Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Rewrite sentences

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Rewrite sentences
1. Simon would found a new company whenever he ran into difficulties. (USED)
→ Whenever Simon ran into difficulties, __________________________________ up a new company.
2. Lary sought to dissuade them from selling the ranch. (TALK)
→ Larry tried _______________________________________________________ the ranch.
3. “I’ll take you anywhere, no matter where it is.” Jim promised her. (WHEREVER)
→ Jim promised to _______________________________________________ wanted to go.
4. He is sure to figure out what happened eventually. (MATTER)
→ It’s only ______________________________________________________ out what happened.
5. I was forced to confess to cheating in the exam. (MADE)
→ They ____________________________________________________ up to cheating in the exam.
6. Mark didn’t want to be discovered, so he carried out his plan in the mddle of night. (FOR)
→ Mark carried out his plan in the middle of the night ________________________________ out.
7. Most people won’t tolerate being lied to. (UP)
→ Very _____________________________________________________________ being lied to.
8. He advised me so half-heartedly that I was left wondering what to do. (ADVICE)
→ He gave me such ________________________________________ a loss as to what I should do.
9. It’s a pity they can’t abolish military service. (DO AWAY)
→ If ______________________________________________________ with military service.
10. You must never take your helmet off while riding a motorcycle. (TIMES) 
→ Your helmet ______________________________________________________ ride a motorcycle.
11. In her math class, only Sheila succeeded in fiding the solution to the problem. (CAME)
→ Sheila was __________________________________ the solution to the problem in her math class.
12. It is not necessary to be so upset about the result of the match. (SHED)
→ There is ___________________________________________ the results of the match.
13. You have to eat less sugar to avoid obesity. (CUT)
→ You are __________________________________________ to avoid obesity.
14. Experts believe that the landslides were caused by recent floods. (RESULTED)
→ The landslides ______________________________________________ recent floods.
15. Should you persist in you defiance of instructions, we will take disciplinary action. (GO)
→ If you __________________________________________________________________ taken.
16. Their scheme is brilliant, but it won’t succeed. (DOOMED)
→ Brilliant ______________________________________________ failure.
17. If you changed your mind, you’d be welcome to join our staff. (DELIGHTED)
→ Were you _________________________________________________ to have you on the staff.
18. Jackie really has no idea of the difficulty of driving to London during rush hour. (HOW)
→ Little _____________________________________________ drive to London during rush hour.
19. The teacher spoke with enormous conviction and carried the students with him. (WHICH)
→ Such ______________________________________________ that he carried the students with him.
20. Can we really justify the idea that human lives matter more than nonhuman lives? (WEIGHT)
→ It’s possible for us to ________________________________________________ nonhuman lives?
21. The sheer magnitude of the project was bewildering. (SCALE)
→ I was __________________________________________________________ of the project.
22. Misfortune can turn even wealthy people into beggars on the street overnight. (REDUCED)
→ Even wealthy people _________________________________ on the street overnight by misfortune.
23. We often refused to accept new ideas as we grew old. (IMMUNE)
→ We often _________________________________________________________ as we grew old.
24. We keep meeting accidentally, don’t we? (RUNNING)
→ We are __________________________________________________ other, aren’t we?
25. Apart from their age, they are two absolutely different people. (COMMON)
→ The two of ____________________________________________________ apart from their age.
26. She may seem quiet and reserved but her music is bursting with strong emotions. (HOWEVER)
→ ____________________________________________, her music is bursting with emotions.
27. Plastic is such an integral product of convenience in our daily lives that we simply take it for granted. (PAUSE)
→ We seldom _________________since it’s such an integral product for convenience in our daily lives.
28. The artist often tells his students that freedom, not moner, is the meaning of success. (SO MUCH)
→ The artist often tells his students that success is not _____________________________ freedom.
29. Even though we tried to follow Peter and Bob as closely as we could, we soon got separated. (LONG)
→ We tried to follow Peter and Bob as closely as we could but it ________________us to get separated.
30. Passengers are absolutely forbidden to cross the railway track. (ALLOWED)
→ On _______________________________________________________________ the railway track.
31. We should have had someone repair the roof in the dry season rather than leaving it until the rainy one. (BETTER)
→ It would ___________________________ repaired in the fry season rather than leaving it until the rainy one. 
32. The company avoids employing unqualified staff unless there is no alternative. (RESORT)
→ Only _______________________________________________________ unqualified staff.
33. Williams suggested a guest list should be written. (DRAWN)
→ “Why ______________________________________________________,” said Williams.
34. Bill was concentrating hard on his work, so he didn’t notice when I came in (WRAPPED)
→ Bill was so ________________________________________________ notice of my coming in.
35. Ben is far superior to Dylan in terms of technical knowledge. (MATCH)
→ When it __________________________________________________________ for Ben. 
36. She always enjoys this programme alothough whe watches it very often. (FREQUENTLY)
→ Howerver _______________________________________________ she never tires of it.
37. The organizers planned everything as carefully as they could possibly have done. (UTMOST)
→ Everything ________________________________________________________ the organizers.
38. “The situation won’t be repeated in the future, I promise” said Mike to his mother. (WORD)
→ Mike _______________________________________ repetition of the situation in the future.
39. Jack admitted that he was resposible for the broken window. (OWNED)
→ It was ______________________________________________________________ the window.
40. I do not have enough money to have the automatic lighting installed. (PUT)
→ Were ______________________________________________________________________
41. When the war broke out, a lot of Ukrainians fled o neighbor countries to escape misfortune. (NECK)
→ No sooner __________________________________________________________________
42. The management board decided to offer the strikers a pay rise to alleviate their anger. (FEATHERS)
→ With a _____________________________________________________________________
43. It was wrong of the antifans to make negative influence on the journalists about the star. (PREJUDICED)
→ The antifans should ___________________________________________________________
44. Kevin was so intersted in the hockey match on Tv that he invented an excuse for his day off. (COOKED)
→ Such _______________________________________________________________________
45. No one can believe that Laura earns money to support the whole family at such a tender age. (BACON)
→ Hardly ______________________________________________________________________
46. The local authorities made the museum suitable for the public hall after the war. (KEYED)
→ It was _______________________________________________________________________
47. Nice art works from litter should be exhibited now. (LAUNCHED)
→ It’s high _____________________________________________________________________
48. Our team could not have been favoured by the judges if we had been experienced enough. (WIN)
→ Due to ______________________________________________________________________
49. Although quiet members seem to be patient, they do not always take criticism. (COME)
→ Patient ______________________________________________________________________

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  • docxon_tap_mon_tieng_anh_lop_9_rewrite_sentences.docx
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