Đề ôn luyện học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Mã đề D07, D08

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D07. Mark:.
 Right scores:.. Full name:...
I. Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that has different sound from others.
01. A. many	B. fancy	C. badly	D. handy
02. A. moon	B. good	C. look	D. hook
03. A. loves	B. hands	C. ants	D. tools
04. A. with	B. though	C. them	D. bath
05. A. come	B. cell	C. cost	D. coin
II. Supply the correct form of each of the bold words in the blankets. 
06. They were (happily) .. to meet again yesterday.	..
07. Lan always writes her lessons (care) ..	..
08. He drove (danger) .. and got a fatal accident.	..
09. We are (sorrow) ... to know about your failure.	..
10. The boy looked (worry) .. because he lost his bike.	..
III. Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each of the sentences.
11. It  so much last night that we could go out for a walk.
	A. rains	B. will rain	C. rained	D. is raining
12. The boy was very bad  doing the housework.
	A. at	B. of	C. in	D. with
13. He wanted  a doctor when he grew up.
	A. become	B. to become	C. becoming	D. became
14. She hates  doing the same things every day.
	A. to do	B. do	C. doing	D. is doing
15.  it rained very hard we couldn’t go to school on time.
	A. Because	B. Because of 	C. Despite 	D. Although
16. - Nam: “How often do you go to the cinema?” 	- Ha: “.”
	A. By bus	B. On foot	C. Twice a month	D. Two days ago
17. It is often . to go by bus than cycling.
	A. long	B. the longest	C. longer	D. longest
18. In  future, life will be more comfortable thanks to modern technologies.
	A. a 	B. an 	C. the	D. 0 (nothing) 
19. It is  for little boys and girls to go out without the care of adults.
	A. endanger	B. dangerous	C. danger	D. dangerously
20. I have  friends, and among them, Ha is my closest one.
	A. little	B. much 	C. more 	D. many
IV. Fill in each of the gaps with ONE suitable word with a provided initial. 
21. A person who takes care of the patient is a n..	..
22. A person who teaches children a t..	..
23. A person who writes books, stories, or novels is a w..	..
24. A person who does the gardening a g..	..
25. A person who designs houses is an a..	..
V. Rewrite each of the sentences as suggested without changing their meanings. 
26. Lan is worse at cooking than Linh.	
C Linh isn’t ..
27. It is important to speak a foreign language fluently.	
C Speaking ..
28. Although he was ill, he passed the exam successfully.	
C Despite his .....
29. My brother is very interested in fixing the appliances in the house.	
C My brother likes ..
30. I wonder if you can lend me your bike for a while.	
C Would you mind ...
D08. Mark:..
 Right scores:.. Full name:...
I. Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that has different sound from others.
01. A. mind	B. finger	C. bite	D. high
02. A. month	B. front	C. long	D. mother
03. A. walked	B. stopped	C. picked	D. wanted
04. A. cheat	B. mean	C. head	D. heat
05. A. hour	B. hatch	C. home	D. horn
II. Supply the correct form of each of the bold words in the blankets. 
06. The boys were (bore) .. with the long play.	..
07. It is (easy) .. to look up a new word online.	..
08. His (ill) .. prevented him from going out then.	..
09. Spending a day in the countryside is (enjoy) ...	..
10. We find it (comfort) .. to live in this apartment.	..
III. Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each of the sentences.
11. Look! There’re dark clouds in  sky. It is going to rain soon.
	A. a 	B. an 	C. the	D. 0 (nothing) 
12. They don’t have  time to relax because they are very busy.
	A. much	B. few	C. many	D. every
13. He looked sad  he got a bad mark yesterday.
	A. because	B. because of 	C. in spite of 	D. though
14. She  of a present for her friend for days, but hasn’t decided yet.
	A. thinks	B. is thinking	C. thought	D. has thought
15. Marx  to stay in the hospital because his illness was serious.
	A. having	B. had	C. has	D. will have
16. - Nhi: “How far is it from here to the bus-stop?” 	- Giang: “.”
	A. Two minutes	B. Two-minute walk	C. Two-minute ago	D. Two minutes ago
17. It is important for us  our lessons carefully before going to class.
	A. prepare	B. will prepare	C. to prepare	D. preparing
18. The child is very much afraid  the darkness.
	A. on 	B. in 	C. of	D. at
19. It is  to cycle to school than going by bus.
	A. as pleasant	B. more pleasant	C. much pleasant	D. pleasant
20.  he came, the better seats he could get.
	A. Earlier	B. Earliest 	C. Early 	D. The earlier
IV. Fill in each of the gaps with ONE suitable word with a provided initial. 
21. A place where we have our health checked is a h..	..
22. A place where football matches take place is a s..	..
23. A place where plays are performed is a t..	..
24. A place where we get on our train is a s..	..
25. A place where we buy books and stationaries is a b..	..
V. Rewrite each of the sentences as suggested without changing their meanings. 
26. Hang is better at dancing than Ha.	
C Ha doesn’t ...
27. Despite his bad health, he studied very well.	
C Although his ..
28. It isn’t always difficult to get a good mark.	
C Getting a ......
29. He was absent from school yesterday because of his illness.	
C His illness prevented ...
30. As she gets older, she travels less.	
C The older ....

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  • docxde_on_luyen_hoc_sinh_gioi_mon_tieng_anh_lop_6_ma_de_d07_d08.docx