Enriching Your Vocabulary English 10 - Lesson 7 (Có đáp án)

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Exercise A. Match the definitions of occupations below with the words in the box
playwright - milliner - plumber - locksmith - potter - thatcher 
hardware - dealer - peddler - fishmonger - cobbler
1. A wandering merchant selling small wares is a hawker or a(n)......
2. A man who works as a shoemaker mending and patching shoes is a(n)......
3. A man who makes earthen-ware is a(n)......
4. A writer of plays is a(n)......
5. A person employed in making, trimming or selling bonnets, men's hats, etc is a(n)......
6. Someone who works in a shop that sells fish is a(n)......
7. A maker or repairer of locks rs a(n)......
8. A person whose job is to connect or repair water and drainage pipes, baths, toilets etc. is a(n)......
9. A person who makes roofs of houses with straw or reeds is a(n)......
10. A shopkeeper who sells hardware, especially metal goods, is a(n)......
Exercise B. Match each of the following definitions with a word from the list below.
e.g. A young person who commits minor crimes or vandalism and who is not old enough yet to be legally considered an adult is a (juvenile) delinquent.
mugger - poacher - assassin - perjurer - usurper - stowaway - trespasser
hijacker - hobo - hooligan - quack - usurer - vagrant - tax-evader - forger
1. Someone who catches or shoots animals, birds or fish on private land unlawfully and without permission is a(n)......
2 Someone who alters a genuine piece of writing especially somebody else's signature in order to deceive is a(n)......
3. A man who attacks another usually from behind with the intention of robbing him is a(n)......
4. Someone who murders by assault, especially a public or eminent person, usually for political motives, is a(n).......
5. Someone who lends money at an exorbitant rate which is illegal is a(n)......
6. Someone who forcibly seizes (kingly) power is a(n)......
7. Someone who gives false testimony before a court of law while under oath is a(n).....
8. Someone who does not pay the full amount of tax that he should is a(n)......
9. One who hides on a vessel in order to obtain free passage without paying a fare is a(n)......
10. A person without a settled home who wanders aimlessly from place to place, begging or stealing in order to live is a(n)......
11 A tramp or a vagrant who has no regular work or home, especially one who travels from place to place and gets money by begging is a(n)......
12.. One who pretends to possess medical knowledge especially in the field of salves that is, ointments for local ailments, is a(n)......
13. One of a gang of disorderly and noisy persons behaving in a violent and destructive way is a(n)......
14. One who seizes control of an aircraft while in flight by the threat or use of force and directs it to a different destination is a(n)......
15. One who violates privately owned land without right or permission is a(n)......
Exercise C. Mark each of the following definitions with a word from the list below.
e.g. A large number of bees flying together is a swarm of bees.
pack - shoal/school - constellation - congregation - band - squad 
mob - conglomeration - cluster/clump - sheaf - heap - pile
1. A large number of fish swimming together ......
2. A group of church attendees ......
3. A group of different people or things ......
4. A number of trees, bushes, etc growing close together ......
5. A quantity of things placed neatly one on top of the other ......
6. A quantity of things in a rather untidy arrangement ......
7. A bundle of papers or corn tied together ......
8. A disorderly crowd of people ......
9. A small group of policemen who form a unit or a section of a police force that is responsible for dealing with a particular type of crime ......
10. A group of bandits under a leader ......
11. A group of fixed stars in the sky forming a pattern ......
12. A group of animals, especially wolves or dogs hunting together ......
[You can look up new words here ]
Exercise D. Read the text below and choose the correct word A, B, C, or D to fit the gaps.
 The current emphasis on language as a social phenomenon will open the way to (1).....communicative language-learning approaches at all school levels. The focus on the social purposes of language will (2)..... that interaction among persons in a society and (3).....societies will become more harmonious and more
significant (4).....the use of clear but polite language in (5).....the native and the second language is taught and practised in schools in meaningful and interesting social situations.
1. A. widespread 	B. wide-known 	C. wide-awake 	D. wide open
2. A. assure 	B. reassure 	C. insure 	D. ensure
3. A. along 	B. across 	C. above 	D. over
4. A. as 	B. so 	C. by 	D. why
5. A. either 	B. both 	C. neither 	D. none
Exercise One. Replace the following underlined phrases with a single word from the list below.
e.g. - He suffers from being unable to sleep at night (insomnia).
decapitation - replica - carnivore - herbivore - longevity 
posterity - reticence - outcast - reckless - accomplice 
casualties - eyesore - coalition - dispute - subsidy - welfare
1. Later generations will be grateful to those who planned the new freeway.
2. The Robinsons were noted for living a long time.
3. He is very apt to act rashly and without proper thought.
4. A wolf is a flesh-eating animal, whereas a sheep is a plant-eating animal.
5. The designers counted on a government grant.
6. A person who helps another in the commitment of a crime is as equally guilty as the criminal himself.
7. We're thinking only of our son's well-being, comfort and good health.
8. The model was a reproduction in exact detail of his own yacht.
9. He showed great reserve in his speech.
10. He was treated as a person not accepted by his peer group.
11. The new statue was considered a sight ugly to the eyes.
12. A violent discussion and argument arose over the new proposed salary scales.
13. They thought that a government consisting of members from two or more political parties would not survive long.
14. The battle cost each side thousands of dead or seriously iniured people.
15. During the Middle Ages, many criminals were punished by having their heads cut off.
Exercise Two. Rewrite the following sentences by using the adjectives of the words in BOLD type.
e.g. He is eloquent and can easily persuade people.
 [ He is eloquent and persuasive.
1. The elderly couple were becoming increasingly affected by senility.
2. A juvenile of 11 years of age was brought before the magistrate's court yesterday.
3. This startling statement illustrates the unusual rates of change we ore experiencing.
4. Rising early conduces to good health.
5. He has good knowledge of computers.
6. A good teacher must have powers of invention and be a person of resources.
7. He looked lost in thought.
8. Human evolution proceeded rapidly.
9. The earth's deserts have expanded.
10. Thousands of plant and animal species were driven to extinction.
Exercises Three. Choose the word, A or B that best completes each sentence.
1. An arrogant man is......
2. The mugget.....in the dark ready to pounce on the elderly lady.
3. The police have conducted.....inquires in their effort to track down the criminal.
4. Are you about any difficulties in the exam.
5. Youthful.....hardly ever come to fruition.
6. It was a(n).....sight to see the once wealthy man reduced to begging.
7. He was all in a.....
8. The.....sale of drugs is a punishable offense.
9. The accused tried to.....the official in the bribery scandal.
10. The child.....over a stone and fell.
A. conceited 
A. lurked
A. exhousting
A. opprehensive 
A. inspirotions
A. pothetic
A. flotter
A. illicit
A. implicote
A. crumbled
B. deceitful
B. lorked
B exhoustive
B comprehensive
B. ospirotions
B. opothetic
B. flutter
B. elicit
B. complicote
B. stumbled
A. Read the text below and choose the correct word A, B, C, or D to fit the gaps.
 Many separate fires (1)......in the humus of the forest floor. Smoke sometimes (2).....the sun, which was often visible only at midday. On September 30, flames came within three miles of the town of Green Bay, (3).....1,200 cords of wood stored at a charcoal kiln.
 The settlements in the area were becoming increasingly (4)......from both the outside world and one another as railroad and telegraph lines burned. The fires seemed to wax and wane, (5)...... .On the wind and chance. On September 30 the Marinette and Peshtigo Eagle reported hopefully that "the fires have nearly (6)......now in this vicinity."
 But the paper was wrong, and the fires were growing. By October 4, the smoke was so thick on Green Bay that ships had to use their foghorns and (7)......by compass. 0n October 7, the paper, reduced to looking
for any scrap of good news, noted that at least the smoke had greatly reduced the mosquito population and that "a certain establishment down on the bay shore that has been (8)......to the respectable citizens" had burned.
 The paper's editor, (9).....by the burning of the telegraph line, could not know it, but a large, deep low-pressure area was moving in from the west. The winds circling it would turn the smoldering forest of northeastern Wisconsin into (10)......on earth.
1. A. extinguished
B. engulfed
C. spread
D. smoldered
2. A. obscured
B. burnt
C. illuminated
D. exposed
3. A. damaging
B. consuming
C. avoiding
D. licking
4. A. frightened
B. lonely
C. isolated
D. inundated
5. A. depending
B. independent
C. waiting
D. from
6. A. increased
B. died out
C. flared
D. diminished
7. A. steer
B. drive
C. guess
D. navigate
8. A. frequented
B. obnoxious
C. open
D. ignorant
9. A. cut-off
B. burnt
C. dismissed
D. chased
10. A. peace
B. heaven
C. hell
D. paradise
B. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
1. Good use of language.....its beauty arrd development.
A. detracts from 	B. deteriorates 	C. enhances 	D. lessens
2. Complete the form as.....in the notes below.
A. insisted 	B. specified 	C. implied 	D. divided
3. He shuns work ae he is such a(n).....student.
A. indolent 	B. diligent 	C. indigent 	D. indigenous
4. The student's grarnmar was......
A. well-constructed 	B. incoherent 	C. jerry-built 	D. highbrow
5. His spelling was......
A. ferocious 	B. incongruous 	C. apprehensive 	D. atrocious
6.The notice on the villa gate read '.....will be prosecuted'.
A. Muggers 	B. Hijackers 	C. Stowaways 	D. Trespassers
7. He lied under oath in court and was subsequently charged with.....
A. poaching 	B. forgery 	C. perjury 	D. usury
8. Not only is little Johnny's grammar incoherent and his spelling atrocious but also his punctuation......
A. slothful 	B. sluggish 	C. hazard 	D. haphazard
9. I'm not a habitual smoker, but I occasionally.....in a cigarette
A. enjoy 	B. indulge 	C. divulge 	D decline
10. We coulid discern a.....of cottages in the distance.
A. constellation 	B. clutter 	C. cluster 	D. piled
Words in Action
Exercise A.
1. peddler 2. cobbler 3. potter 4. playwright 5. milliner
6. fishmonger 7. locksmith 8. plumber 9. thatcher 10. hardware dealer
Exercise B.
1. poacher 2. forger 3. mugger 4. assassin 5. usurer
6. usurper 7. perjurer 8. tax-evader 9. stowaway 10. vagrant
11. hobo 12. quack 13. hooligan 14. hijacker 15. trespasser
Exercise C.
1. shoal /school 2. congregation 3. conglomeration
4. cluster / clump 5. pile 6. heap 7. sheaf 8. mob
9. squad 10. band 11. constellation 12. pack
Exercise D.
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B
Vocabulary Development
Exercise One.
1. posterity 2. longevity 3. reckless 4. carnivore, herbivore 5. subsidy 
6. accomplice 7. welfare 8. Replica 9. reticence 10. outcast 
11. eyesore 12. Dispute 13. coalition 14. casualties 15. decapitation
Exercise Two.
1. The elderly couple were becoming increasingly senile.
2. A juvenile, aged 11, was brought before the magistrate’s court yesterday.
3. This startling statement is illustrative of the unusual rates of change we are experiencing.
4. Rising early is conducive to good health.
5. He is knowledgeable about/of computers.
6. A good teacher must be inventive and resourceful.
7. He looked thoughtful.
8. The human evolutionary process was rapid.
9. The earth’s deserts have become/are expansive.
10. Thousands of plant and animal species have become extinct.
Exercise Three.
1. conceited 2. lurked 3. exhaustive 4. apprehensive 5. aspirations 
6. pathetic 7. flutter 8. illicit 9.. implicate 10. stumbled
Vocabulary Practice
Ex.A.: 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C
Ex.B.: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C

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