Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 4 : Ethnic groups of Viet Nam - Lesson 1: Getting started

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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 4 : Ethnic groups of Viet Nam - Lesson 1: Getting started, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Date of planning:
Date of teaching: 
 I’m from the Tay ethnic group

I. OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain the following:
1. Knowledge:
- To introduce the topic about the topic Ethnic groups of Viet Nam 
- To practice listening and reading skills .
+ Vocabulary: 
- Use vocabulary to talk about Ethnic groups of Viet Nam
+ Distinguish two sounds /k / and / g / correctly
+ Grammar:- Yes/ No and Wh- questions
 - Countable and uncountable nouns
2. Competence: 
- To practice listening and reading skills .
- Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.
- Be co-operative and supportive in pair work and teamwork. 
- Be actively join in class activities.
3. Qualities: 
- Love talking about Ethnic groups of Viet Nam
- Develop self-study skills.
- Teacher: Grade 8 text book, projector / TV.....
- Students : Text books, workbook 
- Computer connected to the Internet
* Objectives:
- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new lesson.
- Introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language; 
- Get students' attention at the beginning of the class by enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the follow-up steps.
* Content: To have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson.
* Expected outcomes: Having a chance to speak English. Ss have general ideas about the topic Ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions 
Teacher’s Student’s activities
+ Greeting 
- Teacher asks Ss to work in 2 groups and think of some ethnic groups in Viet Nam.
- Teacher writes the name of one ethnic group as a modelling activity.
- Ss (one by one) go to the board and write the names of ethnic groups in Viet Nam that they know.
- Teacher checks Ss’ results.
- The group with more correct names of ethnic groups in Viet Nam becomes the winner.

+ Greeting ; T_Ss.
+ Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do the tasks.
 Ethnic groups
Net work the Tay
Suggested answers:
The Tay, the Nung, the Yao, the Kinh, the Brau, the Hani, the Hmong, the Bahnar, the Bru, the Muong, the Koho, the Giay, 
* Objectives:
- To set the context for the introductory dialogue;
- To introduce the topic of the unit. Ss know words about ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
* Content: Learn some new words . Read the conversation and find out new words. Focus on topic of the lesson, grammar points
* Expected outcomes: Knowing more new words. Ss know how to pronounce the new words correctly and use them in appropriate situations.Students know the topic of the unit and be ready for the conversation. 
* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions. 
Teacher’s Student’s activities
ACTIVITY1. Listen and read / Page 40
* Teach vocabulary:
 + Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia, translation.)
+ Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
 - providing the pictures
 - eliciting the definition of the words
+ Teacher do the “Matching ” checking technique.
- Teacher reveals that these six words will appear in the reading text and asks students to open their textbooks to discover further.
**Set the context: Have Ss look at the title and the picture, and answer some questions, e.g. What do you think Lai and Tom are talking about?, Do you know anything about the Tay ethnic group?
- Encourage Ss to answer.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and read along. Then invite some pairs of Ss to read the conversation aloud.
- Refer to the questions previously asked and ask Ss if they would like to change / add anything to their previous answers.
- Teacher asks some pairs of students to read the conversation aloud.
- Teacher asks Ss if they would like to change or add anything to their previous answers.

- T_Ss 
* Vocabulary
1. ethnic (adj) (group) (nhóm) dân tộc 
2. post (n) cột
3. overlook (v) nhìn ra
4. stilt house (n) nhà sàn
5. costume (n) trang phục
6. terraced field (n) ruộng bậc thang
- What do you think Lai and Tom are talking about?
- Do you know anything about the Tay ethnic group?
Suggested answers:
- They are talking about the Tay ethnic group/ an ethnic group/ 
3. PRACTICE ( 15’)
* Objectives:
2.To help Ss understand the conversation.
3.To help Ss learn some vocabulary from the conversation visually (using the picture)
to ensure they know the correct meanings of the words.
4. To develop Ss’ vocabulary related to the topic in the sentences.
* Content: Listen and read the conversation. Read the conversation and circle the correct answer ; Matching the pictures with the words/ phrases. Complete the sentences
* Expected outcomes: Students can read and understand general and specific information about the Tay ethnic group.
* Organisation : 
Teacher’s Student’s activities
ACTIVITY 2: Read the conversation again and circle the correct answers. 
- Encourage Ss to answer the questions without referring to the conversation.
- Confirm the correct answers.
- Teacher has Ss compare the answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.
- Teacher checks the answers as a class and gives feedback.
- T_Ss
- Work individually.
* Key: 
1. C
2. B
3. A

ACTIVITY 3: Match the pictures with the word and phrases from the conversation. 
- Ask Ss to read the word and phrases (and find where they appear in the conversation if necessary) and fook at the pictures. 
- Ask them to match the pictures with the word and phrases.
- Ask Ss to say the word and phrases aloud. Make sure they pronounce them correctly.
- Check the answers as a class.

 - T_ Ss
- Ss work individually.
* Key: 
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
ACTIVITY 4: Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.
- Ask Ss to work independently to fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase from the box.
- Teacher checks the answers as a class and gives feedback.

- T_ Ss. Ss work independently 
* Key: 
1. folk dance
2. overlooks
3. musical instrument
4. traditional
5. ethnic groups
* Objectives:
- To allow Ss to locate where some large ethnic groups in Viet Nam live.
+ Further practice. Label the map with names of the ethnic groups. 
* Content: - Ss can locate the living places of some large ethnic groups in Viet Nam . Playning GAME
* Expected outcomes: Ss have a better understanding of ethnic groups in Viet Nam.
* Organisation : 
Teacher’s Student’s activities
ACTIVITY 5: GAME : “Where are they?”. Work in groups. Discuss and label the maps
+ Allow Ss one minute to discuss and label the map with the names of the ethnic groups from the box.
- Call on some groups to say aloud their answers.
- Confirm the correct answers.
* Get feedback.
- T_ Ss
- Ss work individually.
Answer key:
1. Hmong
2. Nung
3. Ede
4. Bahnar
5. Khmer
6. Cham

- Write the names of ethnic groups again on board. Ask Ss to say aloud some words and phrases from the lesson that they can remember.
- If there is an overhead projector in the classroom, show the conversation and highlight the keywords related to the topic.
- Learn by heart all the words that they have just learnt
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Start preparing for the Project of the unit:
- Teacher randomly puts Ss in groups of 4 or 5 and asks them to choose an ethnic group in Viet Nam that you are most interested in and make a poster about it (suggested information in Project lesson). Students will show and present their posters in Lesson 7 – Looking back and Project. (Teacher should check the progress of students’ preparation after each lesson.)
- Prepare new lesson: Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1 . 

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_global_success_unit_4_ethnic_groups.docx