưới tác động của ánh nẳng, tạo nên một lớp bảo vệ những tế bào nằm dưới da khỏi tác động có hại của ánh nắng mặt trời.
Phân tích đáp án:
Helps protect fair-skinned people Is beneficial in sunless climates Is necessary for the production of vitamin-D is a synthetic product
Dựa vào clue ta thấy rằng đáp án chính xác là c. 
Question 26: Chọn c 
Keyword: suntanning
Clue: “Humans, through direct exposure to sunlight, or lack of it, develop a skin color which equips them better to survive in the particular local conditions. Too much sunlight is dangerous. Con người tiếp xúc trục tiếp với ánh nắng mặt trời hay thiếu ánh nắng đều phát triển một màu da để tồn tại tốt hơn trong môi trường địa phương đặc biệt.
Phân tích đáp án:
A: Humans improving their local condition 
B: Humans surviving in adverse conditions (tình trạng có hại)
C: Humans using the principle of use and disuse 
D: Humans running the risk of skin cancer
Qua clue ta thấy được quy luật sử đụng và không sử dụng “ánh nắng” của con ngưòi.
Đáp án chính xác là c.
Question 31: Chọn C
Make a diference: tạo sự khác biệt.
Question 32: Chọn B
Area around Mesopotamia: khu vực xung quanh Mesopotamia.
Distance (n): khoảng cách
Area (n) (vùng, khu vực)
Length (n) (chiều dài)
Earth (n) (trái đất)
Phía sau chỗ trống là đanh từ "Mesopotamia" có nghĩa là vùng đồng bằng Lưỡng Hà. Do đó, "area" là từ phù hợp nhất để điền vào chỗ trống.
Question 33: Chọn A
True (adj); thực, chân thực, đúng với sự thật (thường dùng với một sự kiện, sự việc)
Accurate (adj): chính xác, xác đáng (theo kiểu đúng với mọi chi tiết)
Exact (adj): đúng đắn, chính xác (đưa ra tẩt cả các chi tiết một cách đúng đắn)
Precise (adj): rõ ràng, chính xác, tỉ mi, nghiêm ngặt (đưa ra các chi tiểt một cách rõ ràng, chính xác và thường dùng trong đo hrâmg)
Question 34: Chọn A
Tạm dịch: "The modem European alphabet is based on the Greek and spread to other European countries under the Romans": Bảng chữ cái của người Châu Ấu hiện đại có nền tảng là tiếng Hy Lạp và lan truyền sang các mước Châu Ấu khác dưới thời La Mã
To spread: truyền ra, rải, truyền bả 
Question 35: Chọn A
Look into: điều tra.
Tạm dịch: "If we look into the history of punctuation, we also find some interesting facts": Nếu chúng ta xem xét lại lịch sử của hệ thống chẩm câu, chúng ta cũng sẽ tìm thấy một vài thực tế thú vị.
Question 36: Chọn A
Ta làm câu hỏi sau khi đã hoàn thành các câu hỏi khác.
Key words: mainly discuss
Question 37: Chọn C
Question 38: Chọn B
Question 39: Chọn A
Question 40: Chọn C
Question 41: Chọn D

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