Ôn tập tuyển sinh lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Phần 2

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I.	Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1.	A. magnificent	B. delay	C. bank	D. travel
2.	A. checkout	B. erode	C. exotic	D. decision
3.	A. reasonable	B. resort	C. season	D. excursion
4.	A. safari	B. stalagmite	C. lag	D. package
5.	A. explore	B. environment	C. resort	D. expedition
6.	A. practiced	B. learned	C. asked	D. watched
7.	A. school	B. scholarship	C. chemistry	D. children
8.	 A. bushes	B. wishes	C. researches	D. headaches
9. A. laughs	B. drops	C. maintains	D. imports
10. A. ranked	B. gained	C. prepared	D. proved
II.	Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1.	A. safari	B. breathtaking	C. traveller	D. sightseeing
2.	A. vacation	B. delicious	C. excursion	D. holiday
3.	A. original	B. stimulating	C. imperial	D. geography
4.	A. magnificence	B. destination	C. affordable	D. accessible
5.	A. habitat	B. addition	C. fantastic	D. discover
wanted, needed, demanded, suggested, mended, hated, visited, ...
walked, liked, stopped, raped, washed, watched, laughed, sentenced, rated, breathed, stated, looked, cooked, sniffed, missed, mixed, ...
played, studied, changed, matched, decreed, ...

I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. There is__________ sugar in the jar.
A. a little	B. a few	C. any	D. many
2. My mother has__________ milk, not enough to feed my little brother.
A. a lot of	B. little	C. any	D. many
3. They have__________ rice, enough to cook a meal.
A. a lot	B. little	C. many	D. a little
4. The chef cooked__________ food for the party.
A. many	B. few	C. much	D. a few
5. We don’t like drinking__________ soft drink.
A. many	B. some	C. much	D. a few
6. Don't worry about lunch. I've bought __________ sandwiches.
A. a lot	B. some	C. any	D. much
7. Could you bring me __________ glass of lemonade, please?
 A. a	B. some	C. any	D. many
II. Match the food quantifiers with the nouns. Some quantifiers can go with more than one noun.
1. A teaspoon of  (1 muỗng cà phê . )
2. A bottle of  (1 chai. )
3. 300 grams of  (300 gam .)
4. A stick of  (Một cọng )
5. A bunch of (1 chùm , nải )
6. A head of  (1 cây ..)
7. A slice of  (1 lát .)
8. A clove of  (1 nhánh)
a. milk
b. garlic
c. celery ( cần tây)
d. cabbage
e. salami
f. beef
g. sugar
h. grape
1 + 
2 +
3 + 
4 + 
5 +
6 + 
7 + 
8 +

III. Circle the correct answer. 
1. Don't put too much bacon in the dish. A pinch/ slice is enough.
2. To make this soup, you need two slices/sticks of celery.
3. There isn't some/any butter in the fridge. We should go to the supermarket to buy some/any.
4. Can you go to the convenience store and buy me a tin/bag of rice?
5. Slice a clove/loaf of garlic, then add some honey.
6. Look! This bunch/cup of grapes is so fresh.
IV. Extra
I. a bunch of
a bunch of bananas = a hand of bananas : một nải chuối
a bunch of flowers / grapes / keys : 1 bó hoa / chùm nho, chùm chìa khóa
II. a piece of
1. be a piece of cake – một cách muốn miêu tả điều gì đó rất dễ thực hiện
I passed the mid-term test. The quiz was a piece of cake. (Tôi đã đỗ kì thi giữa kì rồi. Câu hỏi rất dễ.)
2. a piece of clothing: một mảnh quần áo
3. a piece of equipment : một mảnh thiết bị
4. a piece of paper (= a whole sheet) : 1 tờ giấy
5. a piece of information : 1 chút tin tức
6. a piece of advice : Một lời khuyên
7. a piece of luggage : một kiện hành lý
8. a piece of furniture: một món đồ gỗ (bàn, ghế)
9. a piece of music: một đoạn nhạc, một bản nhạc
10. a piece of news: một bản tin
 Câu điều kiện gồm 2 mệnh đề : 
1. Mệnh đề if (if / unless clause) : Nêu lên điều kiện
2. Mệnh đề chính (main clause ) : Dẫn đến kết quả
Mệnh đề if / unless có thể đứng trước hoặc đứng sau mệnh đề chính . Nếu Mệnh đề if / unless đứng trước thì phải có dấu phảy ngăn cách giữa 2 mệnh đề.
Ex: If it rains, I’ll stay at home. = I’ll stay at home if it rains.
 TYPE 1 ( Real conditional sentence ): Diễn tả điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
 If clause 
 Main clause

If + S + V1/ Vs,es .. , 
 don’t / doesn’t + V1 , 
 to be : am / is / are 
 to have : have / has / don’t have / 
 doesn’t have 
1. If I ( have ) . time , 
2. If we ( try )  hard , 
3. If you ( not work ) .., 

1. S + shall / will + V1
 shall not / won’t + V1
2. S + will/ can/ may/ might/ must + V 1
I ( visit ) .. .you. 
we ( pass ) .. the exam.
you ( get ) .. no money.

 Ex : If you don’t study hard , you’ll fail the exam. 
 -> Unless you study hard, you’ll fail the exam.
Note: Modal verbs in Conditional sentence Type 1
1. If you cut your finger, it will bleed. (Nếu bạn cắt vào ngón tay, nó sẽ bị chảy máu.)
2. If you finish your dinner, you can watch TV.(Nếu ăn xong, con có thể xem tivi.)
=> permission – sự cho phép
3. She can learn to become a good cook if she tries hard. => ability – khả năng
(Cô ấy có thể học để trở thành một đầu bếp giỏi nếu cô ấy cố gắng.)
4. If he likes eating spicy food, he may/might add chilli. => possibility – khả năng
(Nếu anh ta thích ăn đồ cay, anh ta có lẽ sẽ thêm ớt vào.)
5. If you don't want to get burnt, you must follow these safety instructions. 
(Nếu bạn không muốn bị bỏng, bạn phải tuân thủ theo hướng dẫn an toàn.)
=> necessity – cần thiết
6. If you feel unwell, you shouldn't eat fast food. => advice – lời khuyên
(Nếu cảm thấy không khỏe, không nên ăn đồ ăn nhanh)
 TYPE 2 ( Present unreal condition): ĐK không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Mệnh đề điều kiện ( Nếu)
Mệnh đề chính ( thì)
If + S + V(ed/V2)
S + would/ could/ might + V1 
IF + I,you, we,they,he,she,it + were
IF + I,he,she,it + were/was
S + would/ could/ might + V1
- Trong văn phong trang trọng, chúng ta thường sử dụng “were” thay cho “was”

Exercise 1. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. If the train is late, we _________ to the office.
	A. walk	B. will walk	C. would walk	D. walks
2. She _________ if she has time.
	A. calls	B. would call	C. will call	D. calling
3. If it _________ too much, I will buy the smaller one.
	A. costs	B. will cost	C. would cost	D. cost
4. If the class. _________ full, we will find another one.
	A. are	B. will be	C. were	D. is
5. What will we do if the taxi _________?
	A. don’t come	B. didn’t come	C. doesn’t come	D. had not come
6. If it snowed this summer, we _________ skiing.
	A. goes	B. will go	C. would go	D. go
7. If he _________ up earlier, he’d get to work on time.
	A. gets	B. will get	C. got	D. had got
8. I would tell you more about it if we _________ more time.
	A. has	B. will have	C. have	D. had
9. If I _________ you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.
	A. am	B. be	C. were	D. had been
10. If you _________ any money, I’d give you some.
	A. hadn’t had	B. haven’t had	C. don’t have	D. didn’t have
Exercise 2. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. You’d earn more money if you _________ more products.
	A. to sell	B. sell	C. sold	D. will sell
2. What would you do if he_________ tomorrow ?
	A. resigned	B. will resign	C. resigns	D. to resign
3 I’ll do it if he _________ me.
	A. asking	B. will ask	C. asked	D. asks
4. If I _____, I would express my feelings.
	A. were asked	B. would ask	C. had been asked	D. asked
5. Will you be angry if I _____ your pocket dictionary?
	A. stole	B. have stolen	C. were to steal	D. steal
6. If the wall weren't so high, he _____ it up to take his ball down.
	A. climbed	B. could climb	C. is climbing	D. climb
7. If he ______ the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him.
	A. tells	B. told	C. had told	D. would tell
8. If you press that button what _____?
	A. would happen	B. would have happened C. will happen	D. happen
9. I am very thin. I think, if I _____ smoking, I might get fat.
	A. stop	B. had stopped	C. will stop	D. stopped
10. I think he is not at home. If he _____ in, he ______ the phone.
	A. is/ answered	B. were / would answer
	C. were/ would have answered	D.had been/ would have answered
Exercise 3. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. If I ______ in London now, I could visit British Museum.
	A. were	B. had been	C. have been	D. would be
2. If someone _________ into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”
	A. comes	B. came	C. come	D. should come
3. If she __________ him, she would be very happy.
	A. would meet	B. will meet	C. met	D. should meet
4. If I had enough money, I ___________ abroad to improve my English.
	A. will go	B. would go	C. went	D. should have go to
5. If it _________ convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight.
	A. be	B. is	C. was	D. were
6. “Here’s my phone number”.
 - “Thanks. I’ll give you a call if I_______________some help tomorrow”
	A. will need	B. need	C. would need	D. needed
7. John _____ win more races if he trained harder.
	A. would	B. will	C. would have	D. shall
8. If the machine _______, press this button.
	A. stop	B. stops	C. would stop	D. stopped
9. Rachel will be pleased _________ she passes her driving test.
	A. should	B. will	C. if	D. unless
10. If everyone _____ an extra hour a day, it would greatly increase production.
	A. work	B. works	C. working	D. worked
Exercise 4: Rewrite sentences
Example: Peter has such a lot of English homework that he won’t go to the party.
→ If Peter didn’t have such a lot of English homework, he would go to the party.
1. I don't feel confident at interviews because my English is not very good.
=> If my English 
2. Minh doesn't read many English books because she doesn't have time.
=> If Minh ....
3. I think you should spend more time improving  your pronunciation.
=> If I .
4. He is too young to see horror films. 
-> If he ..
5. We can't offer you the job because you can't speak English.
=> If you 
6. You come to the airport 15 minutes late. You miss the flight.
->If you .
7. Save your money or you will not be able to buy the house .
-> If ..
8. Do it carefully or you will feel sorry afterwards.
-> If .
9. The weather is too cold, so they can’t go swimming.
-> If .
10. She is too old, so she can’t apply for the job.
-> If .
11. I think you should play sports to keep fit.
-> If you.....................................................................
-> If I .....................................................................
12. I don’t have enough time, so I won’t visit them.
-> If .
13. You work too fast, so you make many mistakes.
-> If .
14. He smokes too much, that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.
-> If .
15. Go out more often, or you’ll fall ill.
-> If .
16. Be careful or you’ll fall off your bike.
-> If .
17. Most of the students fall asleep because the lecture is very boring.
-> If .
18. I can’t buy the house because it is too expensive.
-> If 
Exercise 5. Read the situation and write a sentence with "If".
1.You never check your writing, so you make a lot of mistakes.
-> If 
2.	I never do my homework, so my teacher always gets angry with me.
-> If 
3. She doesn’t have any friends, so she feels lonely.
-> If 
4. Katie is usually tired because she works too much.
-> If 
5.This boy eats too much snacks. That’s why he is so fat.
-> If 
6.We can’t attend English class because we don’t have time.
-> If 
7. He doesn’t watch horror films because he has a weak heart.
-> If 
8.I think you should spend more time reading English books.
-> If I 
9. Mai often talks to foreigners. That’s why she is fluent in English.
-> If 
10.	I can’t reply his email because I don’t know German.
-> If 
* Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences using the conditional sentences . 
1. Drinking enough water everyday will make us healthy.
-> If we 
2. Doing exercise regularly will make us healthier.
-> If we 
3. We will live a happier and healthier life, but we have to keep our environment clean.
-> If we 
4. The more you practice, the better your writing will be.
-> If you 
5. Jack wants to take Ann to the airport, but he is so busy.
-> If Jack 
6. My advice is that Quang should study hard for the upcoming exam.
-> If I 
7. Unless you try your best, your dream will never come true.
-> If .
8. Unless she came early, she would miss the train.
-> If .
9. I can’t write to you if you don’t give me your address.
-> Unless 
10. You will catch a bad cold unless you keep your feet dry.
->You will catch a bad cold if 
11. If we don’t leave now, we’ll miss the start of the film.
-> Unless 
12. He’ll be cold if he doesn’t wear his raincoat.
-> Unless 
13. I won’t go to school unless I feel better.
-> If .
14. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone. 
-> Unless 
15. Why don’t you study hard ? 
-> If I .
* Exercise 7: Rewrite these sentences so that the meaning stays the same. 
1. Why don’t you stop smoking? 
-> If.....................................................................................................................................................
2. I think you should sell your old car
-> If I .............................................................................................................................. ..
3. Working so much will make you tired. 
-> If.................................................................................................................................................... 
4. You had better not touch that switch.
-> If I .....................................................................................................................................
5.With hard work, he can improve his pronunciation quickly.
-> If ................................................................................................... 
6. My advice is that Mary should apply for that job. 
-> If I .....................................................................................................................................
7. The match can be cancelled because it rains heavily. 
-> If... 
8. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test. 
->If ....................................................................................................................................... 
9. You must work harder, or you won’t pass the exam. 
-> You won’t.................................................................................................................................... 
10. She must apologize to me, or I’ll never speak to her again. 
-> I’ll................................................................................................................................................ 
* Exercise 8
1. People drive very fast, that’s why there are so many accidents.
-> If ...
2. I live near my office, so I don’t spend much time traveling to work.
-> If ...
3. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
4. Because you don’t leave immediately, I call the police.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
5. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
6. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
7. As she is often absent from class, she can’t keep pace with her classmates.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
8. Today isn’t Sunday, so the children can’t go swimming.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
9. This chair is too heavy for him to move.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
10. The heavy rain keeps everybody from going out.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
11. You will avoid waiting by booking a table in advance.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
12. She hasn’t got a watch. She’s always late.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
13. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
-> ....................................................................................................................................................
14. Caroline isn't rich enough to buy an apartment, otherwise she would do that.
-> If ..............................................................................................................................................
15. In your position I think I would have a check-up once a year. 
-> If I ..............................................................................................................................................
** Exercise 9
1.	Vegetarians don’t eat meat.
=>	If you’re a vegetarian, 
2.	People who live in a cold country don’t like hot weather.
=>	If you live ..
3.	Teachers have to work very hard.
=>	If you’re a teacher, 
4.	People who do a lot of exercise stay fit and healthy.
=> If you ..
5.	People who read newspapers know what’s happening in the world.
=> If you .
- Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative clause) còn được gọi là mệnh đề tính ngữ (adjective clause) dùng để cung cấp thêm thông tin về cái gì đó / ai đó hoặc để xác định một vật cụ thể / người cụ thể mà chúng ta đang nói đến. Mệnh đề quan hệ đứng liền sau danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa.
Cách dùng các đại từ quan hệ 
WHO:  là đại từ quan hệ chỉ người, đứng sau danh từ chỉ người để làm chủ ngữ (subject) hoặc tân ngữ (object) cho động từ đứng sau nó. 
WHOM:  là đại từ quan hệ chỉ người, đứng sau danh từ chỉ người để làm tân ngữ (object) cho động từ đứng sau nó. 
WHICH:  là đại từ quan hệ chỉ vật, đứng sau danh từ chỉ vật để làm chủ ngữ (Subject) hoặc tân ngữ(object) cho động từ đứng sau nó. 
THAT:  là đại từ quan hệ chỉ cả người lẫn vật. That có thể được dùng thay cho who, whom, which trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (defining relative clause) – Mệnh đề không có dấu phảy
WHOSE:  là đại từ quan hệ chỉ sở hữu. Whose đứng sau danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật và thay cho tính từ sở hữu trước danh từ.
WHEN:  là đại từ quan hệ chỉ thời gian, When được dùng thay cho at/on/ in which, then.
WHERE: Where là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn, đứng sau danh từ chỉ nơi chốn. Where được dùng thay cho at/in/to which, there. 
WHY: Why là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ lý do, đứng sau the reason. Why được dùng thay cho for which.
II. PHÂN LOẠI : Mệnh đề quan hệ trong tiếng anh được phân làm 2 loại:
1. Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (defining / restrictive relative clause)
2. Mệnh đề không xác định (non-defining/ non-restrictive relative clause)

Đây là loại mệnh đề cần thiết vì danh từ đứng trước chưa xác định, không có nó câu sẽ không đủ nghĩa.
- The man who keeps the school library is Mr Green. (Người đàn ông mà trông coi thư viện trường là ông Green.)
- Đây là loại mệnh đề không cần thiết vì danh từ đứng trước đã được xác định, không có nó câu vẫn đủ nghĩa. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định được ngăn với mệnh đề chính bằng các dấu phẩy. 
-Trước dấu phảy thường có các từ xác định : this, that, these, those, my, his + Noun  hoặc tên riêng.
- That man, whom you saw yesterday, is Mr. Pike. CHÚ Ý: Không được dùng “that” trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (non-defining relative clause).
(Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định, không có dấu phảy)
- The student who/that won the competition is my cousin.
- The rock (which/ that) they found last week may have landed on Earth from the moon.
- The man (whom / that) you met yesterday is coming to my house for dinner.
- They live in a house whose roof / the roof of which is full of holes.
- An elephant is an animal that/ which lives in hot countries.
Sự vật
Chủ từ
Túc từ
Sở hữu cách
whose /of which

Khi đại từ quan hệ, ngoại trừ “whose”, đóng vai trò tân ngữ trong câu, đồng thời KHÔNG THEO SAU DẤU PHẨY HAY GIỚI TỪ, bạn có thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ với nghĩa không thay đổi. 
Ví dụ:
This is the bookshelf which I buy. –> This is the bookshelf I buy. 
This is my comic, which I bought 2 years ago. ( KHÔNG bỏ which được)
(Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định – có dấu phảy)
- Taylor Swift, who is famous all round the world, is a singer. 
   (Taylor Swift, người nổi tiếng khắp thế giới, là một ca sĩ.)
- Hanoi, which is the capital of Vietnam, has been developing rapidly in recent years. (Hà Nội, thủ đô của Việt Nam, đã phát triển nhanh chóng trong những năm gần đây.)
- I’ve just come back from London, where John lives.
- Yesterday I met a woman named Susan, whose husband works in London.

Sự vật
Chủ từ
Túc từ
who /whom
Sờ hữu cách


Thay thế cho các từ đứng trước là :
when ( thời gian)
the time, then, period, day, month, year
where ( nơi chốn)
there, here, place, 
why ( lý do)
the reason, for which

Exercise 1. Fill in each gap with suitable relative pronoun : where , when , why or, which 
1. Let's go to a country _________________ the sun always shines.
2. Mr Bike will buy the house _________________ is opposite to my house . 
3. This is the place _________________ the battle took place 40 years ago . 
4. The town _________________ we are living in is noisy . 
6. Sunday is the day _________________ we usually go fishing . 
8. I’ll never forget the day _________________ I first met her . 
9. This is the hotel _________________ we stayed last summer . 
10. Tell me the reason _________________ you have cancelled the tour . 
12. I wish to see the factory _________________ your father used to work . 
 13. That’s the house _________________ I was born. 
 14. The city _________________ I lived as a child has been pulled down now . 
 15. We’re going to London , _________________ is famous for Big Ben .
16.The reason _________________ I came here today is not important.
17. Do you remember the time _________________ we all went hiking?
Exercise 2. Combine these sentences using : Relative Clause
1. The house has been built in the forest. It doesn’t have electricity.
2. Do you know the man? He is coming towards us.
3. I sent my parents some postcards. They were not so expensive.
-> Some postcards .
4. I come from a city. The city is located by the sea.
-> The city ..
5. The salad was so delicious. I had it for lunch.
6. I wrote an email to my brother. He lives in Italy.
7. Linh liked the waiter. He was very friendly.
8. We broke a car. It belonged to my uncle.
-> The car ..
9. She dropped a cup. It was new.
-> The cup .
10. Nam loves books. They have happy endings.
11. He lives in a city. It is in the north of Vietnam.
-> The city ..
12. The policeman was very kind. He showed me the way when I got lost.
13. She bought the car. Her father had recommended it.
14. I saw a man and his dog. They were familiar when I went to the park yesterday.
15. I can see the girl and her dog. They are running in the park.
16. The boy is Tom. You borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
17. John found a cat. Its leg was broken.
18. The children often go for picnics on Sundays. They have a lot of free time then.
19. He doesn’t know the reason. You didn’t go to the party last night for that reason.
20. The hotel was very clean. We stayed there.
Exercise 3. Combine these sentences using : Relative

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  • docxon_tap_tuyen_sinh_lop_10_mon_tieng_anh.docx