Đề ôn luyện Bài tập Câu gián tiếp môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12

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Direct speech and Reported speech
I. Definition:
1. Lời nói trực tiếp: là sự lặp lại chính xác những từ của người nói.
- Lời nói trực tiếp được đặt trong dấu ngoặc kép và sau động từ chính có dấu phẩy(,) hoặc dấu hai chấm(:).
- Đôi khi mệnh đề chính cũng có thể đặt sau lời nói trực tiếp.
Ex: “ I don’t like this party” Bill said.
2. Lời nói gián tiếp (indirect/reported speech) là lời tường thuật lại ý của người nói, đôi khi không cần phải dung đúng những từ của người nói.
Ex: Bill said that he didn’t like that party.
II. Những thay đổi trong lời nói gián tiếp:
 1. Thay đổi động từ: Thì của các động từ trong lời nói gián tiếp thay đổi theo một nguyên tắc chung là lùi về quá khứ (các thì xuống cấp):
Direct Speech
Reported Speech
1. Present Simple:V1
Ex1: Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock”
Ex2: He said “ I like beer”
2. Present Progressive: am/is/are +Ving
Ex: He said “I’m watching TV”
3. Present Perfect: has/have + V3/ed
Ex: He said “ I have just bought a new book”
4. Past Simple: V2/ed
Ex: They said “ We came by car ”
5. Past Progressive: was/were + V-ing
Ex: He said “I was sitting in the park at 8 o’clock”
6. Past Perfect: had + V3/ed
Ex: She said “ My money had run out”
7. Future Simple: will +V without to (V0)
Ex: Lan said “I’ll phone you”
8. can
Ex: He said “ you can sit here”
9. may
Ex: Mary said “I may go to Ha noi again”
10. must
Ex: He said “I must finish this report”
1. Past Simple:V2/ed
EX1: Nam said (that) he was told to be at school before 7 o’clock.
Ex2: He said (that) He liked beer
2. Past Progressive:was/were+Ving
Ex: He said (that) he was watching TV
3. Past Perfect: had + V3/ed
Ex: He said (that) I had just bought a new book
4. Past Perfect: had + V3/ed
Ex: They said (that) they had come by car
5. was/were+V-ing or Past Perfect progressive
Ex:-He said ( that ) he was sitting in the park at 8 o’clock”
- He said ( that )he had been sitting in the park at 8 o’clock”
6. Past Perfect: had + V3/ed
Ex: She said ( that) her money had run out
7. would + V without to ( Vo)
Ex: Lan said ( that) she would phone me
8. could
Ex : He said ( that) we could sit there
9. might
Ex: Mary said ( that) shemight go to Ha noi again
10. must/ had to
Ex: He said ( that)he had to finish that report
* Chú ý: Một số trường hợp không đổi thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp:
- Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề giới thiệu được dùng ở thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc tương lai đơn, thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp vẫn không thay đổi
 Eg: He says/ he is saying/ he has said/ he will say, “the text is difficult”.
 ® He says/ is saying/ has said/ will say (that) the text is difficult.
- Khi câu nói trực tiếp thể hiện một chân lý hoặc một hành động lặp lại thường xuyên, thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp vẫn không thay đổi
 Eg: My teacher said “The sun rises in the East”
 ® My teacher said (that) the sun rises in the East.
 He said, ‘My father always drinks coffee after dinner’
 ® He said (that) his father always drinks coffee after dinner
- Nếu lúc tường thuật, điểm thời gian được đưa ra trong lời nói gián tiếp vẫn chưa qua, thì của động từ và trạng từ thời gian vẫn được giữ nguyên
 Eg: He said, “ I will come to your house tomorrow”
® He said (that) he will come to my house tomorrow.
- Câu trực tiếp có dạng câu điều kiện loại 2 hoặc loại 3:
Eg: He said; “If I knew her address, I would write to her”
® He said that he would write to her If he knew her address 
 Eg: She said, “If I had enough money, I would buy a new bicycle.”
® She said (that) if she had enough money, she would buy a new bicycle.
 Eg: The teacher said, “If John had studied harder, he wouldn’t have failed his exam.”
® The teacher said (that) if John had studied harder, he wouldn’t have failed his exam.
 Tuy nhiên nếu lời nói trực tiếp là câu điều hiện loại 1 thì được chuyển sang loại 2 ở lời nói gián tiếp
 Eg: The advertisement said; “If you answer the questions correctly, you may win one million dollar” ® The advertisement said that I might win one million dollar If I answered the questions correctly. 
- Không thay đổi thì của mệnh đề sau “wish’
 Eg: He said; “I wish I had a lot of money”
 ® He wishes (that) he had a lot of money 
- Không thay đổi thì của mệnh đề sau “It’s (high/ about) time”
 Eg: She said; “It’s about time you went to bed; children”
 ® She told her children that It’s about time they went to bed 
- Không thay đổi thì của mệnh đề đi sau ‘would rather, would sooner”
 Eg: She said; “I would rather you stayed at home”
 ® She said that she would rather I stayed at hone
- Không thay đổi thì của:
 Could, would, might, should 
Ought, had better, need 	trong câu nói gián tiếp 
Nhưng must -> had to/ must	
Eg: She said; “I could do the homework 
® She said the she could do the homework 
- Động từ trong câu nói trực tiếp có thời gian xác định:
 Eg: He said, “I was born in 1980”
 ® he said that he was born in 1980.
- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian trong câu phức có thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn
Eg: “I saw him when he was going to the cinema”
 She said she saw him when she was going to the cinema
2. Thay đổi về đại từ nhân xưng, đại từ sở hữu, tính từ sở hữu:
Đại từ nhân xưng
Trực tiếp
Gián tiếp
He, she
They/ he/ she/ I
 Chủ ngữ 
Tân ngữ
Trực tiếp
gián tiếp
Him/ her
Them/ him/ her
Tính từ sở hữu
Trực tiếp
Gián tiếp
His/ her
Their/ his/her/ my
Đại từ sở hữu
Trực tiếp
Gián tiếp
Him/ hers
Theirs/ his/ hers
3. Thay đổi về từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn:
Nhãm tõ trong c©u trùc tiÕp
Nhãm tõ trong c©u gi¸n tiÕp
Today/ tonight
that day/ that night
the day before/ the previous day
last month/ night 
the moth before / the previous month/ night
the following day/ the next day
this moth
that month
The day before yesterday
Two days before
The day after tomorrow
In two days’ time
next month/ week. ..
the month after / the following month/ week
* Chú ý:
- NÕu t­êng thuËt vÉn cïng ë 1 ®Þa ®iÓm vµ thêi gian, chóng ta kh«ng thay ®æi th× cña ®éng tõ, tÝnh tõ chØ ®Þnh vµ tr¹ng ng÷ thêi gian vµ n¬i chèn.
 Eg: He said “ I will come here to take this book tonight”.
 à An hour ago he said he will come here to take this book tonight.
- Thªm liªn tõ vµo c©u t­êng thuËt chØ nguyªn nh©n
Eg: She said “ I am very tired I have worked overnight.”
 à She said she was very tires because she had been worked.
III. Những thay đổi cụ thể trong từng loại câu trong lời nói gián tiếp
 1. Câu trần thuật trong lời nói gián tiếp: (Statements in reported speech)
 S + said (to + O) + that S + V
 S + told + O + that S + V.
 Eg: ‘We will have a test tomorrow’, My teacher said.
 -> My teacher said (that) they would have a test the next day.
*Note: Có thể sử dụng một số ĐT dẫn sau: thought, announced, explained, complained, believed
2. Câu hỏi trong lời nói gián tiếp (Questions in reported speech)
Chó ý: Khi chuyển câu hỏi trực tiếp thành gián tiếp cũng cần áp dụng qui tắc chuyển đổi trên, ngoài ra cần thay đổi:
Động từ tường thuật câu hỏi gián tiếp là asked/ wanted to know/ wondered ( tự hỏi)
Trật tự từ chuyển về dạng trần thuật tức là chủ ngữ đứng trước động từ và không có trợ động từ
Không dùng liên từ “that’, dấu “?” được bỏ đi
a. Yes/ no questions:
S + asked + ( O ) + if / whether + clause
 Eg: Tuan asked Ba “Are you fond of watching television?” 
 Tuan asked Ba if/whether he was fond of watching television
b. Wh-questions:
S + asked + (O) + wh - word + clause
 Eg: He said to me, “Why did you go with her father last week?”
 He asked me why I had gone with her father the week before.
Chú ý: Trong trường hợp câu trực tiếp có cả câu trần thuật và câu hỏi khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp phần nào vẫn cứ đi phần ấy
 Eg: “ I have left my watch at home. Can you tell me the time?”
 He said that he had left his watch at home and asked me if I could tell him the time
 3. Câu mệnh lệnh trong lời nói gián tiếp (Imperative in reported speech)
 Khi ®æi c©u mÖnh lÖnh trùc tiÕp thµnh c©u mÖnh lÖnh gi¸n tiÕp, cÇn l­u ý:
 + §éng tõ t­êng thuËt lµ: ordered, commanded (ra lÖnh), requested, asked (yªu cÇu), told (b¶o lµm )
 + T©m ng÷ trùc tiÕp chØ ng­êi nhËn mÖnh lÖnh ®­îc nªu lªn.
 + H×nh thøc mÖnh lÖnh cña ®éng tõ trong c©u mÖnh lÖnh trùc tiÕp ®æi thµnh ®éng tõ nguyªn thÓ.
 (+) He/ she + ordered + object + to infinitive
 Eg: “Please wait for a minute.” The man asked me
 à The man asked me to wait for a minute.
 “Would you mind opening the door” she asked me.
 She asked me to open the door.
 He said to the waiter, “ Please bring me some hot water.”
 à He told to the waiter to bring him some hot water.
 I said to her “Please shut the window.”
 à I asked her to shut the window.
 (-) He/ she + ordered + object not to + infinitive
 Eg: “ Please don’t talk loudly”.
 à He asked me not to talk loudly.
 He said “Don’t shut the door”.
 à He asked me not to shut the door.
4. Câu cảm thán trong lời nói gián tiếp: (Exclamationin reported speech)
- Động từ tường thuật là: exclaim/shout 
 Eg: He said, “ What a lovely garden they have”
 He exclaimed that they had a lovely garden.
- Các hình thức cảm thán bắt đầu bằng “what’ và “how” chuyển sang gián tiếp bằng:
 He said that it was  / hoặc He exclaimed that it was 
Eg1: She said; “What a pity!” (Direct speech) -> She exclaimed that it was a pity
Eg2: I said; “What a nice horse” -> I exclaimed that it was a nice hoese
Eg3: He said; “How beautiful she is!”-> He exclaimed that she was beautiful! 
Eg4: “What a big egg” he said -> He said that it was a big egg.
Eg5: “ How dreadful!” he said -> He exclaimed that it was dreadful.
5. Reported speech with to infinitive
 - Khi lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp lµ lêi ®Ò nghÞ, mÖnh lÖnh, ý ®Þnh, lêi høa, lêi yªu cÇu,...®éng tõ t­êng thuËt cïng víi ®éng tõ nguyªn mÉu theo sau th­êng dïng ®Ó truyÒn t¶i néi dung lêi nãi trªn.
§éng tõ t­êng thuËt + t©n ng÷ + ®éng tõ nguyªn mÉu (to-infinitive)
*§éng tõ t­êng thuËt: ask, advise, command, invite, order, recommend, encourage, urge, warn, want., beg, instruct, persuade
§éng tõ t­êng thuËt + ®éng tõ nguyªn mÉu (to-infinitive)
*§éng tõ t­êng thuËt:agree, demand, hope, promise, threaten, offer, refuse, decide...
Would you/ Could you / Will you/ Can you -> asked+ sb + to + V
Would you mind + V-ing /Do you mind + V-ing -> asked + sb + to +V
Would you like/ Will you -> invited + sb + to + V
 a. Đề nghị, lời mời:
 S + invite + (O) + to V 
 S + offer + to V 
Ex: He said, “Would you like to go out for a drink?”
---> He invited me to go out for a drink.
 She said to me; “How about some coffee”
-> She invited me some coffee 
 “I will look after the house for you if you like” he said.
-> He offered to look after the house for me if I liked.
 * Ta sử dụng “ Would you like to V... / How about / Why don’t you +  để mời 
 Eg: Why don’t you come to my village to have a day off?
 * Offer: - Would you like me to V
 - Shall I do.../ Can I? Could I ?
 - I’ll do  if you like 
Eg: Can I help you with the dishes? Shall I shut the door?
Would you like a drink? Would you like to come for a meal?
 b. Yêu cầu: (động từ tường thuật ask)
Ex: She said, “Can you lend me your book?”
---> She asked me to lend her my book.
 * Ta cã thÓ sö dông : Could you.? , Can you ? Would you mind ? Or câu mệnh lệnh để yêu cầu
 “Would you mind closing the door?” ® he asked me to close the door.
 Can you close the door? Close the door ,please.
* “I’d like” “Can I have?” 	 khi chuyển sang gián tiếp ta áp dụng cấu trúc 
“Could I have?”	
S + asked + someboby + for + something
Ex: In a restaurant, the man said; “I’d like a bottle of red wine, please”
-> The man asked for a bottle of red wine 
c. Khuyên bảo:
Ex: “You should study harder,” my mother said.
---> My mother advised me to study harder.
 *Lêi khuyªn th­êng b¾t ®Çu b»ng:
 - You should / You ought to V...........
 - If I were you , I would/ should 
 - You had better 
 - Why don’t you .
Eg’ Why don’t you repaint our room? ®She advised me to repaint their room.
Chuyển sang gián tiếp có cấu trúc sau: S + advised + O + to V 
 d. Lời nhắc nhở
“Remember”	khi chuyển sang lời nói gián tiếp ta áp dụng cấu trúc sau
Don’t for get
S + remind(ed) + someboby + to Infinitive verb
Ex: She said to me; “Don’t forget to ring me up tomorrow evening”
-> She reminded me to ring her up the bext eveining 
 e. Sự đồng ý về quan điểm như: all right, yes, of course (áp dụng cấu trúc sau): 
 S + agreed + to verb
Ex: “All right, I’ll wait for you” he said
-> He agreed to wait for me 
 f. Caâu tröïc tieáp dieãn taû ñieàu mong muoán nhö: would like, wish (aùp duïng caáu truùc sau): 
 S + wanted + obj + to verb
Ex: “I’d like Lan to become a doctor,” my mum said 
-> My mum wanted Lan to become a doctor 
 g. Từ chối : S + refused + to V 
Eg: ‘No, I won’t lend you my car”
-> He refused to lend me his car.
 h. Lời hứa: S + promised to V
Eg: ‘I’ll send you a card on your birthday” 
-> He promised to send me a card on my birthday.
* Công thức chung khi đổi sang câu tường thuật với to V:
 S + V (+ O) + to V
6. Reported speech with gerund: (câu gián tiếp với danh động từ) 
 - Khi lời nói gián tiếp là lời đề nghị, chúc mừng, cảm ơn, xin lỗi .động từ tường thuật cùng với danh động từ theo sau nó thường dùng để truyền tải nội dung lời nói trên.
Động từ tường thuật + V-ing.......
 * Động từ tường thuật:deny, admit, suggest, regret...........
Ex: He said to me; “Let’s go home”
-> He suggested going home 
 Động từ tường thuật + giới từ + Ving
* Động từ tường thuật: : dream of, object to, insist on, complain about, think of, look forward to......... 
Ex: “I’ll help you with your physics exercise,” Peter said to Susan.
---> Peter insisted on helping Susan with her physics exercise.
Động từ tường thuật + giới từ + tân ngữ + Ving
 * Động từ tường thuật: thank sb for, accuse sb of, congratulate sb on, apologize sb for, warn sb against, prevent sb from, stop sb from 
 Ex1: “It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much,” Tom said to you.
---> Tom thanked me for helping him.
Ex2: “I’m sorry I’m late,” Peter said.
---> Peter apologised for being late.
Danh ®éng tõ t­êng thuËt th­êng ®i theo ®éng tõ t­êng thuËt SUGGEST trong c¸c mÉu c©u ®Ò nghÞ sau:
Why don’t you/ Why not / How about -> suggest + sb + V-ing
Let’s / Let’s not -> suggest + V-ing/ suggest + not+ V-ing
Shall we/ It’s a good idea -> suggest + V-ing.
Cảm ơn, xin lỗi:
 S + thanked + s.o + for + v-ing
 S + apologized for + (not) + v-ing
 S + apologized + to + s.o + for + (not) + v-ing
Ex1: “It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much,” Tom said to you.
---> Tom thanked me for helping him.
Ex2: “I’m sorry I’m late,” Peter said.
---> Peter apologised for being late.
b. Chúc mừng:
S + congratulated + s.o + on + v-ing
Ex: John said, “I heard you received the scholarship. Congratulations!”
---> John congratulated me on receiving the scholarship.
“I hear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” John said to us. 
 -> Tom congratulated us on passing our exams 
c. Cương quyết, khăng khăng:
S + insisted + on + v-ing
Ex: “I’ll help you with your physics exercise,” Peter said to Susan.
---> Peter insisted on helping Susan with her physics exercise.
 “I’ll drive you to the station. I insist,” Peter said to Linda
-> Peter insisted on driving Linda to the station 
d. Cảnh báo, ngăn cản: 
Lời cảnh báo như : be careful, be dangerous
 a. S + warned + s.o + to verb
 b. S + warned + s.o + against + v-ing 
ex1: “Be careful of strangers and don’t go out at night”; he said 
-> He warned us to be careful strangers and not to out at night 
Ex2: “Don’t stay at the near the airport,” I said to Ann
-> I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near the airport
 Ex3: “Don’t go out alone at night,” I said to Linda.
 ---> I warned Linda agaisnt going out alone at night.
Ngăn cản: S + prevented, stopped + s.o + from + v-ing
Ex1: “Stay here! I can’t let you go out tonight,” her mother said to Jane
-> Her mother prevented Jane from going out that night 
Ex2: “Sit here. I can’t let you stand all the time,” Mary said to me.
---> Mary prevented me from standing all the time.
e. Chấp nhận hoặc phủ nhận:
Ex1: “We stole his money,” they said.
---> They admitted stealing his money.
Ex2: “I didn’t steal his money,” she said.
---> She denied stealing his money.
f. Đề nghị, gợi ý: 
S + suggest + (not) + V-ing 
S1 + suggest (ed) + That + S2 + should + bare infinitive
Ex: He said to me; “Let’s go home”
-> He suggested going home 
-> He suggested that we should go home 
Ex: “Let’s go out for a drink,” Susan said.
---> Susan suggested going out for a drink.
 * Lêi ®Ò nghÞ, gîi ý th­êng b¾t ®Çu b»ng:
 - sö dông “could” ®Ó gîi ý: She could phone her
 - Shall we . 
 Shall we go and see a film?
	Shall we talk about something different now?
What about / How about V-ing/ Let’s V./ Why don’t we V .
 What about going to Judy's?
	How about using my car?
 Let's go outside.
	Why don't you write to her yourself?	
g. Tố cáo, buộc tội:
Ex: “You took some of my money,” he said.
---> He accused me of taking some of his money.
h. Mơ ước:
S + dreamed + of + v-ing
Ex: “I want to pass the exam with flying colours,” John said.
---> John dreamed of passing the exam with flying colours.
“I’ve always wante to be rich, ” Bob said 
-> Bob had always dreamed of being rich
i. Söï suy nghó veà caùi gì (aùp duïng caáu truùc sau) 
S + think (thought) + of +v-ing
Ex: John’s wife: The house is very nice! We’ll certainly buy it 
John : I think so 
-> John and his wife were thinking of buying the house. 
k. Söï chaáp nhaän (aùp duïng caáu truùc sau) 
S + admitted + v-ing
Detective: You have stolen Mrs. Brown’s car!
The thief|: Yes! But 
-> The thief admitted stealing/having stolen Mrs Brown’s car 
l. Söï mong ñôïi (aùp duïng caáu truùc sau) 
S + looked forward to + v-ing
Ex: “Mr.Smith: I feel like meeting our children soon”
 	Mrs Smith: I think so 
-> Mr and Mrs. Smith looked forward to meeting their children soon 
7. Các hình thức hỗn hợp trong lời nói gián tiếp: (mixed forms in reported speech)
 Lời nói trực tiếp có thể bao gồm nhiều hình thức hỗn hợp: câu khẳng định, câu hỏi, câu mệnh lệnh, câu cảm thán:
Eg: 1. He said, “Can you play the guitar?” and I said “No”
 ® He asked me if I could play the guitar and I said that I couldn’t.
 2. “I don’t know the way. Do you? He asked.
® He said that he didn’t know the way and asked her if she knew it.
 3. “I’m going to shopping. Can I get you something? She said
® She said that she was going to shopping and asked if she could get me anything.
IV. Exercises:
Change these sentences into Reported Speech:
1. Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock”
2. Thu said “All the students will have a meeting next week”
3. Phong said “My parents are very proud of my good marks”
4. The teacher said “All the homework must be done carefully”
5. Her father said to her “You can go to the movie with your friend”
6. Hoa said “I may visit my parents in the summer”
7. The teacher said “We can collect old book for the poor students”
8. She said “She doesn’t buy this book”
9. The boys said “We have to try our best to win the match”
10. Her classmate said “Lan is the most intelligent girl in our class”
11. They told us “Our friends will get the award for their highest scores”
12. He said “I will go to school by bus tomorrow”
13. Phong said “I need to learn more vocabulary”
14. His brother told him “You can use my computer today”
15. Mai said “I can not go to the movies with you, Nam”
1. “Do you enjoy reading?” Phong asked Peter
2. “Does she like sports?” Hoa asked Lan
3. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam
4. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom
5. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend
6. “Did you go to Hue three years ago?” Tam asked Peter
7. “Are Tam and Hoa late for class?” Tuan asked Lan
8. She said to me “Can you speak Chinese?”
9. “Will she be here for five days?” Tam asked Thu
10. “Were you reading this book at 8 o’clock last Sunday?” She asked Ba
1. “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me
2. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked Lan
3. Tam’s friend asked him “How long will you stay in England?”
4. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom
5. The teacher said to Lien “What‘s your hobby?”
6. “How do you go to the airport?” His friend asked him
7. “How much does this dress cost?” Lan asked Lien
8. Ba asked Tam “How often do you wash your clothes?”
9. “When will your father leave Vietnam for the USA?” Phong asked Thu
10. “How many books do the students need?” The librarian asked myteacher
Reported speech with to infinitive
1. She said to him: “give me another glass of wine”.
2. She said to me: “bring me a book”.
3. Mother said to him: “open the window please!”.
4. He said to me: “shut the door after you”.
5. The captain said to them: “wait here still I come back”.
6. She told her: “take it and come with me”.
7. He said to me: “don’t come back before one o’clock”.
8. My mother told me: “don’t forget to look at the door”.
9. He said to his brother: “don’t open the window, open the door”.
10. He said to the girl: “don’t sit on my bed, sit on this chair please!”.
Reported speech with to infinitive and gerund (HSG)
1. ‘You have broken 2 of my glasses, boy” said the old man.
2. “Yes, I’ve broken 2 of them” said the boy.
3. “Certainly. I’ll take you to the zoo next Sunday” He said (insist)
4. “I’ll water the flowers every morning if you like” She said (offer)
5. “No, we won’t go with him next Friday’ they said (refuse)
6. ‘You have made the wall dirty, pupils” said the teacher. (accuse)
7. “No, we didn’t make noise last night” said the children (deny)
8. “We will shut the door if you go on getting out’ said the parents to children (threaten)
9. “I am sorry. I’ve made the house untidy” said the girl. (apologize)
10. “I will punish you if you don’t pay attention to the lesson, pupils” said the teacher (threaten)
11. “Would you like me to look after the house for you?” He said (offer)
12. “Will you keep quite, please?’ she said (tell)
13. “Will you keep your mouth shut? He said (order)
14. Shall we meet outside the cinema after eight” he said (suggest)
15. “Would you like me to repair the car for you?’ he said (offer)
16. “Will you have a drink?” he said (invite)
17. “You had better hurry’ she said (advise)
18. “Please, please let me come in” he said (beg)
19. ‘Don’t talk anymore.” He said (command)
20. ‘Try again, all of you” he said (encourage)
21. “Don’t swim so far” He said to me (warn somebody to do something)
22. ‘Do come and enjoy tea with my family” she said (invite)
23. “Why don’t we come to visit our teacher today?” he said (suggest)
24. “My advise to you is to do morning exercises” she said (advise)
25. “In your place, I would learn English” she said to me (advise)
Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences.
"Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said.→ The teacher told Joe 
"Be patient," she said to him.→ She told him 
"Go to your room," her father said to her.→ Her father told her 
"Hurry up," she said to us.→ She told us 
"Give me the key," he told her.→ He asked her 
"Play it again, Sam," she said.→ She asked Sam 
"Sit down, Caron" he said.→ He asked Caron 
"Fill in the form, Sir," the receptionist said.→ The receptionist asked the guest 
"Take off your shoes," she told us.→ She told us 
"Mind your own business," she told him.→ She told him 
"Don't touch it," she said to him.→ She told him 
"Don't do that again," he said to me.→ He told me 
"Don't talk to me like that," he said.→ He told her 
"Don't repair the computer yourself," she warned him.→ She warned him 
"Don't let him in," she said.→ She told me 
"Don't go out without me," he begged her.→ He begged her 
"Don't forget your bag," she told me.→ She told me 
"Don't eat in the lab," the chemistry teacher said.→ The chemistry teacher told his students 
"Don't give yourself up," he advised her.→ He advised her 
"Don't hurt yourselves, boys," she said.→ She told the boys 
Change the following sentence into reported speech: 

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