Đề ôn luyện học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Mã đề D03, D04

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D03. Mark: ..
 Right scores:.. Full name:...
I. Find the different. (Khoanh vào chữ cái A, B, C, hoặc D có phần gạch dưới có cách phát âm khác)
01. A. lend	B. blend	C. scene 	D. best
02. A. with	B. bath	C. month	D. mouth
03. A. cry	B. fly	C. dry	D. easy
04. A. coin	B. cent	C. come	D. cream
05. A. sand	B. sure	C. sing	D. sample
II. Supply the correct forms of the bold words. (Cho dạng đúng của từ in đậm)
06. It’s cold, so we walked (quick) .. into the house.	C
07. He got (anger) .. after he knew the news.	C
08. The woman was tired of the (noisy) .. from traffic.	C
09. He had a (beauty) .. picture of his hometown.	C
10. Her white teeth will (bright) .. her smiling face.	C
III. Choose the best answer. (Khoanh vào chữ cái A, B, C, hoặc D chỉ đáp án đúng cho khoảng trống)
11. She seemed  because she had a bad mark in English.
	A. happiness	B. unhappy	C. happily	D. happiest
12. Playing video games  may damage your health.
	A. too much	B. very many	C. too lot	D. very length
13. He suggested  for a walk after the discussion.
	A. go	B. went	C. to go	D. going
14. I wished  time to talk with his friend yesterday.
	A. to have	B. have	C. having	D. will have
15. She enjoyed jogging  the park when she was in town.
	A. at	B. in	C. on	D. of
16. - Nhi: “What was the weather  then?” 	- Mạnh: “It was sunny and hot.”
	A. like	B. do	C. make	D. as 
17. Mike dreams to have chance to go to  United States to study.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (nothing)
18. He can’t play the guitar well, ?
	A. is he 	B. can he 	C. does he	D. didn’t he 
19. We had a wonderful party at a famous  in the city center.
	A. stadium	B. restaurant	C. gallery	D. cinema
20. Susan was  a kite when it started to rain yesterday afternoon.
	A. flying	B. doing 	C. running 	D. working
IV. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. (Điền một từ thích hợp vào mỗi khoảng trống)
21. A place where we watch a football match is a 	C S
22. A place where we see a movie is a 	C C
23. A place where we have a bath is a 	C B
24. A place where we do an experiment is a  	C L
25. A place where we watch a play is a 	C T
V. Rewrite sentences without changing the meanings. (Viết lại câu không làm thay đổi nghĩa)
26. Mai was worse at cooking than Ha.	
C Ha wasn’t ...
27. She hates going in the dark alone.	
C She isn’t fond ...
28. It is important to keep the environment clean.	
C Keeping ...
29. Because of the bad weather, we couldn’t go on working in the garden. 
C The bad weather prevented 
30. It is necessary for you to prepare the lessons well before going to class.	
C You should .....
D04. Mark:..
 Right scores:.. Full name:...
I. Find the different. (Khoanh vào chữ cái A, B, C, hoặc D có phần gạch dưới có cách phát âm khác)
01. A. added	B. listed 	C. loved	D. faded 
02. A. cute	B. shut 	C. mute	D. huge
03. A. late	B. make	C. lake	D. talk
04. A. sites	B. loves	C. cases	D. houses
05. A. blood	B. school 	C. tooth 	D. bamboo
II. Supply the correct forms of the bold words. (Cho dạng đúng của từ in đậm)
06. He can answer these questions (easy) ..	C
07. Life will be (difference) .. in the future.	C
08. She needs to (good) .. her English pronunciation.	C
09. His (sad) .. prevented him from joining our discussion.	C
10. He tried hard to (real) .. his dream to become a doctor.	C
III. Choose the best answer. (Khoanh vào chữ cái A, B, C, hoặc D chỉ đáp án đúng cho khoảng trống)
11. She  excited about going on an excursion next Sunday.
	A. thinks	B. hopes	C. has	D. feels 
12. He was bored  doing the same things day after day.
	A. about	B. after	C. with	D. from
13. In  world today, there are different living languages.
	A. a	B. an	C. the	D. 0 (nothing)
14. Mary made a lot of  in her recent essay.
	A. mistakes 	B. places 	C. happiness	D. speech
15. After all, he agreed  us with the cleaning the meeting hall.
	A. to help	B. help	C. helping	D. will help
16. - Anh: “ do you go to the cinema?” 	- Mai: “About twice every month.”
	A. How much	B. How old	C. How often 	D. How far
17. When I came to see her last night, she  on bed talking on the phone.
	A. lies	B. was lying	C. lied	D. will lying
18.  young people are said to commit suicide because of autism.
	A. Much 	B. Many 	C. Little	D. Every 
19. We’ve been working for long, so let’s  a break.
	A. have	B. is having	C. will have	D. to have
20. The weather in the South is  than that in the North.
	A. as pleasant 	B. most pleasant 	C. pleasantly	D. more pleasant
IV. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. (Điền một từ thích hợp vào mỗi khoảng trống)
21. .. is the shortest month in a year.	C F.
22. .. is the last month in a year.	C D. 
23. .. is the largest country in the world.	C R.
24. .. is the highest mountain in the world.	C E.
25. .. is the most crowded country in the world.	C C.
V. Rewrite sentences without changing the meanings. (Viết lại câu không làm thay đổi nghĩa)
26. Linda is more hard-working than Jane.	
C Jane isn’t ...
27. She isn’t tall enough to join the volleyball club.	
C She is too ..
28. It was important to prepare lessons well before going to class.	
C Preparing ..
29. It was necessary that he tell the truth to the teacher. 	
C He had better ..
30. The long walk made Mike tired.	
C Mike was ...

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