Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Period 64 to 68, Unit 11: Sources of Energy - Năm học 2010-2011 - Nguyễn Văn Tạo
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Date: January 27th, 2011 Period 64 Unit 11 SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson READING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: deduce the meaning of some words in certain context to undersand the passage. express their own ideas sources of energy. II. Language Focus: Grammar: New words: alternative, reserve, exhaust, released, limited . . . . III. Teaching Aids: cassette player, textbook . . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/ Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (5 minutes) Sentence Completion -T asks Ss to close their books and complete the sentences on the board. 1. We use .. to cook. 2. We use .. to run machines, cars, motorbikes. . . -T asks Ss to work in groups and complete the above sentences. -T goes around and controls the activity. * Expected answers: 1. oil, coal, wood, natural gas 2. gas Ss 1 Ss S Pre – reading (10 minutes) -T asks Ss some questions to lead in the new lesson. T: Which word is used to describe the group of coal, oil, and natural gas? What do you call the group of oil, coal, natural gas? ¦ fossil fuels T: What do you think about fossil fuels? Are they always available? Can future generations continue to use them in the future? T: What should we do to preserve them? ¦We should find new sources of energy which can replace them. T: What are they? ¦geothermal heat, wind energy, water energy, nuclear power, solar energy . . . What is a term for all these new sources? ¦ ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ENERGY -T asks Ss to work in pairs to look at the picture in the textbook and discuss the questions. What sources of energy does each picture above refer to? * Expected answers: Picture 1: Wind turbine¦ wind power (windmill) Picture 2: Solar panel¦ solar energy, Picture 3: Dam (reservoir) ¦ water power (hydroelectric power) Vocabulary Pre-teach + alternative (a): things that can be used instead of something else + reserve (n): supply of something that is available to be used in the future or when it is needed. + to exhaust (v): to run out of, to weaken, to empty + released (a): be free + limited (a) T 1 Ss T 1 Ss S 1 S T 1 Ss While – reading (5 minutes) Task 1 – Gap – filling -T asks Ss to work individually to read the passage to guess the meaning of the words in Task 1 in context and complete the sentences. -T tells Ss to compare their answers with each other. -T calls on some Ss to present and explain their answers in front of the class. -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Expected answer: 1. released 2. alternative 3. exhausted 4. limited 5. reserve S S 1 S T 1 Ss (9 minutes) Task 2 – Table Completion -T asks Ss to work in groups of four. -T copies the table on the board. -T asks Ss to scan the passage to find out the advantages and disadvantages of sources of energy. Each group chooses only one of source of energy. -T gives Ss time to read the whole passage. -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. -T calls on some representatives of groups to act out the activity in front of the class. -T comments and gives the suggested answers. * Expected answer: Sources of energy Advantages Disadvantages Nuclear energy unlimited very dangerous Geothermal heat available only possible in some places Solar energy plentiful, clean, infinite, safe possible during the day time Wind power clean and unlimited no wind ¦ no energy Water power clean and limited expensive Ss 1 Ss T 1 Ss Ss 1 Ss Ss 1 Ss (6 minutes) Task 3 – Questions and Answers -T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the text again and answer the questions in Task 3. -T asks Ss to check their answer with other pairs. -T goes around and helps Ss if necessary. -T calls on some pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class. -T gives feedback. * Expected answers: 1. Our major source of energy comes from fossil fuels. 2. Five sources of energy are mentioned in the text. I think solar energy is the most potential. S 1 S Ss 1 Ss S 1 S T 1 Ss Post – reading (8 minutes) Discussion - Which od these alternative energy sources is the most feasible in Vietnam? Say why? -T asks Ss to work in groups of four to take notes their groups’s ideas. -T asks each group to share their ideas. -T asks a representavie of each group to come to the front of the class and present their group’s idea. -T goes around to control and gives help to Ss. -T gives feedback. Ss 1 Ss T 1 Ss Homework (2 minutes) -T asks Ss to write about one of energy source they think is the most important. -T asks Ss to learn all of the new words by heart and prepare SPEAKING for the next period. T 1 Ss Date: February 8th, 2011 Period 65 Unit 11(cont.) SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson SPEAKING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy resources. express their own ideas about alternative sources of energy. II. Language Focus: Grammar: New words: III. Teaching Aids: textbooks, pictures . . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (5minutes) Game – Right or Wrong Chair -T asks Ss to work in two groups. Five Ss from each group stand in two lines. -T puts two chairs in front of the class, sticking the word: limited and unlimited on each chair. -T says out some sources of enenrgy randomly (oil, wind power, natural gas, nulear power, solar energy, coal, water power . . ) -T asks Ss to listen and decide which energy is limited and which is unlimited. Ss take turns running to the right chair and sit down. The group that scores more points wins the game. -T goes around the class to control the game -T gives feedback and declares the winner. * Expected sources of energy and keys: Limited Unlimited Oil Wind power Coal Natural gas Nuclear power Solar power Water power -T leads in the new lesson by asking the questions: Who can tell again about the advantages and disadvantages of these sources of energy? -T invites some Ss to answer the questions. Ss 1 Ss S T 1 Ss T 1 Ss Pre – speaking (8 minutes) Pre – teaching vocabulary + renewable (a) being replaced naturally. + reactor (n) ¦ radiation (n) + hydroelectricity (n): using the power of water to produce electricity. Task 1 – Showing the ideas -T requires Ss to work in pairs to decide which statement is about advantage (A) and which is about disadvantage (D) of various sources of energy. -T moves around the class to help Ss. -T calls on Ss to tell their ideas in front of the class. * Expected answers: D D D A D A D T 1 Ss S 1 S T 1 Ss While – speaking (20 minutes) Task 2 – Practising the dialogue * Activity 1 – Repetition -T has Ss repeat the dialogue after the T. -T models the conversation with a S. -T has Ss role play the conversation in pairs. -T calls some pairs to the front of the class to act out the conversation. * Activity 2 – Substitution -T asks Ss to work in pairs to substitute some words in the dialogue with suitable words in the Useful Language to make new dialogues. -T moves around to control and give help if necessary. -T gives feedback. * Activity 3 – Showing the ideas -T asks Ss to work in groups of four or five to express their belief on the increasing use of alternative sources of energy in the future, using ideas in Task 1 and 2. Exmaple: S1: I believe that the use of solar energy should be the alternative source of energy in our country. S2: I agree with you. It is the most feasible way to have solar energy in our country because Vietnam is a tropical country. . . . T1 Ss T1 S S 1 S S 1 S Ss 1 Ss Post – speaking (10 minutes) Task 3 – Group Discussion -T asks Ss to work in groups of four to make a list of things the family should do to save energy. -T asks Ss to share ideas with others by changing groups. * Suggested ideas: + Try to reduce the amount of water bill or electricity by cutting power such as lights, air-conditioner when necessary. + Do not cook with electricity. + Make sure there are no leaks in the gas pipes . . . -T moves around to control and helps Ss. -T gives feedback. Ss 1 Ss Homework (2 minutes) -T asks Ss to search the Internet to find out some more information about endangered animals. -T has Ss prepare LISTENING for the next period. T 1 Ss Date: February 10th, 2011 Period 66 Unit 11(cont.) SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson LISTENING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: listen to specific information. express their own ideas about how to protect enviroment. II. Language Focus: Grammar: revision New words: III. Teaching Aids: cassette player, textbook, board . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up (5minutes) -T asks Ss to close their books, writing some words on the board and asks Ss to pick out the odd one from the following words and explan why? The air, the sun, the land, the ocean, the house. * Expected answer: The house. The other words can be sources of energy. -T asks Ss a question: T: What kind of energy can be taken from each of these energy? Expected answer: The air ¦ wind power The sun ¦ solar energy The land ¦ geothermal heat The ocean ¦ water power -T lead in the new lesson. T 1 Ss T 1 Ss Pre –listening (8 minutes) -T asks Ss to work in pairs and list of some things they use energy for in their houses. Pre-teaching vocabulary -T elicits some new words from Ss before letting them to listen + ecologist (n): a person who studies ecology. + conserve (v) to avoid wasting something. -T helps Ss to understand the meaning of the above words. -T lets the whole class pronoun these new words. S 1 S T 1 Ss While-listening (12 minutes) Task 1 – Multiple Choice -T asks Ss to work individually and listen to the text. -T plays the tape more than once if necessary. -T asks Ss to compare the answers with their partners. -T invites some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class. -T goes over the answers with the whole class. -T gives feedback and correct answers * Expected answers: 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B S S 1 S T 1 Ss (12 minutes) Task 2 – Gap – filling -T asks Ss to work individually to listen to the tape again. -T plays the tape again and asks Ss to do Task 2. -T plays the tape several times if necessary. -T lets Ss discuss the answers with a partner. -T comments and gives correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. umlimited 2. atmosphere 3. may 4. gases 5. amounts S S 1 S T 1 Ss Post- listening (6 minutes) Discussion -T asks Ss to work in groups of five and discuss the questions. 1. What can we do to keep the resources renewable? 2. What should we do to protect our enviroment? -T goes around the class and helps Ss in their speaking. -T has some Ss present their ideas in front of the class. -T asks for comments from other Ss. -T gives out his remarks on Ss’s presentation. T 1 Ss Ss 1 Ss S T 1 Ss Homework (2 minutes) -T asks Ss to learn the new words by heart. -T asks Ss to prepare WRITING for the next period. T 1 Ss Date: February 14th, 2011 Period 67 Unit 11(cont.) SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson WRITING I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: read the information from a chart. write a description from a chart. II. Language Focus: Grammar: revision New words: revision III. Teaching Aids: an extra board, textbook, poster and handouts . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (3 minutes) -T asks Ss a question: T: What kind of energy is consumed the most in Vietnam? Which one ranks next? Why? + Petroleum + Coal + Nuclear and hydroelectricity -T leads in the new lesson. T 1 Ss T 1 Ss Pre-writing (10 minutes) Task 1 – Gap – filling -T hangs the chart on the board and explains the information in the chart. -T asks Ss to contrast the chart with the passage to find out the missing information. - T asks Ss to compare the answer with other pairs. -T calls on some Ss to read out their answers. -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. 100 million tons 2. Nuclear and Hydroelectricity 3. 18 million tons -T elicits the tense and the language which is ised in the passage from Ss. a. Useful language: + using simple past tense + to be under / over + figure . . . + to make up the largest . . . + to account for / to take the smallest . . . a small amount of . . . / a large proportion of . . ./ a large percentage of . . . b. Outlining + Give out the topic sentence. + Write some detailed sentences / support ideas for the topic sentence. T1 Ss S1 S T1 Ss While-writing (22 minutes) Writing a description of a chart -Basing on the chart in the textbook on page 130, T asks Ss to write a description of the trends in energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland. -T sets the time limited in five minutes. -T goes around the class and gives help where needed. Correction -T asks Ss to swap their papers and do the correction. -T gets some Ss to read aloud their writings. -T gives feedback. S T 1 Ss S 1 S T 1 Ss Post- writing (8 minutes) Groupwork – Speaking -T asks Ss to work in groups of four to talk about how to save sources of energy. -T asks Ss to use the useful languages they have studied in the lesson. -T moves around the class and gives help to Ss. -T calls on some Ss to present their ideas in front of the class. -T collects remarks from other Ss. -T gives feedback. Ss 1 Ss S 1 Ss T 1 Ss Homework (2 minutes) -T asks Ss to rewrite the comparison of the chart into their notebooks. -T asks students to prepare Language Focus for next period. T 1 Ss Date: February 14th, 2011 Period 68 Unit 11(cont.) SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: practise pronunciation and distinguish the sounds / ∫r /, / spl / and / spr /. understand the use of Relative Clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives. write the sentences with Relative Clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives. II. Language Focus: Grammar: as above New words: III. Teaching Aids: textbooks, poster, pictures . . . IV. Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (3minutes) Game -T shows a picture or a realia of a shrimp, a split ring, spring onion. Then T asks: + What are these? ¦ They are a shrimp, a split ring, a piece of spring onion. -T asks Ss to listen to T and repeat the above words. -T elicits the consonant clusters / ∫r /, / spl / and / spr /. -T asks Ss to notice the sounds and leads in the the new lesson. T 1 Ss S T 1 Ss Pro-nunciation (7 minutes) Activity 1 – Listen and repeat -T demonstrates the sounds / ∫r /, / spl / and / spr /. by pronouncing them exactly and clearly. -T instructs the ways to pronounce the sounds. -T asks Ss to pronounce the sounds several times. -T makes sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the sounds. Activity 2 – Practise these sentences -T plays the tape and asks them to repeat. -T calls on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly and slowly. -T asks Ss to work in pairs and practise the sentences. -T introduces peer correction. -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary. T 1 Ss T 1 Ss S Ss 1 Ss Grammar (12 minutes) A. Presentation Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitves 1. Active participles (V-ing) cause effect/ action. -T shows a picture of a girl playing with a dog and tells Ss: She is Lan’s sister. What is she doing? ¦ She is playing with her dog. Who can combine these sentences into one? * The girl who is playing with the dog is Lan’s sister. ¦ The girl playing with the dog is Lan’s sister. ¦ The man speaking to John is my brother. -T elicits the rules from Ss and write down on the board: We can use a present participle to replace a relatice clause which has an active meaning. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2. Passive participles (V-ed) are caused or effected by an agent (thing/ person). -T shows the second picture and tells Ss: The picture describes the traditional festivals. It was drawn by a blind. -T asks Ss to combine the two sentences into one. * The picture which was drawn by a blind describes the traditional festival. ¦ The picture drawn by a blind describes the traditional festivals -T elicits the rules from Ss and write down on the board: We can use a past participle to replace a relatice clause which has passive meaning. 3. Infinitive Relative Clauses -T asks Ss some questions: a. Which was the first country which won the world cup? -T has Ss ask that question in another way. ¦ Which was the first country to win the world cup? b. The last person who leaves will have to turn out the lights. ¦ . The last person to leave will have to turn out the lights. -T asks Ss to look at the examples carefully and then T elicits the rules from Ss. -T writes the rules on the board: We often use to-infinitives to replace relative clauses after ordinal numbers (first, second . . .), after next and last, after only, and after superlative adjectives. T 1 Ss S T 1 Ss T 1 Ss S T 1 Ss T 1 Ss S T 1 Ss (7 minutes) B. Practice Activity 1 – Rewriting the sentences using present participles -T asks Ss to do exercise 1 individually, using relative clauses. -T asks Ss to compare the answers with their partners. -T calls on some Ss to read aloud the sentences. -T gives feedback and correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. The boy playing the piano is Bend. 2. Do you know the woman coming toward us? 3. The people wating for the bus in the rain are getting wet. (To be continued ¦ see the textbooks) S S 1 S T 1 Ss (7 minutes) Activity 2 – Rewriting the sentences using past participles -T gets Ss to do Exercise 2 individually. -T goes around and gives helps to Ss. -T asks Ss to compare their results with others. -T gives feeback and correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. The ideas presented in that book are interesting. 2. I come from a city located in southern part of the country. 3. They live in a house built in 1890. (To be continued ¦ see the textbooks) S S 1 S T 1 Ss (7 minutes) Activity 3 – Rewriting the sentences using infinitive phrases -T gets Ss to do Exercise 3 individually. -T goes around and gives helps to Ss. -T asks Ss to compare their results with others. -T gives feeback and correct answers. * Expected answers: 1. John was the last man to reach the top of the mountain. 2. The last person to leave to room must turn off the light. 3. The first person (for us) to see is Mr. Minh. (To be continued ¦ see the textbooks) S S 1 S T 1 Ss Homework (2 minutes) - T asks Ss to continue doing the remaning exercises. - T asks Ss to prepare UNIT 12 T 1 Ss
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