Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Period 25 to 28, Unit 5: Technology and You - Năm học 2008-2009 - Nguyễn Văn Tạo
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Date: October 18th, 2008 Period 25 Unit 5 TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Lesson READING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: use a number of words about computers such as CPU, VDU, CD ROMS, floppy disks . . and talk about their benefits in our modern life. improve reading skill through Matching and Answering questions exercises. II. Language Focus: Grammar: Revision New words: miraculous, device, hardware, software, capable of, storage, data, communicator, interact with . . . III. Teaching Aids: Pictures about computers or a computer available in class, extra board, transparent sheet, overhead projector, cassette player, textbook . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/ Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (7 minutes) Matching -T asks Ss to work in pairs to look at the illustrations of different parts of a computer system and match each number with one of the words or phrases in the box. -T invites some Ss to read their answers in front of the class. -T gives feedbacks and correct answers 1. D visual display unit (VDU) or computer screen. 2. E mouse 3. G printer 4. C keyboard 5. A central processing unit 6. F floppy disks 7. B CD ROMS short for Compact Disk-read Only Memory 8. H speaker. -T asks Ss to repeat the words several times to make sure that they pronounce the new words correctly. -Ss work in pairs to do the exercises as the teacher’s explanation. -Ss read the answers in front of the class. -Ss practise pronunciation. Pre – reading 10 minutes Vocabulary pre-teach -T helps Ss understand the meanings of and how to pronounce the new words. + miraculous (a): wonderful, fantastic + calculating machine (n): a machine used for adding, subtracting . . . + calculations(n): add, subtract, multiply, devide + lightning speed (n): very fast speed like the lightning + storage device (n): a thing used to keep or store information + memo = memorandum (n): brief notes of things to be remembered . informal letters usually sent from one person to another in an office + request for leave (n): asking for the absence from class or office. Brainstorming -T asks Ss to work in groups and make a list of the benefits/the roles of computers in modern life that computers can do. -T gathers all of the ideas from Ss and introduces the reading. -Ss listen and take notes new words. -Ss practise new words’ pronunciation. -Ss work in groups and make a list as guided. -Ss enter the new lesson. While – reading 7minutes Task 1 – Matching -T asks Ss to read the passage individually and Task 1. -T encourages Ss to guess the meaning of the words in the context in which they appear. -T calls on some Ss to read aloud and explain their answers in front of the class. -T gives correct answers and explains all the words carefully to make sure Ss understand the task. * Expected answers: 1 – a; 2 – e; 3 – a; 4 – b; 5 – d -Ss read the passage. -Ss guess the meaning of new words in the context. -Ss compare the answers with a partner. -Some Ss present the answers in front of the class, others listen and remark. 5 minutes Task 2 – Passage Headings -T asks Ss to read the passage again more carefully and choose the best title for it. -T lets Ss discuss their answers with a partner. -T encourages Ss to explain their choice. -T gives further explain and correct answers. * Expected answers: C. What can the computer do? -Ss work individually and read the passage. -Ss complete the task. -Ss explain their choice. 6 minutes Task 3 – Answering Questions -T has Ss work in pairs and answer the questions, using the given cues. -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. -T calls on some pairs to act out the activity in front of the class. -T comments and gives the suggested answers. * Suggested answers: 1. What can the computer do to help us in our daily life? -It helps us visit shops, offices and places of interests, pay bills, read newspapers, receive letters. 2. Why is computer a miraculous device? -Because it is capable of doing anything you ask; it can speed up the calculations, allow you to type and print any kind of document . . . -Ss work in pairs, asking & answering the questions. -Ss act out the activity in front of the class. -Ss listen to T’s comments. -Ss take notes the right answers in their notebooks. Post – reading 7 minutes -T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss other uses of computers in daily life. -T supplies Ss with some guided questions for discussion. * Suggested questions: + Do you usually use computers? + What do you do when you use computers? + What uses of computers may bring bad effects to its users? . . . . . . -T goes around the class and helps Ss when they need. -T asks some Ss to present their answers in front of the class -T comments. -Ss work in pairs. -Ss present in front of the class. Homework 3 minutes -T summarises the main points in the lesson. -T asks Ss to learn all of the new words by heart and prepare SPEAKING for the next period. - Ss listen and take notes. Date: October 20th, 2008 Period 26 Unit 5(cont.) TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Lesson SPEAKING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: talk about the uses of modern inventions in daily life such as radio, TV, fax machine, air conditioner . . . II. Language Focus: Grammar: New words: transmit, process . . . III. Teaching Aids: Textbooks, pictures, real objects of modern inventions . . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (10 minutes) What is it? - T divides the class into two big groups: A and B -T gives group A a list of 10 words about modern invetions: 1. TV 2. fax machine 3. air conditioner 4. radio 5. electric cooker 6. fridge 7. cell phone 8. washing machine 9. car 10. microwave oven -Group A has to explain the words and group B has to guess what the word is. -Ss work in groups. -Ss explain the words and others guess what the words are. Pre – speaking 7minutes Task 1 – Asking and Answering -T has Ss work in pairs, asking and answering questions about the uses of modern invetions following the example. T notes that five inventions are in the above game. -T calls on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. -T comments and give suggested answers -Ss observe and listen to teacher’s guidance. -Ss do the exercises as guided. -Ss practise in front of the class. While – speaking 7 minutes Task 2 – Sentence Completion -T still keeps Ss in pairs and asks them to complete the sentences by using the words in the box. -T asks Ss to study the sentences carefully before deciding which word to be used. -T calls on some pairs to present the sentences aloud in front of the class. -T gives the correct answers * Expected answers: 1. store 2. transmit 3. process 4. send 5. hold 6. make 7. send 8. receive 9. design -Ss work in pairs and carry out the task. -Ss present the sentences aloud in front of the class. Task 3 – Ordering -T has Ss work in groups by joining two pairs, and asks them to look at the ideas in the Task 2 and then rank them in order of importance. -T encourages Ss to actively discuss in groups to give the reasons to support their ideas and persuade the others that your order is the right one. -T suggests some structures in discussion: + I think / believe that the most important use of information technology is . . . . . because . . . . . Group work Post – speaking 8 minutes Task 4 -T asks Ss to work in groups and talk about their most favourite invention of our daily life. -T invites some Ss to give a short talk about their favourite invention in front of the class. -T comments on Ss’performance and make necessary corrections. Group work Homework 3 minutes -T summarise the main points in the lesson. -T asks Ss to prepare a short talk about their favourite invention at home. -T requires Ss to prepare LISTENING for the next period. - Ss listen and take notes Date: October 20th, 2008 Period 27 Unit 5(cont.) TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Lesson LISTENING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: know how a person learns to use a computer improve listening skill through True or False and Gap-filling exercises. II. Language Focus: Grammar: revision New words: lift, receiver, slot, insert . . . III. Teaching Aids: pictures in the textbook, cassette, extra board . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (5 minutes) Word form -T asks Ss to work independently and answer the question by checking the right column: How often do you see each of the items below? Items very often sometimes never radio cell phone camcorder computer TV fax machine -T tells Ss to compare their answers with a partner and further discuss the uses of these items. -Ss work individually and answer the questions by completing the table. -Ss work in pairs and discuss. Pre –listening 7 minutes Vocabulary pre-teach -T explains the new words. + worried (a): to be anxious + shy (a): self-conscious, uneasy in front of other people + refuse (v) reject + make an excuse (v): say sorry -T asks Ss to repeat the words several times to make sure they pronounce them correctly. -Ss listen to teacher’s explanation. - Ss work individually to take note new words. -Ss practise pronunciation. While-listening 20 minutes Task 1 – True or False -T lets Ss read the statements carefully before listening to the tape. -T asks Ss to listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are true or false. -T plays the tape more than once if necessary. -T tells Ss to compare their answers with a friend. -T checks the answers as the whole class. -T then gives correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. F (He wasn’t worried) 2. T 3. T 4.F (He understood about computers and became the man’s teacher.) 5. F (He didn’t understand the lesson very well.) 6. F - Ss work in individual to listen to the tapes and do the exercises. -Ss give out the results after listening to the tape three times. - Ss compare their answers with a friend and present them on the board. Task 2 – Gap filling -T plays the tape again and asks Ss to do Task 2. -T asks Ss to write the exact words for the blanks. -T lets Ss discuss the answers with a partner. -T feedbacks and gives correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. invited 2. still 3. refused 4. excuse 5. anything - Ss work in individual to listen to the tapes and do the exercises. -Ss give out the results after listening to the tape three times. - Ss compare their answers with a friend and present them on the board. Post- listening 10 minutes Discussion -T asks Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer about the man’s story. * Suggested questions: What did the man’s son buy? Why did the man become worried? What didn’t the man know? What happened to the man’s memory? What did the man suggest? -T goes around the class and helps Ss. -T invites some pairs of students to show their talk in front of the class. -T gives out his remarks about Ss’s presentation. -Ss work in pairs, talking about the topic just given by the teacher. -Ss present their talks. -Ss listen to T’s remarks. Homework 3 minutes -T asks Ss to prepare WRITING for the next period. - Ss listen and take notes Date: October 25th, 2008 Period 28 Unit 5(cont.) TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Lesson WRITING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: write simple instruction on how to use some household appliances. II. Language Focus: Grammar: revision New words: revision III. Teaching Aids: an extra board, textbook, sample of instruction . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (5 minutes) Matching -T asks Ss to work in groups and match the words in A with the words in B. Notes: All the verbs are commonly used in the language of instruction. A B 1. insert a. long bip 2. make b. button 3. press c. card 4. hear d. a call . . . . . . . . * Expected answers: 1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – b; 4 – a -T leads into the new lesson. -Ss close the books, doing the exercise in the handouts delivered by the teacher in individual (Group work) -Ss present their results on the board. -Ss listen to T’s remarks and enter the new lesson. Pre-writing 10minutes Task 1 – Read the instructions. -T asks Ss to work in pairs and read the set of instructions on how to use a public telephone. -T introduces some difficult words. + lift (v): raise to higher level + receiver (n) machine for receiving transmitted signals. + slot (n): a slit in machine etc for something especially coins to be inserted. + press (v) put a steady force to something. + cord (n) thick string used as TV wire. -T helps Ss practise the new words’ pronunciation. -Ss work in pairs and read the instructions. -Ss take notes the new words. -Ss practise pronunciation. -Ss write down the answers in their notebooks. Task 2 – Finding Connectors and Imperatives -T asks Ss to read the set of instructions on how to use a public telephone again. -T goes around the class and provide help if necessary. -T makes sure that Ss get general understanding of the instructions. -T asks to work in pairs to find out the connectors and the imperatives forms of the verbs from the instructions. -T invites some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class. -T gives feedback and correct answers. Connectors: first, next, press, then, until Imperatives: lift, insert, press, wait -Ss listen to T’s guidance and read the instructions. . -Ss work in pairs. -Ss work individually. -Ss take note. While-writing 7minutes Task 3 – Answering Questions -T asks Ss to work in groups and do Task 3. -T requires Ss to look at the remote control carefully when doing the task. -T calls on some Ss from the groups to answer the questions in front of the class. -T gives out correct answers and feedback. 1. If you want to operate the TV with the remote control, you have to make sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is turned on. 2. To turn on the TV, press the POWER button. To turn off the TV, press the POWER button again. 3. To select a programme, press the PROGRAMME button. 4. To watch VTV1, press button number 1 To watch VTV2, press button number 2 To watch VTV3, press button number 3 To watch VTV4, press button number 4 5. To adjust the volume, press the VOLUME button up and down. 6. If you don’t want to hear the sound, press the MUTE button. -Ss work in groups, asking and answering the questions in Task 3. -Ss present their answers in front of the class. 15 minutes Task 4 – Writing Instructions -T asks to write a set of instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control. -T goes around the class and support any help. -T asks Ss to compare their writing with each other. -T pick up some writings and correct in front of the class. -Ss work individually and write the instructions. Post- writing 6 minutes -T calls on some Ss to read aloud their writings in fron of the class. -T asks the others to comment on presenters’ performance. -T makes necessary corrections. - Ss work individually. Homework 2 minutes -T summarise the main points in the lesson. -T asks students to complete all of the exercises in the textbook. -T asks students to prepare Language Focus for next period. -Ss listen and take notes Date: October 27th, 2008 Period: 29 +30 Unit 5(cont.) TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: distinguish and pronounce the sound / u /and / u:/correctly. use the present perfect and present perfect passive appropriately. II. Language Focus: Grammar: the present perfect, the present perfect passive New words: III. Teaching Aids: Textbooks IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (5 minutes) Categorising -T gives out 10 to 15 words. -T asks Ss to put the words under the appropriate heading. Who Which Where Exapmle of words: nurse, teacher, book, park, museum . . . -Ss work in groups, using the given words to compete the table. Pro-nunciation 10 minutes Activity 1 – Listen and repeat -T demonstrates the sounds / u / and / u: / by pronouncing them exactly and clearly. -T instructs the ways to pronounce: -T asks Ss to pronounce the sounds several times. -T makes sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the two sounds. Activity 2 – Practise these sentences -T plays the tape and asks them to repeat. -T calls on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly and slowly. -T asks Ss to work in pairs and practise the sentences. -T introduces peer correction. -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. -Ss observe and listen to teacher’s guidance. -Ss listen. -Ss practise pronuncation. -Ss listen carefully & work in pairs to read the sentences. Grammar Vocabulary 28 minutes Activity 1 * The + adjective -T elicits the use of The present perfect tense by analysing the example and giving out the form. [S + have / has (not) + PP + O] Ex: I have worked as a teacher for five years. -T asks Ss to work in individual and do the exercise 1 the book. -T asks Ss to read their answers aloud. -T remarks and gives correct answers. * Expected answers: + He has opened the door. + He has turned / switched on the TV. (to be continued) Activity 2 -T helps Ss review the rules of changing active into paasive voice and explains the form of the present perfect passive. [S + have / has + been + PP + O] Examples: + A new bridge has been built acorss the river. -T asks Ss to do the exercise 2. -T tells Ss to compare their answers with a partner. -T calls on some Ss to read aloud their answer in front of the class. -T gives correct answers. 1. A new hospital for children has been built in our city. 2. Annother man-made satellite has been sent up into space. 3. More and more trees have been cut down for woods by farmers. (to be continued) Activity 3 -T explains how to use which: which, who and that can be used in place of noun subjects and noun objects in relative clauses to refer to the whole of the earlier clause. Examples: + This is the man who lives next door. + this is the man whom/ that I like. -T asks Ss to work in pairs and do exercise 3. -T asks Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class. -T comments and make necessary corrections. -T gives expected answers. 1. which 2. which 3. which 4. who 5. who 6. who 7. who 8. whom 9. which 10. who - Ss listen to T’s guidance and take notes.(Whole class) -Ss work individually and do the exercise. - Ss listen to T’s guidance and take notes.(Whole class) -Ss work individually, do the exercise, then exchange the results with a partner to take peer correction. . - Ss listen and take notes. - Ss listen to T’s guidance and take notes.(Whole class) -Ss work individually, do the exercise, then exchange the results with a partner to take peer correction. . - Ss listen and take notes. Homework 2 minutes - T asks Ss to continue doing the remaning exercises. - T asks Ss to prepare UNTI 6 -Ss listen and take notes
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