Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia năm 2023 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề luyện thi số 31 (Có đáp án)

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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. although 	B. width 	C. thump	D. thank 
Question 2: A. easy	B. sky	C. study	D. happy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. evolve	B.protect 	C.argue 	D. resist 
Question 4: A. devastated 	B. environment 	C. diversity 	D. ecology 
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: She’s recently been under the weather, ___________?
A. isn’t she	B. isn’t her	C. hasn’t she	D. hasn’t her
Question 6."What happened to the postman?" "He ...................... to a new town to work."
	A. has sent	B. was send	C. was sent	D. sent
Question 7: My brother Hwang was born 	 August 9th.
A.in	B.at	C.during	D.on
Question 8: That factory is producing______________pollution
A.less and least	B.better and better	C. more and more	D.more and less
Question 9: We sat_____side by_____side smoking and thinking.
O/a	B. O/the	C. the/O	D. O/O
Question 10: I saw a terrible accident while I _______ on the beach.
	A. am walking 	B. was walking	C. walked 	D. have walked
Question 11: Let your name..in the sheet of paper. 
A.write 	B. be written 	C. written 	D. to write
Question 12: I will come and see you before I __	 for America.
	A. leave	B.will leave	C.have left	D. shall leave
Question 13: _____, Mary got up early to review the lesson.
	A. To get the high mark in the exam	B. Having got the high mark in the exam
	C. Mary got the high mark in the exam 	D. Just got the high mark in the exam
Question 14: Unfortunately, Tom’s illness turned out to be extremely _____ so he was kept in isolation.
	A. infectious	B.infection	C.infect 	D.infectiously 
Question 15: Do you find it easier to___________ what's happening when you watch a film in English?
	A. see through	B.work out	C.make up 	D.get round 
Question 16: Students are restrained from eating bananas prior to an exam for ________ of failing 'like sliding on a banana skin'.
	A. cheer	B.fear	C.scare 	D.anger 
Question 17: The boy was punished for playing __________ from his physics lessons.
	A. truant	B. run away	C. absent 	D.joyride 
Question 18: I really have to _________ my brains to remember the answers to even the simplest questions.
	A. search	B. look	C. stretch 	D.rack 
Question 19: Don't trust him. He is just a wolf in sheep's __________.
	A. clothing	B.clothes	C.cloth 	D.skin 
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20: In the polluted environment, infectious diseases can be passed easily from one person to another. 
A. fatal 	B. safe	C. contagious 	D. immune 
Question 21: The new system for assessing claims is expected to come into operation early next month.
	A. finish working	B.start working	C.continue working 	D.postpone working 
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: The water workers' claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under consideration by the Government. A. neglected	B.concentrated 	C.suspected 	D. bethought 
Question 23: John's decision to drop out of university to go to a vocational school drove his mother up the wall. She thought that it is really a stupid decision. A. made his mother pleased	B.made his mother angry C.made his mother worried 	D.made his mother ashamed 
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges
Question 24: Nam and Nga are talking with each other about artificial intelligence. 
Nam: "I think that the rapid development of artificial intelligence would pose a threat to humankind. What do you think?” Nga: "_________________. Human beings are very smart. They create artificial intelligence and would know how to keep it under control.” A. I totally agree with you	B.No. I don't think so
C.What on earth you are talking about 	D.You can say it again 
Question 25: Binh is inviting Nam to join the football club. Binh: “I know you are very good at playing football. Would you like to join our club?” Nam: “________________” A. Yes. I am very busy. B.Yeah. Good idea. I'd love to. C.What a good friend you are! 	D.What do you think?
Read the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30
	The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you in being an employee? The schools teach (26) ___________many things of value to the future accountant, doctor or electrician. Do they also teach anything of value to the future employee? Yes, they teach the one thing that it is perhaps most valuable for the future employee to know. But very few students bother to learn it. This basic skill is the ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in speaking. This means that your success as an employee will depend on your ability to communicate with people and to (27)___________your own thoughts and ideas to them so they will (28) ___________understand what you are driving at and be persuaded. 
	Of course, skill in expression is not enough by itself. You must have something to say in the first place. The effectiveness of your job depends much on your ability to make other people understand your work as they do on the quality of the work itself. 
Expressing one's thoughts is one skill that the school can (29) ___________teach. The foundations for skill in expression have to be laid early: an interest in and an ear (30) ___________language; experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing aside the irrelevant, and above all the habit of verbal expression. If you do not lay these foundations during your school years, you may never have an opportunity again. 
Question 26:	A. a large 	B. large 	C. a great 	D. great 
Question 27:	A. represent 	B. transfer 	C. interpret 	D. present 
Question 28:	A. either 	B. as well 	C. both 	D. not 
Question 29:	A. quite 	B. really 	C. truly 	D. hardly 
Question 30:	A. in 	B. for 	C. by 	D. if
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35
Because the low latitudes of the Earth, the areas near the equator, receive more heat than the latitudes near the poles, and because the nature of heat is to expand and move, heat is transported from the tropics to the middle and high latitudes. Some of this heat is moved by winds and some by ocean currents, and some gets stored in the atmosphere in the form of latent heat. The term “latent heat” refers to the energy that has to be used to convert liquid water to water vapor. We know that if we warm a pan of water on a stove, it will evaporate, or turn into vapor, faster than if it is allowed to sit at room temperature. We also know that if we hang wet clothes outside in the summertime, they will dry faster than in winter, when the temperature is lower. The energy used in both cases to change liquid water to water vapor is supplied by heat - supplied by the stove in the first case and by the Sun in the latter case. This energy is not lost. It is stored as vapor in the atmosphere as latent heat. Eventually, the water stored as vapor in the atmosphere will condense to liquid again, and the energy will be released to the atmosphere.
In the atmosphere, a large portion of the Sun’s incoming energy is used to evaporate water, primarily in the tropical oceans. Scientists have tried to quantify this proportion of the Sun’s energy. By analyzing temperature, water vapor, and wind data around the globe, they have estimated the quantity to be about 90 watts per square meter, or nearly 30 percent of the Sun’s energy. Once this latent heat is stored within the atmosphere, it can be transported, primarily to higher latitudes, by prevailing, large - scale winds. Or it can be transported vertically to higher levels in the atmosphere, where it forms clouds and subsequent storms, which then release the energy back to the atmosphere.
Question 31. The passage mentions that the tropics differ from the Earth’s polar regions in which of the following ways? A. The height of cloud formation in the atmosphere. B. The amount of heat they receive from the Sun.
C. The strength of their large scale winds. D. The strength of their oceanic currents.
Question 32. Why does the author mention “the stove” in the passage?
	A. To describe the heat of the Sun.	B. To illustrate how water vapor is stored.
	C. To show how energy is stored.	D. To give an example of a heat source
Question 33. According to the passage, most ocean water evaporation occurs especially ___. A. around the higher latitudes	 B. in the tropics C. because of large - scale winds	D. because of strong ocean currents
Question 34. According to the passage, 30 percent of the Sun’s incoming energy_________.
	A.is stored in clouds in the lower latitudes	B. is transported by ocean currents
	C.never leaves the upper atmosphere	D. gets stored as latent heat
Question 35. The underlined word “it” refers to_________ .
	A. square meter	B. the Sun’s energy	C. latent heat	D. the atmosphere
Read the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42. 
	Today we take electricity for granted and perhaps we do not realize just how useful this discovery has been. Steam was the first invention that replaced wind power. It was used to drive engines and was passed through pipes and radiators to warm rooms. Petrol mixed with air was the next invention that provided power. Exploded in a cylinder, it drove a motor engine. Beyond these simple and direct uses, those forms have not much adaptability. On the other hand, we make use of electricity in thousands of ways. From the powerful voltages that drive our electric trains to the tiny current needed to work a simple calculator, and from the huge electric magnet in steel works that can lift 10 tons to the tiny electric magnet in a doorbell, all are powered by electricity. An electric current can be made with equal ease to heat a huge mass of molten metal in a furnace, or to boil a jug for a cup of coffee. Other than atomic energy, which has not as yet been harnessed to the full, electricity is the greatest power in the world. It is flexible, and so adaptable for any task for which it is wanted. It travels so easily and with incredible speed along wires or conductors that it can be supplied instantly over vast distances. To generate electricity, huge turbines or generators must be turned. In Australia they use coal or water to drive this machinery. When dams are built, falling water is used to drive the turbines without polluting the atmosphere with smoke from coal. Atomic power is used in several countries but there is always the fear of an accident. A tragedy once occurred at Chernobyl, in Ukraine, at an atomic power plant used to make electricity. The reactor leaked, which caused many deaths through radiation. 
	Now scientists are examining new ways of creating electricity without harmful effects to the environment. They may harness the tides as they flow in and out of bays. Most importantly, they hope to trap sunlight more efficiently. We do use solar heaters for swimming pools but as yet improvement in the capacity of the solar cells to create more current is necessary. When this happens, electric cars will be viable and the world will rid itself of the toxic gases given off by trucks and cars that bum fossil fuels. 
Question 36: The author mentions the sources of energy such as wind, steam, petrol in the first paragraph to______A. suggest that electricity should be alternated with safer sources of energy B. emphasize the usefulness and adaptability of electricity C. imply that electricity is not the only useful source of energy 
	D. discuss which source of energy can be a suitable alternative to electricity 
Question 37: Before electricity, what was sometimes passed through pipes to heat rooms? 
	A. Gas 	B. Petrol 	C. Steam 	D. Hot wind 
Question 38: What do we call machines that make electricity? A. Voltages.	B. Electric magnets. 	
C. Generators or turbines. 	D. Pipes and radiators. 
Question 39: The main forms of power used to generate electricity in Australia are_____. A. atomic power and water 	B. water and coal C. sunlight and wind power 	D. wind and gas 
Question 40: The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to__________ 
	A. harmful effects 	B. the tides 	C.scientists	D. new ways 
Question 41: Which of the following power sources causes pollution by emitting harmful gases? 
	A. Sunlight 	B. Petrol 	C. Water 	D. Wind 
Question 42: The best title for this passage could be __________
	A. "Types of Power Plants” 	B. “Electricity: Harmful Effects on Our Life”
	C. “How to Produce Electricity” 	D. "Why Electricity Is So Remarkable"
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the followingquestions.
Question 43: The boss laughed when the secretary has told him that she really needed a pay rise.
Question 44: I didn’t feel like going to church this morning because she was raining hard. 
Question 45: After the social science lecture all students are invited to take part in a discussion of the issues which were risen in the talk.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions
Question 46: The last time I saw Rose was three years ago. A. I hasn’t seen Rose for three years.	B. I haven’t seen Rose three years ago. C. I haven’t seen Rose since three years.	D. I haven’t seen Rose for three years.
Question 47:“I have something to tell you today” Kerry said to Mary. A. Kerry told Mary I had something to tell her that day. B. Kerry told Mary he had had something to tell her. C. Kerry told Mary she had had something to tell him that day. D. Kerry told Mary he had something to tell her that day
Question 48: I really believe my letter comes as a great surprise to John. A. John may be very surprised to receive my letter. B.John might have been very surprised to receive my letter. C.John must be very surprised to receive my letter. D.John must have been very surprised to receive my letter. 
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions
Question 49: She always tries to be the centre of attention. Her colleagues don’t like her. A. If she didn’t always try to be the centre of attention, her colleagues would like her. B. I wish she wouldn’t like her colleagues more to be the centre of attention. C. If only she tries to be the centre of attention.
D. If only she had tried to be the centre of attention.
Question 50: The snowfall was very heavy in the capital city of England. All the trains there were cancelled. A. If it hadn’t been for the heavy snowfall, all the trains in the capital city of England would have been cancelled.
B. Only after all the trains in the capital city of England were cancelled dit it snow heavily.
C. So heavy was the snowfall that all the trains in the capital city of England were cancelled.
D. Had it snowed heavily, all the trains in the capital city of England wouldn’t have been cancelled.
Collocation & Idiom:
For fear of st/ doing st: vì e rằng, vì sợ rằng
Slide on a banana skin/peel: trượt vỏ chuối => tự làm mình xấu hổ
prior to sth: trước cái gì đó Play truant: trốn học, cúp học 
Absent from sth: vắng mặt khỏi cái gì
Be punished for sth/doing st: bị phạt vì điều gì 
to rack sb’s brain: cố gắng suy nghĩ
a wolf in sheep's clothing: sói đội lốt cừu => ám chỉ một người có vẻ ngây thơ, vô hại nhưng thực chất lại xấu tính và nguy hiểm.
Drive sb up the wall/bend: khiến ai đó bực tức, nổi giận 
Under consideration (idm): đang được xem xét, cân nhắc, thảo luận
Make his mother pleased: khiến cho mẹ của anh ấy hài lòng 
Make his mother angry: khiến cho mẹ của anh ấy nổi điên 
Make his mother worried: khiến cho mẹ của anh ấy lo lắng 
Make his mother ashamed: khiến cho mẹ của anh ấy xấu hổ 
Pose a threat to sth: đe dọa cái gì 
Keep sth under control: kiểm soát cái gì 
a great many (+ danh từ số nhiều): rất nhiều ...
present thoughts and ideas: thể hiện suy nghĩ, ý tưởng 
both A and B: cả A và B 
either A or B: hoặc A hoặc B 
A and B as well: cả A và B 
have an ear for: có khả năng nhận diện và bắt chước các âm thanh
Phrasal Verb:
+ See through: nhìn thấu	+ Work out: tìm ra câu trả lời, biện pháp 
+ Make up: trang điểm, bịa chuyện, làm hòa	+ Get round st: giải quyết xong, né tránh giải quyết
CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI: Phần viết tắt: S’s là: 	+ S + is : nếu phía sau là tính từ
	+ S + has: nếu phía sau là V3/V-ed
CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG: Khi dịch sang tiếng Việt có chứa từ Bị/Được à CBĐ 
MẠO TỪ: Thành ngữ SIDE BY SIDE: không dùng mạo từ.
DANH ĐỘNG TỪ & ĐTNM: Một số động từ sau + V0 (bare inf): make, let, help, hear, smell, watch, notice, feel Nếu mang nghĩa bị động dùng BE + V3/V_ed
GIỚI TỪ: ON: + ngày tháng/ ngày thứ
SỰ PHỐI HỢP THÌ: MĐC ở thì tương lai à MĐ phụ ở thì HTĐ hay HT hoàn: khi nhấn mạnh sự hoàn tất.
RÚT GỌN MĐQH/ CÂU: Dùng TO – INF nếu MĐ mang nghĩa chỉ mục đích.
ĐẢO NGỮ: So + adj + to be that S + V +St/ Such + to be +N + that S + V +st: . QUÁ .. ĐẾN NỖI MÀ. Ex: So interesting is the film that I have watched it many times: Bộ phim quá thú vị đến nỗi mà tôi đã xem nó nhiều lần.
Word form: 	
+ infectious /ɪnˈfekʃəs/ (adj): lây nhiễm	+ infection /ɪnˈfekʃn/ (n): sự nhiễm trùng
+ infect /ɪnˈfekt/ (v): gây cho ai/cái gì bị bệnh	+ infectiously /ɪnˈfekʃəsli/ (adv): dễ lây lan, dễ truyền
Infectious (Adj) = contagious (adj): truyền nhiễm	- fatal (adj): bệnh chết người
safe : an toàn	- immune: miễn dịch
come into operation: bắt đầu hoạt động.	- finish working: ngừng hoạt động
start working: bắt đầu hoạt động	- continue working: tiếp tục hoạt động 
postpone working: trì hoãn hoạt động	- neglect /nɪˈɡlekt/ (v): phớt lờ, thờ ơ, lãnh đạm
concentrate /ˈkɑːnsəntreɪt/ (v): tập trung, chú ý	- suspect /səˈspekt/ (v): hoài nghi, ngờ vực
bethink /bɪˈθɪŋk/ (v): (+oneself) suy nghĩ về điều gì	- represent: đại diện 	
transfer: di chuyển đến chỗ mới	- nterpret: dịch
present: thể hiện, trình bày 	- quite (adv) khá là 
really (adv) thực sự, dùng để nhấn mạnh 
truly (adv) thành thật mà nói, dùng trong trường nghĩa thật - giả 
hardly (adv) hiếm khi, gần như không xảy ra 
rise-rose-risen (vi): tăng lên # raise – raised – raised (vt): làm tăng lên
Read the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks 
Câu 26: Đáp án C 
Giải thích: a great many (+ danh từ số nhiều): rất nhiều ...
Câu 27 Đáp án : D 
Giải thích: 
	A. represent: đại diện 	B. transfer: di chuyển đến chỗ mới 
	C. interpret: dịch 	D. present: thể hiện, trình bày 
Ta dùng cụm present thoughts and ideas: thể hiện suy nghĩ, ý tưởng 
Câu 28: Đáp án C 
Giải thích: 
	both A and B: cả A và B 
	either A or B: hoặc A hoặc B 
A and B as well: cả A và B 
Vì phía sau ta thấy and nên chọn both.
Câu 29: Đáp án B 
Giải thích: 
	A. quite (adv) khá là 
	B. really (adv) thực sự, dùng để nhấn mạnh 
	C. truly (adv) thành thật mà nói, dùng trong trường nghĩa thật - giả, không tương đương với really
	D. hardly (adv) hiếm khi, gần như không xảy ra 
Đọc đoạn sau thì ta thấy thực tế kĩ năng trình bày được dạy ở trường, nên cần điền từ khẳng định, không dùng từ phủ định hardly.Trong các từ còn lại chỉ có really là dùng được vì các từ khác không hợp nghĩa và không đúng trường nghĩa.
Câu 30: Đáp án B 
Giải thích: have an ear for: có khả năng nhận diện và bắt chước các âm thanh 
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions 
Question 31:Đáp án B
Bài đọc đề cập đến các vùng nhiệt đới khác với các vùng cực của trái đất như thế nào?
A. độ cao của việc hình thành đám mây trong khí quyển
B. lượng nhiệt mà chúng nhận được từ mặt trời 
C. sức gió trên phạm vi rộng
D. sức mạnh của dòng hải lưu
Dẫn chứng: Because the low latitudes of the Earth, the areas near the equator, receive more heat than the latitudes near the poles, and because the nature of heat is to expand and move, heat is transported from the tropics to the middle and high latitudes. (Do vĩ độ thấp của trái đất nên các vùng gần xích đạo nhận được nhiều nhiệt hơn vĩ độ gần cực, và bởi vì bản chất của nhiệt là lan truyền và di chuyểnnên nhiệt được luân chuyển từ các vùng nhiệt đới đến các vĩ độ trung bình và cao.)
Question 32:Đáp án D
Tại sao tác giả đề cập đến “the stove-cái bếp” trong bài đọc?
A. Để mô tả nhiệt của mặt trời
B. Để minh họa hơi nước được lưu trữ như thế nào 
C. Để chỉ ra năng lượng được lưu trữ như thế nào 
D. Để đưa ra một ví dụ của nguồn nhiệt
Dẫn chứng: We know that if we warm a pan of water on a stove, it will evaporate, or turn into vapor, faster than if it is allowed to sit at room temperature. We also know that if we hang wet clothes outside in the summertime, they will dry faster than in winter, when the temperature is lower. The energy used in both cases to change liquid water to water vapor is supplied by heat - supplied by the stove in the first case and by the Sun in the latter case. (Chúng ta biết rằng nếu chúng ta đun một ấm nước trên bếp thì nó sẽ bay hơi, hoặc biến thành hơi nước nhanh hơn nếu nó được để ở nhiệt độ phòng. Chúng ta cũng biết rằng nếu chúng ta treo quần áo ướt bên ngoài vào mùa hè thì chúng sẽ khô nhanh hơn vào mùa đông, khi nhiệt độ thấp hơn. Năng lượng được sử dụng trong cả hai trường hợp để biến đổi nước lỏng thành hơi nước được cung cấp bởi nhiệt - được cung cấp bởi cái bếp trong trường hợp đầu tiên và bởi mặt trời trong trường hợp sau.)
Question 33:Đáp án B
Theo bài đọc, hầu hết sự bốc hơi nước đại dương xảy ra đặc biệt _________________.
A. ở quanh vùng vĩ độ cao hơn
B. ở các vùng nhiệt đới
C.do sức gió trên phạm vi rộng
D. do dòng hải lưu mạnh
Dẫn chứng: In the atmosphere, a large portion of the Sun’s incoming energy is used to evaporate water, primarily in the tropical oceans. (Trong khí quyển, một phần lớn năng lượng của Mặt Trời được sử dụng để làm bay hơi nước, chủ yếu ở các đại dương nhiệt đới.)
Question 34:Đáp án D
Theo bài đọc, 30 % của năng lượng đến từ mặt trời ______________.
A. được lưu trữ trong các đám mây ở vĩ độ thấp hơn
B. được luân chuyển bởi các dòng hải lưu
C. chưa bao giờ ra khỏi bầu khí quyển phía trên 
D. được lưu trữ dưới dạng nhiệt ẩn
Dẫn chứng: By analyzing temperature, water vapor, and wind data around the globe, they have estimated the quantity to be about 90 watts per square meter, or nearly 30 percent of the Sun’s energy. Once this latent heat is stored within the atmosphere, it can be transported, primarily to higher latitudes, by prevailing, large - scale winds. (Bằng cách phân tích nhiệt độ, hơi nước và dữ liệu gió trên toàn cầu, họ đã ước tính số lượng khoảng 90W/1m2, hoặc gần 30% năng lượng của mặt trời. Một khi nhiệt ẩn này được lưu trữ trong khí quyển thì nó có thể được luân chuyển, chủ yếu đến các vĩ độ cao hơn bởi các cơn gió thịnh hành có quy mô lớn.)
Question 35:Đáp án C
Từ “it” đề cập đến ______________.
A. mét vuông	B. năng lượng mặt trời
C. nhiệt ẩn	D. khí quyển
Dẫn chứng: “Once this latent heat is stored within the atmosphere, it can be transported, primarily to higher latitudes, by prevailing, large - scale winds.” (Một khi nhiệt ẩn này được lưu trữ trong khí quyển thì nó có thể được luân chuyển, chủ yếu đến các vĩ độ cao hơn bởi các cơn gió thịnh hành có quy mô lớn.)
Read the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42. 
Câu 36: Đáp án B 
Dịch nghĩa: Tác giả nhắc đến các nguồn năng lượng như gió, hơi nước, xăng trong đoạn đầu tiên để____________ 
	A. gợi ý rằng điện cần được thay thế bằng những dạng năng lượng khác an toàn hơn 
	B. nhấn mạnh tính hữu dụng và thích ứng cao của điện năng 
	C. ngụ ý rằng điện năng không phải là nguồn năng lượng hữu ích duy nhất 
	D. bàn luận xem đâu là năng lượng phù hợp để thay thế điện 

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