Đề minh họa kiểm tra định kỳ Tiếng Anh 7 theo định hướng phát triển năng lực

docx4 trang | Chia sẻ: Thái Huyền | Ngày: 15/05/2024 | Lượt xem: 116 | Lượt tải: 0download
Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Đề minh họa kiểm tra định kỳ Tiếng Anh 7 theo định hướng phát triển năng lực, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Thời lượng: 45p (cho 4 phần Use – Listening – Reading – Writing)
Số điểm: 8 (Phần Speaking có 2 điểm được tổ chức kiểm tra riêng)
I/ Pronunciation.
	Identify the underlines letters that are pronounced differently from the others.
A. sleeps	B. wants	C. says	D. starts
A. reads	B. watches	C. lives	D. studies
Identify the words whose main stresses are different from the others.
A. China	B. Brazil	C. Vietnam	D. Thailand
A. restaurant	B. different	C. computer	D. countryside
II/ Vocabulary and grammar.
	Choose the best option to complete the following sentence.
5/ She loves being ______ bed.
in	B- on	C- at	D- over
6/ Where do people _________ their time around the world?
sleep	B- spend	C- have	D- go
7/ My dad _________ phones when we’re eating together at home.
gets	B- lets	C- spends	D- bans
8/ He’s older and he ______ more.
studies	B- don’t study	C- doesn’t study	D- study
9/ Some students________ school at 5 p.m.
finish	B- finishes	C- to finish	D- finishing
10/ My mum _______ much.
work	B- to work	C- doesn’t work	D- don’t work
Listen to five speakers and choose the best option, A, B or C.
1 – Speaker 1: What are her favorite places in town?
Shops and fast-food restaurants
Parks and shops
Fast-food restaurants and cinemas
2 – Speaker 2: Does he stay in his room a lot? 
No, he doesn’t.
He comes home from school.
Yes, he does.
3 – Speaker 3: Does she stay in bed later at the weekends? 
No, she doesn’t. She likes doing many activities.
Yes, she does. She loves being in bed.
No, she doesn’t. Her mom asks her to go shopping.
4 – Speaker 4: Is he online a lot? 
No, not much
Yes, quite a lot
5 – Speaker 5: Does she spend much time on her homework? 
No, not much
Yes, quite a lot
Just some time
	Read the text and answer the questions.
Getting a good night’s sleep
Sleep is very important. It lets your body and mind rest after a busy day. Everyone has trouble sleeping sometimes. There are things you can do to help you sleep better. Think about what you drink in the afternoon and evening. Cola drinks can keep you awake. Don’t eat too much before bedtime and have at least an hour after dinner to let your food go down. Try to get some fresh air each day. You don’t have to do a sport every day. Just going outside is good.
Try not to have your bedroom too hot or too cold. Put a nightlight on if you like to have some light. Try dark curtains if you don’t. Try to go to bed at the same time each day. This should be the same at weekends as well as on school nights.
Have a warm bath or shower before bed to relax you. A milky drink could also help you sleep. Don’t watch the television or use a phone or tablet before bed. The light they give off can wake up your brain. Remember to go to the toilet before you go to bed.
1) How often does everyone have trouble sleeping? 
A) always
B) sometimes
C) usually
2) Which kind of drink is NOT good for sleeping?
A) milky drinks
B) water
C) Cola drinks
3) The light from television or phone could
A) wake your brain up.
B) help your brain sleep quickly.
C) relax your body.
4) How does the writer say about food before bedtime?
A) You can eat as much as you like.
B) You shouldn’t eat too much.
C) It is pleasant.
5) What is the main idea of the text?
A) Give advice on how to sleep well
B) Describe eating habit before bed
C) Talk about the importance of light
Read this note from your friend.
I spend about two hours watching TV every day. Do you like watching TV? What programs do you like to watch?
Write your friend a note and answer the questions. Use 25 words or more.

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