Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Period 84 to 88, Unit 14: The World Cup - Năm học 2008-2009 - Nguyễn Văn Tạo
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Date: March 16th, 2009 Period 84 Unit 14 THE WORLD CUP Lesson READING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: develop such reading micro-skills as skimming for main ideas, summarising main ideas, scanning for specific ideas, and guessing meaning in context. master vocabulary related to football. II. Language Focus: Grammar: the grammatical point: Will vs. going to New words: elimination game, finalist, champion, etc. III. Teaching Aids: cassette player, textbook, handouts . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/ Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (5 minutes) An all-star football team -T divides the class into small groups of 3 – 4 Ss and introduces the game: Supposed that Ss need to build an all-star team to play in a friendship match with a national tream of a certain country. Ss work together to propose a list of the football players who can fit the postions described in the following table. Names of football players Postion Captain Goalkeeper Defender Midfielder Forwards -T goes around the class to check that Ss speak English while working together. * Suggested explanation of new words: + captain (n) = skipper + goalkeeper (n) = goalie + forward (n) = stricker = attacker + central/right/left midfileder + left / right winge -Ss enjoy playing the game in groups of 3 – 4 Ss. Pre – reading 7 minutes -T asks Ss to look at the photo at the bottom of page 142 and name the team in the photo if possible each player and his postion in the team. -T asks to work in pairs to find the answer to the questions. -T checks the anwers with the whole class and gives out the correct answers. * Suggested answers: 1. South Korea and Japan 2. Brazil 3. Germany -T introduces the topic of the lesson and asks Ss what they know about the World Cup. * Suggested questions: + How often is the World Cup held? + What is the name of the world’s organization that takes care of football? + How many teams play in the World Cup? -T may pre-teach some vocabulary: + championship (n): state of bing a champion + witness (v): to see + elimination game (n): the game within a region that decides which team can go to the World Cup + Continent (n): Aisa, Europe, Africa, etc. + Finalist (n): the team who gies to the final match + honoured title -T asks Ss to make sentences with the above vocabbulary. -Ss work in pairs and do the task. -Ss listen to T’s explanation and take notes new vocabulary. -Ss answer T’s questions. While – reading 6 minutes Task 1 – Matching -T writes these words on the board: jointly, the globe, tournament, host nation, trophy. -T asks to read the passage carefully and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings. -T goes around to help Ss when necessary. -T calls Ss to present and explain their answers. -T gives the correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. d -Ss work individually and guess the meanings of the given words. -Ss present their answers in front of the class -Ss take note the correct answers. 7 minutes Task 2 – Filling in the blanks with the right information. -T asks Ss to work individually to do the task. -T asks Ss to discuss their answers with their peers. -T calls on some Ss to give their answers and asks them to explain their choices. -T comments and gives the suggested answers. * Suggested answers: 1. 13 2. 32 3. Argentina 4. one 5. 26 -Ss work individually and do the task. -Ss work in pairs. -Ss present their answers in front of the class. -Ss listen T’s comment and write down the correct answers. 7 minutes Task 3 – True / False statements -T asks Ss to read through the statements individually. -T asks Ss to go back to the passage and then decide whether the statements are true of flase. -T gives Ss some minutes to do the task and checks with the whole class. * Suggested answer: 1. F (The first World Cup was help in 1930) 2. F (The World Cup is held every 4 years) 3. T 4. T 5. F (Brazil has won, not played the WC 5 times) -Ss work individually the do task 3. -T-Ss Post – reading 10 minutes Talking about the football events -T asks Ss to go back to the passage and find out the events related to the figures mentioned in the textbook. 1904 FIFA was set up, first meeting 13 Number of teams playing in the first World Cup 1930 The first WC was held 17 17 WC tournaments up to 2002 32 Number of teams playing in the WC in the modern time 2002 First time WC was played in Asia and hosted by two nations -T asks Ss to work in groups of 3 or 4 and take turn to talk about the history of the World Cup, basing themselves on their notes. -T goes around to help the groups when necessary. -T calls on some groups to report their ideas to the class. -T correct mistakes if necessary. Group work and whole class. Homework 3 minutes -T summarises the main points in the lesson. -T asks Ss to learn all of the new words by heart and prepare SPEAKING for the next period. - Ss listen and take notes. Date: March 22th, 2009 Period 85 Unit 14 THE WORLD CUP Lesson SPEAKING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ask and answer questions about the World Cup and to talk about the World Cup winners. II. Language Focus: Grammar: revision New words: revision III. Teaching Aids: textbooks, pictures . . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (7 minutes) A matching game -T prepapres four poster of the English, French, Italian, and German national football teams and sticks them to the board. T also prepares a few flags. The number of flags should be bigger than the number of football teams. -T divides the class into small groups of 3 or 4 and anks Ss to play the game by matching these four national football teams with their flags. -T leads into the new lesson. -Ss work in groups and play the matching game. Pre – speaking 7 minutes Task 1 -T asks Ss to work in groups of 3 to discuss the football teams in the textbook. -T can give out some suggestion. * Suggested questions and answers: 1. How many times has Italy won the trophy up tp World Cup 2006? (4 times) 2. Who was the captain of the French national football team in World Cup 2006? (Zinedine Zidane) 3. What was the score of the World Cup 2006 final? (5-3 in favour of Italy – that was a penalty shootout after extra time finished in a 1-1 draw) 4. What place did Germany hold in World Cup 2006? (Third – they beat Portugal 3-1) 5. Who was the head coach of the German team in World Cup 2006? (Jurgen Klinsmann) 6. What nationality was the top scorer in World Cup 2006? (German) 7. Who was the captain of the English national football team in World Cup 2006? (David Beckham) 8. Who beat England in the World Cup 2006 quarter final? (Portugal (by 3-1) -Ss work in groups and do the task. 8 minutes Task 2 -T gets Ss to work in pairs, asking and aswering about the football information in the table. -T invites some pairs of Ss to role play the conversation in front of the class. -T goes around offering help. -T gives feedback. -Ss work in pairs and do the task. -Ss work in groups. While – speaking 12 minites Task 3 – Talking about the World Cup winners -T asks Ss to work individually. -T gets Ss to read the model in the textbook. -T goes around checking and offering help. -T invites some Ss to talk about the different World Cup winners. -T gives feedback and correct answers. -Ss work individually. Post – speaking 8 minutes Task 4 – Writing -T instructs Ss to work in groups of three Ss to write a short paragraph about their best favourite football team. -T goes around offering help. -T calls on some Ss to read their writing. -T takes note of Ss’ mistakes for later correction. -T writes some typical mistakes and errors on the board for peer correction. -Ss work in pairs and present their ideas in front of the class. -Ss listen to T and correct mistakes. Homework 3 minutes -T summarise the main points in the lesson. -T requires Ss to prepare LISTENING for the next period. - Ss listen and take notes Date: March 23th, 2009 Period 86 Unit 14 THE WORLD CUP Lesson LISTENING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: listen to get specific information. II. Language Focus: Grammar: revision New words: revision III. Teaching Aids: pictures in the textbook, cassette, extra board . . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (7 minutes) -T has Ss watch a video clip of a football match and asks them some questions? + What football teams are playing in the video clip? + Who is the winner? + What is the score of the match? . . . . . -Ss watch a video clip and answers the questions. Pre –listening 7 minutes -T asks Ss to look at the new words on page 147 of the textbook. T elicits the meanings of these words from Ss. -T plays the tape once (or reads) for Ss to listen to how these words are pronounced. -T asks Ss to look at the words again and predict what they may hear about Pele. -Ss work individually. While-listening 10 minutes Task 1 -T introduces the task and asks Ss to study the table before they listen. -T plays the tape once for Ss to listen to and fill in the table. -T gets Ss to work in pairs and check’s each other’s answers. -T checks the answers with the whole class. If many Ss cannot complete the task after the first listening. T should play the tape again and pause at each event for Ss to write it down. -T gives out the correct answer. * Suggested answers: Year Events (1) 1940 born in Brazil 1956 (2) joined a Brazilian football club (3) 1962 first World Cup Championship (4) 1974 1200th goal 1977 (5) fetired - Ss work individually to listen to the tapes and do Task 1 -Ss give out the results after listening to the tape. - Ss compare their answers with a friend and present them on the board. 10 minutes Task 2 – Answering the questions -T asks Ss whether they can do the task based on the previous times of listening. -If Ss can, T asks them to give the answers and write them on the board. -T plays the tape once for Ss to check their answers. -If not, T asks Ss to listen to the tape again andite down the girls’ plans in note forms. -T asks Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers. -If there are a lot of Ss having the same wrong answer, play that point of the tape for Ss to check the answers again. -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. Pele was famous for his powerful kicking and controlling the ball. 2. He participated in 3 World Cups. 3. He played for an Americian football club before he retired. 4. He became an international ambassador for football. He works to promote peace and understanding through friendly sport activities. - Ss work in individual to listen to the tapes and do Task 2. -Ss give out their guesses before listening. - Ss compare their answers with a friend and present them on the board. -Ss take note the correct answers. Post- listening 8 minutes Talking about the milestones in Pele’s life -T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to talk about Pele, using the information they have learned in Task 2 and 3. -T goes around offering help. -T calls some Ss to tell the class about Pele. -T gives feedback. -Ss work in pairs to do the task. Homework 3 minutes -T summarize the main points. -T asks Ss to learn by heart all new words. -T asks Ss to prepare WRITING for the next period. - Ss listen and take notes Date: March 24th, 2009 Period 87 Unit 14 THE WORLD CUP Lesson WRITING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: write a short a announcement about a sport event. II. Language Focus: Grammar: revision New words: revision III. Teaching Aids: textbook, pictures, handouts . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (5 minutes) Competition game -T divides the class into two big groups: A and B. -T asks each group to take turn to write names of famous football players on the board (Vietnamese and foreign footballer) -The group has more football players will be the winner. -Ss play the game in groups Pre-writing 12 minutes Task 1 – Answering the questions -T gets Ss to read Task 1 silently and answer the questions that follow. -T checks the answers with the whole class. * Suggetsed answers: 1. The national football championship organnizing committee. 2. The postponing of the match between Nam Dinh and Binh Duong, which was initially scheduled on Sunday April 18, due to the bad weather. 3. 3p.m Sunday April 25. 4. My Dinh National Stadium. -T elicits from Ss what possible details to include in an announcement. E.g: Who announces? What event? When? Where? Why? -T may introduces some useful languages to use in an announcement. Subject would like to announce phrase / clause wish (es) to is/are sorry to regret to is/are pleased to -Ss work individually. -Ss listen to T’s guidance and do the task. -Ss go the board to write their answers -Ss gives answers. -Ss write down some useful languages. While-writing 20 minutes Task 2– Writing -T gets Ss to read the topics individually and then work with a partner to analyse the topics, using the table provided in Task 1. -T asks Ss to choose one of the topics and write an annoucement. -While Ss write the announcement, T should go around to observe and provide help. Feedback on Ss’ writings -T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction. -T goes around and collect mistakes and errors. -T collects some wrtings for quick feedback. -T writes typical errors on the board and elicits self and peer correcttion. -T gives general comments on the writings. -Individual work & pair works. -Pair work and whole class Post- writing 6 minutes Talking -T asks Ss to work in groups of 4-5 to tell about their favourite football players in Vietnam. -Ss work in groups Homework 2 minutes -T summarise the main points in the lesson. -T asks students to complete all of the tasks in the textbook. -T asks students to prepare Language Focus for next period. -Ss listen and take notes Date: March 28th, 2009 Period 88 Unit 14 THE WORLD CUP Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: distinguish and pronounce the sound / g/ and / k / correctly. use attitudinal adjectives to describe films or to express their option about particular films. use structures with “will” to talk about unplanned future intentions, to make predictions or offers use structure “be going to” to talk about definite future plans. II. Language Focus: Grammar: as the above New words: revision III. Teaching Aids: Textbooks IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (4 minutes) -T asks Ss some questions to warm up the class: + What kinds of sport do you like? + Who is your favourite football player? Why? + How often do you play football? -Ss work individually and answer T’s questions. Pro-nunciation 7 minutes Activity 1 – Listen and repeat -T demonstrates the sounds / g / and / k / by pronouncing them exactly and clearly. -T instructs the ways to pronounce two sounds. -T asks Ss to pronounce the sounds several times. -T makes sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the two sounds. -T reads the wortds in each column all at once. -T reads the words again, each time with a word in each column to help Ss distinguish the differences between the sounds in the words. -T reads the words and asks Ss to repeat them. -T asks Ss to practise pronouncing the words in pairs. -T goes around to provide help. -T gives feedback. Activity 2 – Practise these sentences -T reads the sentences and asks Ss underlined the words with the sound and / g / or / k / under them. -T asks Ss to practise the sentences in pairs. -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. -T gives feedback. -Ss observe and listen to teacher’s guidance. -Ss listen. -Ss practise pronuncation. -Ss listen carefully & work in pairs to read the sentences. -Ss work individually. Vocabulary & Grammar 13 minutes Exercise 1 a. Presentation: -T writes on the board some examples containing both “will” and “be going to” -T elicits from Ss the forms, meanings, and uses of “will” and “be going to” when talking about future intentions + “Will” is used to express a future intention or decision made at the moment of speaking. + “Be going to” is used to express a future intention or decision thought about before the moment of speaking. b. Practice: -T asks Ss to do Ex.1 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with. -T invites Ss to present their answers. -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Suggested answers: 1. I’ll get 2. I’m going to wash 3. Are you going to paint? 4. I’m going to buy 5. I’ll show you 6. I’ll have 7. I’ll do - Individual work and pair work. 8 minutes Exercise 2 -T presents another use of “will”, which is to make predictions about future events. -T introduces the exercise and asks Ss to read through all of the sentences. -T gets Ss to do the exercise individually. -T goes around to provide help. -T asks them to compate their answers with others. -T asks Ss to go to the board to write their answers. -T gives correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. He will help 2. Won’t lend me any money 3. It will rain today 4. Will have to wear glasses 5. Will have a headache 6. Won’t like it 7. I won’t pass it -Ss work individually, doing the exercise, then exchange the results with a partner to take peer correction. - Ss listen and take notes. 10 minutes Exercise 3 -T presents another use of “will”, which is to make an offer. A: This suitcase is too heavy. B: I’ll carry it for you. -T asks Ss to do exercise 3 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with. -T calls on some Ss to read out their answers. -T feedbacks and gives correct answers. * Suggested answers: 1. I’ll make you a cup of tea / I’ll get you some water 2. I’ll answer the door / I’ll open it 3. I’ll lend you some / I’ll ask John for you 4. I’ll give you a lift 5. I’ll carry them for you -Ss work individually. -Ss work individually and then check again with a friend. -Ss write down the correct answer into their note books. Homework 3 minutes - T asks Ss to continue doing the remaning exercises. - T asks Ss to prepare Unit 15 -Ss listen and take notes
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